Which OC are you?

You and your friend are deciding what you are going to eat - pizza, or burgers. How does it play out?
We usually end up doing what I suggest.
I lead the dicussion in what we should have, and we tend to decide on what I want.
We both talk it out. It could go either way.
We both talk it out, but I'll probably let them get what they want.
I'd prefer them to make the call - even if I'd rather have something else.
Someone said something to you that upset you. Later when you meet up with a friend you are still thinking about what was said.
I bring it up to them, and ask for their support.
I might bring it up, if we're good enough friends.
I don't bring it up - it's not important, and I'm sure I'll get over it after I spend time with them.
I don't bring it up, but often my body language betrays when I'm upset.
I don't bring it up, and I don't indicate in anyway that my feelings were hurt.
How much thought do you put into your appearance?
Lots! I have an image to maintain.
Quite a bit - I feel more confident when I look nice.
An average amount. As long as I look nice!
I'm not too bothered - I care more about comfort.
I'm a terrible dresser - I don't really understand what looks good and what doesn't.
What do you find physically attractive?
Tall, dark, and handsome!
Nice face, nice body, and nice personality.
I don't care too much for physical appearance - but I find physical contact to be very comforting.
I like people who are a bit different, and attractive in their own ways.
I don't care for the conventional - I know exactly what I like, and I'm not afraid to own that.
You and your friends are having a halloween party! What are you dressed as?
I'm not very creative - I'll go as something fun, and easy!
Something classic, but cool - like a disney villian.
Someone from a scary movie!
Probably something matching with my partner! We'll both look great.
I'd go as something genuinely scary - I'll use my creativity and do my best to make a costume that'll scare my friends for real.
Are you introverted? Or Extroverted?
Somewhere in between.
You have a crush on someone - how do you handle?
Ask them out!
I'll consider it for a bit, but I'll likely make a move
I'll wait, and see if it's a good idea.
I won't tell them - I don't have the confidence to think they'll like me back.
Agonise over it. I tend to have very intense crushes, and it'll take me ages to do anything about it.
Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?
Somewhere in Between
What part of the body do you find most attractive?
What scares you?
Hurting others by accident.
The Future
Being Ridiculed.
Being Disliked.
You and your friends are watching a film - one scene dicusses something sad that you can relate to strongly, and it hits a little too close to home. How do you express it?
I bawl. I can't help it.
I cry, but try not to let anyone else in the room notice.
I go on my phone and ignore it until the scene has past.
I don't react, and keep a poker face.
I make the excuse to go to the bathroom, and try to calm down.
What's your ideal saturday night?
A cosy night in!
Going out with a close friend or my partner!
In bed, with my partner
Out on the town, and ending the night with someone.
Getting some fresh air, and putting some time into my hobbies
{"name":"Which OC are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"You and your friend are deciding what you are going to eat - pizza, or burgers. How does it play out?, Someone said something to you that upset you. Later when you meet up with a friend you are still thinking about what was said to you., How much thought do you put into your appearance?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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