Poli 4080
Winthrop begin his sermon, "The model of Christian Charity" by asserting
The equal rights of man
That god has made men unequal so as to bind them together
That men are sinners who must be ruled by unyielding force
That the brotherhood of man forbids preferring any particular community
How does Cotton mather distinguish man's general and personal calling?
General: to Christian Life/ personal: to useful employment
General: to self-fulfillment/ personal: to follow one's passion
General: to citizenship/ personal: to career and family
General: to society/ personal: to self
In the Mayflower Compact the Plymouth colonists promise to make
The Old Testament the law book for the colony
A new nation independent of England
Just and equal laws for the general good
All of the Above
Nathaniel Ward "Simpler Cobbler" thinks that toleration of other religious opinions...
Is a man's Christian duty
Is a natural right
Means a man doubts his own religion or is not sincere in his belief
All of the above
According to the John Rolfe's letter, the first Africans traded as slaves at Port COmfot arrived in 1619 on
A dutch "man of war" ship
An English pirateship
A Spanish vessel
A rowboat
According to Roger Williams, religious toleration
Is a command of God
Is preferable to enforced religious uniformity
Does not prevent the flourishing of civility and Christianity
All of the Above
According to John Wise natural law teaches
Self-presevation, sociability, and affection for mankind in general
That men had an original liberty because he is rational
That men are naturally equal
All of the Above
According to Johnathan Mayhew, Romans 13 means
Men owe unlimited submission to any government Providence supplies
Resistance is justifiable against those who abuse their trust and power
Resistance is allowed individuals, but politically men may not resist the sovereign
Natural law teaches resistance, but Christianity requires submission
According to Benjamin Franklin, the way to prosperoty is
Individual industry and frugality
Collective action to generate and distribute wealth
Debt and spending
Laws being necessary because of man's transgression, william penn infers
The natural right to liberty
The necessity of monarchy
The divine right of governement
The justice of war and empire
According to Samuel Adams. The first principle of politics is
God's appointment of a king by divine right
Pragmatic action in the contect of circumstances
The natural liberty ir natural rights of every man
Christian love
Johnathan Boucher defines liberty as the opposite of
All of the above
Which of the following is a grievance stated in Jefferson's Summary View
Freedom to trade has been abridged
The right of the colonies to legislate has been suspended or denied
Feudal tenures have wrongly been imposed in the colonies, against the ancient Saxon common law
All of the Above
Jefferson describes the king as
A sovereign lord by divine right
An enlightened despot
Holder of the executive power for each of the colonies
All of the Above
In Summary View what protest does Jefferson defend, even if it was not strictly legal?
The battle of lexington
Stamp act congress
Boston tea party
Non of the above
In thoughts on government Adams says about a representative assembly that
It ought to be a portrait in miniature of the people at large
It should not excercise the executive power
Its members should be elected annually
All of the Above
Paine urges Independence Because
Monarchy is bad form of government, as British abuses have proven
American commerce will continue to thrive apart from England
In the long run an island cant govern a continent
All of the above
According to the Declaration
Men are created equal and justly governed only by their consent
The Americans are children the british mother and should obey her
The king should open his breast to liberal thought and welcome back loyal Americans
In the declaration, acts of Parliamnet to which the colonists object are said to be
Against natural law
Foreign to the constitution and unacknowledged by the laws
Usurpations by Parliament of the King's rightful authority
Disadvantageous to the colonies and so subject to nullification
Under the Articles of Confederation, each state has how many votes?
Two to seven
One to five
According to Hamiltion, the problem of and solution to federal weakness are
Problem: rejection of England/ solution: reconciliation with the Crown
Problem: excessive taxes by Congress/ solution: election of frugal men
Problem: want of power in Congress/ solution: call a federal convention
Poblem: disorder in the people/ soulition: state police force
WHich insitution does Hamilton think Congress should establish in 1780 but does not yet have?
