{"name":"Have you talked about it?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Is it the moment to make it social-media official? Yes, we have a quiz for that but… it’s not what you’d expect In this modern and fast-paced times, the romantic relationships have gained a new dimension: the social-media status that makes it official. Yes, nothing is official anymore if it’s not on the social-media. Same goes with relationships. Some even say that you’re not allowed to marry if your relationship is not made official on the internet. Well, there’s some truth in there and that’s that social media now governs much of our lives. So when is it okay to announce your new love to the world with a change of your relationship status? The answer is in this quiz:, Have you talked about it?, How long have you been dating?","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/19-758786/530205355.jpg?sz=1200-00000003051000005300"}
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