Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Fri, 14 Aug 20
[2008.05475] Lucie Bakels, Aaron D. Ludlow, Chris Power: Pre-processing, group accretion and the orbital trajectories of associated subhaloes
[2008.05476] Michelle Vick, Morgan MacLeod, Dong Lai et al.: Tidal Dissipation Impact on the Eccentric Onset of Common Envelope Phases in Massive Binary Star Systems
[2008.05478] Kai Ikuta, Hiroyuki Maehara, Yuta Notsu et al.: Starspot mapping with adaptive parallel tempering I: Implementation of computational code
[2008.05479] Daniella M. Roberts, Anna M. Nierenberg, Annika H.G. Peter: Satellite Luminosity Functions of Low-Mass Galaxies
[2008.05480] Yayaati Chachan, Daniel Jontof-Hutter, Heather A. Knutson et al.: A Featureless Infrared Transmission Spectrum for the Super-Puff Planet Kepler-79d
[2008.05482] Vasco M. J. Henriques, Chris J. Nelson, Luc H. M. Rouppe van der Voort et al.: Umbral chromospheric fine structure and umbral flashes modelled as one: the corrugated umbra
[2008.05486] Hannah Übler, Shy Genel, Amiel Sternberg et al.: The Kinematics and Dark Matter Fractions of TNG50 Galaxies at z=2 from an Observational Perspective
[2008.05490] Dhruba Dutta Chowdhury, Frank C. Van den Bosch, Pieter van Dokkum: On the Evolution of the Globular Cluster System in NGC 1052-DF2: Dynamical Friction, Globular-Globular Interactions and Galactic T...
[2008.05495] Smaranika Banerjee, Masaomi Tanaka, Kyohei Kawaguchi et al.: Simulations of early kilonova emission from neutron star mergers
[2008.05496] C. M. Whitcomb, K. Sandstrom, E. J. Murphy et al.: A Comparative Study of Mid-Infrared Star-Formation Rate Tracers and Their Metallicity Dependence
[2008.05497] Julia Venturini, Octavio M. Guilera, M. Paula Ronco et al.: Most super-Earths formed by dry pebble accretion are less massive than 5 Earth masses
[2008.05498] Sanjana Curtis, Noah Wolfe, Carla Fröhlich et al.: Core-Collapse Supernovae: From Neutrino-Driven 1D Explosions to Light Curves and Spectra
[2008.05500] Xiaowei Ou, Ian U. Roederer, Christopher Sneden et al.: Vanadium Abundance Derivations in 255 Metal-poor Stars
[2008.05513] Julia Venturini, Octavio M. Guilera, Jonas Haldemann et al.: The Nature of the Radius Valley: Hints from Formation and Evolution Models
[2008.05537] Le Ngoc Tram, Hyeseung Lee, Thiem Hoang et al.: Observational evidence for rotational desorption of Complex Molecules by radiative torques from Orion BN/KL
[2008.05539] P. H. Keys, O. Steiner, G. Vigeesh: On the effect of oscillatory phenomena on Stokes inversion results
[2008.05549] Philip J. Carter, Sarah T. Stewart: Colliding in the shadows of giants: Planetesimal collisions during the growth and migration of gas giants
[2008.05565] Hector O. Silva, George Pappas, Nicolás Yunes et al.: The surface of rapidly-rotating neutron stars: implications to neutron star parameter estimation
[2008.05572] L. Martinez, M. C. Bersten, J. P. Anderson et al.: Progenitor properties of type II supernovae: fitting to hydrodynamical models using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
[2008.05581] Takaaki Tanaka, Hiroyuki Uchida, Hidetoshi Sano et al.: Shock-Cloud Interaction in the Southwestern Rim of RX J1713.7$-$3946 Evidenced by Chandra X-ray Observations
[2008.05614] E. Y. Hsiao, P. Hoeflich, C. Ashall et al.: Carnegie Supernova Project II: The slowest rising Type Ia supernova LSQ14fmg and clues to the origin of super-Chandrasekhar/03fg-like events