An army
National bank
Paper money
Which branches of government in the Constitution are NOT in the Aritcles
Supreme Court
Which of the following provisions does the Constiution NOT take from the Articles
Entiliting people to the privileges and immunites of citizens in other states
Requiring states to grant full faith and credit to each others's records
Prohibiting Congress and the states from granting titles of nobility
Binding state judges to recognize the supremacy of federal law
John Adams defends what form of government in his Defence
Democracy governed by a single assembly
Enlightened despotism, provided the despot be truly enlightened
A mixed government: executive, senate of wealth, democractic assembly
An aristocrfacy, since the rich best respesct the rights of property
What does Thomas Jefferson most dislike about the Constitution
The lack of a bill of rights and re-eligibility of the president
The process of writing and ratifying it
The trial by jury and lack of energy in government
The failure to imitate European models
Federal Farmer distinguishes proponents and opponents of the Constitution as
Aristocrats and democrats, respectively
Monarchists and men of little faith, respectively
Tories and patriots
Men of middling fortune and little insurgents
The federal Farmer says that the new government cannot provide
Adequate representation
Federal supremacy
Brutus complains about the proposed Constitution that it
Strengthen the central government without limit
Weakens the central government without concern
Promotes widespread virtue instead of liberty
Patrick Henry spoeaks against ratifying the Constitution because
It promotes firmness
It does not adequatly protect the rights or liberty
It is too favorable to the states
The Federalist, Publius writes that Americans will prove whether
The New world can be more powerful than the Old
Men can live in peace without and established religion
Governmnets can be established by relfection and choice not accident and force
Democracy is the best form of governmnet
Why says Hamilton in federalist 6 wont seperate republics live in peace?
Men are ambitious, vindictive, and rapacious
Interests, even commercial interests can be a cause of war
Neighboring natiuons are natural enemies, unless they confederate
Which of the following does Publius NOT consider an improvement in the science of politics since ancient times?
The invention fo republican government
The distribution of power into seperate branches
Judges holding office on good behaivor
Federalist 10 is concerned especially with the problem of
Undemocratic practices in America
governing a nation as big as the united States
Majority faction
Special interests thwarting majority will
Publius/Madison praises the "manly spirit" of Americans in federalist 14
It makes them enterprising traders
It makes them willing to innovate
It makes them fierce soldiers
For Publius in federalist 15 the radical vice of government under the articles is
The principle of equal representation of the states in Congress
The principle fo legislation for states in their corporate capacity
The excessive seperation of powers
Nothing at all: only a few reforms are needed to perfect the Articles
Federalist 23 argues that establishing energy in the new governement requires
The abolition of the states
That the ends of the federal government be limited by its limited means
That there be no constitutional limits on powers granted for federal ends
Permission to drill for oil in federal reserves
How does Publius in federalist 35 answer the charge that the federal governemnt will be insufficiently representative?
Congress requires expertise, not representatives
Different classes will choose to be represented according to their interests so for example mechanics and manufactureres by merchants
All congressmen will be attorneys
Bicameralism doubles representativeness
Publius writes that the form of government establishes by the Constitution is
A consolidsation of the states under a single sovereign
A federation, where sovereignty resides in the states, not the center
Partly federal, partly national
Partly republican, partly democratic
Which is NOT a reason Publius gives for supporting the states are more likely to preponderate over the federal governemnt than vice versa
Most confederacies in history show a tendecy in the members tom destroy the general government
The states are constituent parts of the federal governmnet, not the reverse
The states are sure to be better administered than the federal government
Federal power are few and defined, state powers numerous and indefinite
According to Publius in Federalist 48-50 the key to seperating the powers succesfully is
Trust parchment barriers: written commands that the powers be seperate
Blending them a little, so each has a constituional control on the others
Calling conventions to amend the constitution when seperation is violated
Establishing a council of censors to periodcally correct infractions
Publius famous statement in Federalist 51 that begins " if men were angels,." shows
The need to rely on personal moticves such as ambition to check power
The adequacy of liberal educationm of the ruling class to check corruption
The importance of religion in teaching men to control their passions
The necessity of trusting government to make society just
In federalist 54 in the voice of "one of our southern brethren" Publius argues
Slaves should be allowed the right to vote
Slaves have a mixed character as persons and property, hence the 3/5 clause
Slaves are property, simply, and therefore should not be counted when apportioning representatives
Slavery is on the course of ultimate extinction and is thus ignored
FInish the sentence from Publius: "had every Athenian citizen been a Socrates"
Athen would today still be a democracy
Socrates himself would have been a true philosopher king
No government would have been necessary at Athens
The Athenian assembly would still have been a mob
Publius argues that American will be able to trust their representatives because
They will be elected by the people, without birth, wealth, or religious tests
they will want to please the people in order to be reelected or advanced
They can make no law that does not operate on themselves as well as others
Which of the following does Publius say the Senate will Provide?
Constitutional recognition of the residual sovereignty of the states
A check against the mutability of public policy
Stability and thus responsibilty to the people's long-term interest
In Federalist 70 Publius says unity in the executive will provide
Deliberation and Stability
Energy and responsibility
Neither force not will, but judgement
In federalist 78 Publius argues for judical review in the context of defending
The tenure of office granted the federal judiciary
The peculiar qualifications the Constituion establishes for judges
The ratification process of the Constitution
The extent of federal jurisdiction
Which of the following arguments does Publius NOT make against a bill of rights?
