Nat Quiz - 23 May

Which of the following are partially permeable? Choose 1 or more answer.
Cell surface membrane
Envelope of mitochondria
Envelope of chloroplast
Envelope of nucleus
Cellulose cell wall
What is differentiation?
Process by which cell becomes specialized for specific function
Process by which cell changes shape
Process by which cell becomes generalized to perform all functions
Process by which cells turns into tissues, organs or organ s ystems
Which of the following is/are adaptation(s) of red blood cells?
Contain haemoglobin to bind with carbon dioxide
Circular biconcave shape to decrease surface area to volume ratio so oxygen can diffuse faster
No nucleus to contain more haemoglobin
Small and flexible enough to squeeze through blood capillaries
Which of the following is/are adaptation(s) of root hair cells?
Long protrusion of cell to increase surface area to volume ratio for efficient absorption of water and mineral salts
Large sap vacuole to absorb maximum amount of water and mineral salts
Thin cellulose cell wall to reduce distance travelled by water and mineral salts into cell
Reduced number of mitochondria to increase space for absorption of water and mineral salts
Which of the following is/are true of xylem vessels?
Do not possess cross walls and protoplasm to reduce resistance to water flow
Lignin is deposited on cell walls to provide mechanical support
Cells are dead
Cary out active transport of water for faster transport of water
{"name":"Nat Quiz - 23 May", "url":"","txt":"Enzymes catalyse reactions by, Enzymes are denatured by, Enzymes are denatured by high temperature because","img":""}
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