[2008.05616] Chengchao Yuan, Kohta Murase, Shigeo S. Kimura et al.: High-energy neutrino emission subsequent to gravitational wave radiation from supermassive black hole mergers
[2008.05619] Fangfei Shi, Donald Kurtz, Hideyuki Saio et al.: Pulsations of the roAp star KIC 10685175 revisited by TESS
[2008.05620] Robert A. Fesen, Kathryn E. Weil, John C. Raymond et al.: G107.0+9.0: A New Large Optically Bright, Radio and X-Ray Faint Galactic Supernova Remnant in Cepheus
[2008.05624] B. Mennesson, R. Juanola-Parramon, B. Nemati et al.: Paving the Way to Future Missions: the Roman Space Telescope Coronagraph Technology Demonstration
[2008.05627] Francisco Hernandez Vivanco, Rory Smith, Eric Thrane et al.: A scalable random forest regressor for combining neutron-star equation of state measurements: A case study with GW170817 and GW190425
[2008.05632] F. A. Olguin, M. G. Hoare, K. G. Johnston et al.: Multi-wavelength modelling of the circumstellar environment of the massive proto-star AFGL 2591 VLA 3
[2008.05635] Q. Wu, G. Q. Zhang, F. Y. Wang et al.: Understanding FRB 200428 in the synchrotron maser shock model: consistency and possible challenge
[2008.05637] Robert Hunt: Potential for Observing Methane on Mars Using Earth-based Extremely Large Telescopes
[2008.05651] Reetika Joshi, Yuming Wang, Ramesh Chandra et al.: Cause and Kinematics of a Jet-Like CME
[2008.05663] Anna T. P. Schauer, Simon C. O. Glover, Ralf S. Klessen et al.: The influence of streaming velocities and Lyman-Werner radiation on the formation of the first stars
[2008.05680] Conor A. Nixon, James Abshire, Andrew Ashton et al.: The Science Case for a Titan Flagship-class Orbiter with Probes
[2008.05681] CHIME/Pulsar Collaboration, M. Amiri, K. M. Bandura et al.: The CHIME Pulsar Project: System Overview
[2008.05682] Lincheng Li, Bo Qin, Jie Wang et al.: The conformity of HI galaxies in ALFALFA-SDSS sample
[2008.05690] ANITA Collaboration: P. W. Gorham, A. Ludwig, C. Deaconu et al.: Ultra-high Energy Air Showers Observed by ANITA-IV
[2008.05698] Bonan Pu, Dong Lai: Strong Scatterings of Cold Jupiters and their Influence on Inner Low-mass Planet Systems: Theory and Simulations
[2008.05707] H. K. Vedantham: On the mechanism of polarised metrewave stellar emission
[2008.05710] Zhao-Zhou Li, Dong-Hai Zhao, Y. P. Jing et al.: Orbital distribution of infalling satellite halos across cosmic time
[2008.05745] Nikhil Sarin, Paul D. Lasky, Gregory Ashton: Interpreting the X-ray afterglows of gamma-ray bursts with radiative losses and millisecond magnetars
[2008.05755] A. Kepa, R. Falewicz, M. Siarkowski et al.: RESIK and RHESSI observations of the 20 September 2002 flare
[2008.05794] Vladislavs Bezrukovs, Marcis Bleiders, Arturs Orbidans et al.: Broadband receiving systems for 4.58-8.8 GHz radio astronomical observations at Irbene radio telescopes RT-32 and RT-16
[2008.05827] Nikolai Piskunov, Ansgar Wehrhahn, Thomas Marquart: Optimal extraction of echelle spectra: getting the most fromobservations
[2008.05834] Y. Han, P. G. Tuthill, R. M. Lau et al.: The extreme colliding-wind system Apep: resolved imagery of the central binary and dust plume in the infrared
[2008.05841] Hiroshi Kimura, Koji Wada, Hiroshi Kobayashi et al.: Is water ice an efficient facilitator for dust coagulation?