It is unnecessary, because only limited powers are given to Congress
It is dangerous, because specifying some rights might imply other are not protected
It will encourage the supreme court to becomes arbitrary and too powerful
Some critical rights, as habeas corpus and trial by jury, are already included
In Federalist 85 like Federalist 1 Publius recommends
Seperate confederacies
The suppression of all parites and factions
A spirit of accommodation and moderation
Prayer for the succes of the Constitution and the Union
Hamilton's proposal for funding the debt entails which policies
Pay the national deby at face-value and have the nation assume state debt
Pay the national debt at face-value and let the states pay their own debt
Pay original holders face-value, discount speculatores and assume state debt
Repudiate all national debt and start over under the new Constitution
In his opinion urging the constitutionaly of a national Bank, Hamilton argues
The power to incorporate belongs to every sovereign government
The constitution allows for implied powers of government as well as express ones
The bank will relate to several express powers given to congress
Which of the following arguments does Hamilton raise against his own recommendation for governmnet encouragement of manufacturing?
That government patronage obstructs the natural current of industry
That governmnet bureacy inevitably mal-administers the economy
That agriculture makes men virtuous, manufactoring makes them vicious
In his Report on Manufactures what does Alexander Hamilton give as a reason for encouraging manufactures
It will promote the divison of labor
It will promote greater use of machinery
It will encourage immigration to the united states
Regarding relations with other nations Washingtons Farewell address proposes
That america become a superpower dominanting the world stage
That americans accept the Machiavellian necessity of force and fraud
That americans avoid permanent hatred for and attachment to others
Jefferson bases his argumnet for religious liberty on
The bible
The natural right of freedom of the mind
The needs of human community
The common-law tradition
Jefferson argues against the national bank that
The grant of powers to COngrtess is broad and general
As it is not necessary only convient it would be unconstiutional
It would be constitutional but foolish to establish such a bank
In the Kentucky Resolutions Jefferson says unconstitutional acts of Congress
Must be obeyed unless struck down by the Supreme Court
Can be declared void by the states
Can only be undone by legislation that repeals the acts
Are of no concern as the government is so constituted that Congress will never pass, nor the president appprove and unconsitutional act
Why do Jefferson and Madison think the Alien and Sedition Acts are unconstitutional
Because the power to criminalize sedition was not delegated to Congress
Because the First Amendment protectvs freedom of the press
Because they allow the president to remove an alien without due process
Why does Madison's report say states can judge the constitutionality of laws
Because the Supreme Court has proven its inability to do so
Because the American political system has many veto points, including this
Because the people in their states made the contiutional compact
Which does Jefferson NOT include among his criticisms of the Virgina COnstitution in his Notes on the State of Virgina
The majority of men are unpresented in the legislature
The legislature ends up with all the powers of government
The ordinary legislature can alter the constitution
The court of appeals in virgina has the power of judicial review
In the Notes Jefferson recounts the proposal of the committe to revise the laws of Virgina in regard to slavery, which would introduce an amendment
To strengthen slavery wher it exits in Virgina and allow its expansion
To kepp slavery where it is established, but ameliorate the condition of slaves
To emancipate slaves and allow them to live in virgina
To emancipate slaves born after a certain date but require their colonization
In his correspondence, jefferson says that every generation of men should
Preserve the traditions of their forebears
Tear down what they inherit and start afresh
Be able to make a new constitution and new laws if they choose
Accommodate itself to science and religion of the spirit of the age
In his Second Inaugural Address, Jefferson explains that the native Indians must
Be protected so that they can live their ancestral way of life
Be helped or forced to adapt to agriculture and enlightenment
Be faced as a powerful and equal enemy to be conquered
Be reconciled to extinction
Which is NOT a reason Jefferson gives for establishing a Univeristy of virgina
Every citizen needs to understand his duties and know his rights
Public prosperity requires the formationof statesmen, legislatures
Cultivation of the sciences advances the arts that provide for human life
The minds of the young should be enlarged and their moral cultivated
Against Cooke's defense of universal white manhood suffrage, Upshur defends
The equality of the races
The importance of education and the claim of experts to rule
The influence of property in the consitution
Government by natural law
Which of the follwoing amendments to the Consitution does Andrew Jackson propose
A prohibition on Congress power to incorporate a national bank
An explicit guarantee of state sovereignty
Election of the president by the people with out intermediate agency
A prohibition on presidential appointments to permanent office
According to Andrew Jackson the health of the Union is threatened by
Attempts to divide the sections against one another
The national bank
Opulent citiznes seeking special privileges
George bancroft says that true political science venerates
