Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-th on Thu, 10 Sep 20
[2009.03893] Parth Bhargava, Sayantan Choudhury, Satyaki Chowdhury et al.: Quantum aspects of chaos and complexity from bouncing cosmology: A study with two-mode single field squeezed state formalism
[2009.03907] R. Eager, E. Sharpe: Elliptic genera of pure gauge theories in two dimensions with semisimple non-simply-connected gauge groups
[2009.03914] Xin Gao, Arthur Hebecker, Daniel Junghans: Control issues of KKLT
[2009.03929] Soumangsu Chakraborty, Amit Giveon, David Kutasov: Strings in Irrelevant Deformations of $AdS_3/CFT_2$
[2009.03940] Petr Horava, Christopher J. Mogni: String Perturbation Theory on the Schwinger-Keldysh Time Contour
[2009.03948] Hamid Razaghian: Complexity Growth of Dyonic Black holes with Quartic Field Strength Corrections
[2009.03970] M. S. Soares, N. F. Svaiter, C. A. D. Zarro et al.: An uniformly accelerated quantum counting detector in Minkowski and Fulling vacuum states
[2009.03980] Raja Marjieh, Natalia Pinzani-Fokeeva, Amos Yarom: Enstrophy from symmetry
[2009.04071] C.H.G. Bessa, N.A. Lemos, M.J. Reboucas: Inquiring electromagnetic quantum fluctuations about the orientability of space
[2009.04122] Breno L. Giacchini, Tibério de Paula Netto, Ilya L. Shapiro: On the Vilkovisky-DeWitt approach and renormalization group in effective quantum gravity
[2009.04161] J. A. Rosabal: Schwarzschild black hole states and entropies on a nice slice
[2009.04223] Fabio Ferrari Ruffino, Juan Carlos Rocha Barriga: Twisted differential K-characters and D-branes
[2009.04397] Laura Rado, Victor O. Rivelles, Renato Sánchez: String Backgrounds of the Yang-Baxter Deformed $AdS_4\times\mathbb{CP}^3$ Superstring
[2009.04454] Yuho Sakatani: Extended Drinfel'd algebras and non-Abelian duality
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