[2008.05842] Vasylenko A.A., Vavilova I.B., Pulatova N.G: Isolated AGNs NGC 5347, ESO 438-009, MCG-02-04-090, and J11366-6002: Swift and NuSTAR joined view
[2008.05858] M. Genoni, M. Landoni, G. Pariani et al.: End to end simulators: A flexible and scalable Cloud-Based architecture. Application to High Resolution Spectrographs ESPRESSO and ELT-HIRES
[2008.05863] Junyao Li, Yongquan Xue, Mouyuan Sun et al.: Piercing through Highly Obscured and Compton-thick AGNs in the Chandra Deep Fields. II. Are Highly Obscured AGNs the Missing Link in the Merger-Triggere...
[2008.05910] Hassan Fathivavsari: Using Machine Learning to Find Ghostly Damped Ly$α$ Systems in SDSS DR14
[2008.05918] Steven Tingay, Marcin Sokolowski, Randall Wayth et al.: A survey of spatially and temporally resolved radio frequency interference in the FM band at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory
[2008.05920] Artem Bohdan, Martin Pohl, Jacek Niemiec et al.: Kinetic simulation of nonrelativistic perpendicular shocks of young supernova remnants. IV. Electron heating
[2008.05939] Atsushi Nishimura, Shinji Fujita, Mikito Kohno et al.: FOREST unbiased Galactic plane imaging survey with the Nobeyama 45 m telescope (FUGIN): Possible evidence of cloud-cloud collisions triggering...
[2008.05941] Ch. Rab, I. Kamp, C. Dominik et al.: Interpreting high spatial resolution line observations of planet-forming disks with gaps and rings -- The case of HD 163296
[2008.05945] Jie-Ying Liu, Jirong Mao: Non-detection of the Gamma-ray Burst X-ray Emission Line: The Down-Comptonization Effect
[2008.05962] Hannah M. Lewis, Borja Anguiano, Keivan G. Stassun et al.: Geometry of the Draco C1 Symbiotic Binary
[2008.05965] M. L. Parker, G. A. Matzeu, W. N. Alston et al.: Detection of a possible multiphase ultra-fast outflow in IRAS 13349+2438 with NuSTAR and XMM-Newton
[2008.05970] N. Langellier, T. W. Milbourne, D. F. Phillips et al.: Detection Limits of Low-mass, Long-period Exoplanets Using Gaussian Processes Applied to HARPS-N Solar RVs
[2008.05988] Steve Schulze, Ofer Yaron, Jesper Sollerman et al.: The Palomar Transient Factory Core-Collapse Supernova Host-Galaxy Sample. I. Host-Galaxy Distribution Functions and Environment-Dependence of CCSNe
[2008.05991] S. Pandey, E. Krause, B. Jain et al.: Perturbation theory for modeling galaxy bias: validation with simulations of the Dark Energy Survey
[2008.05992] Alexandra E. Doyle, Beth Klein, Hilke E. Schlichting et al.: Where are the Extrasolar Mercuries?
[2008.05995] Viacheslav M. Sadykov, Irina N. Kitiashvili, Alexander G. Kosovichev et al.: Connecting Atmospheric Properties and Synthetic Emission of Shock Waves Using 3D RMHD Simulations of Quiet Sun
[2008.06012] V. Coenda, D. Mast, H. Muriel et al.: Effects of environment on stellar metallicity profiles of late-type galaxies in the CALIFA survey
[2008.06039] Biny Sebastian, P. Kharb, C. P. O' Dea et al.: A Radio Polarimetric Study to Disentangle AGN Activity and Star-Formation in Seyfert Galaxies
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Fri, 14 Aug 20","img":""}
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