The constitution
Critical reason only, no political institutions or parties
Great leaders
The people
Oretes Brownson makes which radical proposal in favor of workers
An elightened despotism be substituted for democracy
Private inheritance of property be abolished so the property of those who die goes to the state
A grand rebellion uniting worker and slaves be raised against the wealthy
The need for labor be abolished by invention of labor-saving devices
According to Emerson, the opposite of self-reliance is
In Politics Emerson argues which form of government is best
Monarchy, rule by one
Aristocracy, rule by few
Democracy, rule by many
None is better, just more fit
Thoreau writes that, facing injustice in governemnt, the duty of the citizen is
To break the law and go to jail if necessary
To organize with his fellows to exercise the right of revolution
To work with others to see that the unjust law or policy is repealed
To speak out or write against it, but conform in ones actions
Thoreau refers to those who rush to the West for gold as
Entrpreneurial, contributing economic growth
A disgrace to society, contributing nothing
He says he cannot judge them
In making the case for the equality of women's minds to men's Constantia writes
That even men admit that women are equal or superiror in imagination
That women;s minds are less cultivated because denied education
That women's intelligence has been confined to tasks like cooking and sewing
The abolitionist Angelina Grimke says which of the following belittles women
The poetry of romantic chivarly
The enlightenment doctrine of human rights
Authenic christianity
According to Catharine Beecher quoting Tocqueville men and women
Are beings of equal value, though their lot is different
Are oppressor and oppressed
Are enemies by nature
Ought to have the same rights the same jobs the same roles in society
The Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments is modeled on
Magna carta
Declaration of indepence
The constitution
Bill of rights
Elizabeth Cady Stanton's Address to New York analogizes the condition of women to
William Llyod Garrison insists on
Immediate universal emancipation of slaves
Respect for the Constitution's compromises, but gradual emanicpation
Compensation fro slave-owners and colonization of freedmen
According to channing what can one infer from Congress; prohibition of the international slave trade
That congress will soon forbid the slave trade among the states
That if it wrong to enslave a ma, it is wrong to hold him in slavery
That slavery itself is on the course of ultimate extinction
Nothing, since the constitutiona allows Congress to forbid the trade but not slavery
Angelina Grimke urges American women slaveholders to combat slavery how?
Read and speak about slavery
Pray over the subject and for slaves, masters, and abolitionists
Free their own slaves, pay them wages, and teach the,
David Walker voices objection to whose account of black inferiority
Thomas Jeffersons
Alexander Hamilton
John Calhoun
Frederick Douglass says what about the Fourth of July
It is time for african american to sing dance and be merry
It reminds african americans to seek education and self imporvement
It reminds them that americans are false to their past their principles by upholding slavery
According to Calhoun speeches slavery in the American South is
A necessary evil
A positive good
On the road to ultimate extinction
A cause of disunion, whether or not abolition is demanded
According to Calhoun Disquistion government is necessary to constrain society what is necessary to constrain government
A constitution
A vigilant majority
Ethics laws
Nothing governments are sovereign and cannot be restrained
Calhoun distinguishes the numerical majority from
The concurrent majority
The absolute majority
What divides the community
George Fitzhugh denies that society and government are rightly founded on
Physical forces
The happiness of the members
Liberty equality, free competition and consent of the governed
Whose condition, according to Fitzhugh is worse than that of norhtern laborers
That of southeren planters, as the chief sinners in the slave system
That of southern planters, as the chief sinners in the slave system
That of southern slaves subject to the master's lash
No ones northern labor is exploited like slaves but not provided for
In his speech on the Dred Scott case, Lincoln says of the Declaration that
It was not intended to include negroes
It expressed admirable sentiments, but they had no authority for the future
It expressed the sentiments of jefferson only a slave holder
It declared a right to equality the enforcement of which might follow when circumstances permitted
Lincoln says a "house divided against itself cannot stand," he means
That slavery will soon be abolished
That soon there will be no free states
That the nation will eventually allow slavery everywhere or nowhere
That union of the states will soon dissolve
Lincoln charges in that same speech that Sen Douglas Chief Justice Taney and Presidents Pierce and Buchanan are all involved in a conspiracy that will result in
The abolition of slavery
The nationalization of slavery
The dissolution of the union
Stop-Lincoln makes no such conspiracy
Douglas means his doctrine of popular sovereignty to solve the slavery issue by
Allowing slavery in the territories
Forbidding slavery in the territories
Having the people of each territory decide whether to allo slavery there
Having the people of each state, only, decide whether to allow slavery there
Douglas charges that Lincoln's positions will
Lead to civil war and cause disobedience to Supreme Court decisions
Be struck down by the supreme court so he is wasting his time
Result in the abolition of slavery without a fight
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