Best Practices Evaluation - Service Desk

Where can the latest “Best Practice - Service Desk” guide be found?
Blue folder on the desk
Network drive on the server
IBM Notes database “AVTech's Policies & Procedures”
By emailing the Team Leader
Which way do engineers get their work instructions on how to carry out their daily duties?
Verbally from another team member
From the team leader via email
From the document “Best Practice – Infrastructure Services, Engineers”
Customer tells them how to do their job
From the Service Desk staff
What is the purpose of the “Best Practice - Service Desk” document?
To assist in the supply of a consistent quality approach in dealing with AVTech customers
To improve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty through improved communications
To provide efficiency
To reduces workload
All of the above
A customer calls the SD and asks to speak to an engineer directly. What should you do?
Put the call through asking no further questions
Ask if the call is in regards to a new or existing case. If a new case then offer to create the support request and advise the customer you will assign the engineer without putting the call through to the engineer
Ask the team leader what to do
Ask what the call is in regards to an then proceed to announce the call
Let the call ring out. It may be a complaining or difficult customer after all
When closing a service request what does not need to be completed?
Check all relevant details have been completed in the service request
Notify the customer
Advise the team leader
Check if invoicing is required
Close the service request
When creating service requests, what are the minimum hours to be recorded?
Remote support ½ hour, onsite support 1 hour
Remote support 1 hour, onsite support 2 hours
Remote support 1 hour, onsite support 3 hours
Remote support ½ hour, onsite support 2 hours
If unsure how to create a software development team service request, how do Service Desk team members find out how to create it?
Ask the Team Leader
Ask an engineer
From the SMS Training Video
Ask the software development team Team Leader
When creating a software development service requests. Who should the service request be assigned to?
Software development team leader
Software support & maintenance – Vietnam
Software Support & maintenance – Australia
Thuy Nguyen
A customer emails a request for support in the morning at 10:30 am stating that their case is urgent and needs immediate attention. All engineers are deployed except the team leader who is capable of doing the job. There are engineers with appropriate skills available from 13:30. The customer does not have an SLA. Which is the most appropriate action to be taken?
Assign the service request to an engineer for action at 13:30 when they are available and advise the customer that their concern will be addressed at that time by the engineer who is the next engineer available
Assign the service request to the team leader for immediate action
Assign the service request to an engineer on a subsequent day. After all there is lots of available time on the following day and the customer has no SLA and today’s only available engineers may be required for a more urgent case in the afternoon
Ask the Team Leader what to do
When an N-central alert is received, what is the first step to be taken?
Create a SR
Call the customer to ask is they would like to have and engineer assigned to resolve the issue
Review the email alert and move it to the acknowledged alerts folder
Check if the alert is still valid
When dealing with N-central alerts, if you review an email alert and find that it is no longer valid, what is the next action to take?
Check if there is an open SR for the alert
Move it to the acknowledged alerts folder
Delete the email
Call the customer to advise the issue is resolved
When and N-Central alert has been processed and the customer has been notified by voice mail (if available), what is the next step to take?
Record in the ticket activity that that a voice message has been left for the customer
Send an email which includes Device Name, Description of device, Service that’s failed, Service desk number, Confirmation if they would like proceed with fault resolution
Send an email saying you have called and left them a message regarding an N-central alert which includes all the info they need
Advise the team leader you could not contact the customer and request advice on how to proceed
When a customer has decided they want to proceed to a resolution on a SR created as the result of an N-Central alert, how is the resolution handled?
When a customer has decided they want to proceed to a resolution on a SR created as the result of an N-Central alert, how is the resolution handled?
Follow the escalation process
Follow the normal service desk process
Follow the incident management process
When contacting a customer by phone regarding an N-central alert, what information do you need for the customer?
Device description
Device name and location
Service that has failed
Name and device warning state
Device name, description, service that is failed/warning state and location
AVTech is an AAPT?
Technical consultant
AAPT services provided to its customers by AVTech?
WAN connections
Fibre services
After confirming a customer reporting an internet problem is an AVTech AAPT customer, what is the next step to carry out in supporting their problem?
Create an Service Request in SMS
Create an SMS and assign to an network engineer
Assist troubleshooting by requesting a modem restart
Create an AAPT support case * 22. Which task is not apart of the Service Desk dail
Which task is not apart of the Service Desk daily tasks?
Calling customers to advise an engineer is running late
Looking up phone numbers for engineers as required
Tagging emails
Organising replacement staff when an assigned staff member is sick
Non of these options – they are all tasks carried out by the Service Desk
Engineers are responsible for their own time management and can swap and change tasks without informing the service desk?
When an N-Central alert is received and a Service request created:
The SR number is to be recorded in notes tab of the device within N-Central
The N-central alert number needs to be recorded against the SMS Activity filed
The SR ticket is to then be assigned to an engineer
Who is the first option for remote support requests?
PH based engineer
AU based engineer
CN based engineer
VN based engineer
Engineer based in the country that the work is to be performed
When should quarterly maintenance requests be created?
Weekly as part of the placeholder request reviews
They are automatically created
Never, its the team leaders job to create quarterly maintenance requests.
When the customer calls and requests QM to be carried out
When an engineer assigned to Cockram calls in sick, a replacement engineer is required.
When assigning a SR for an engineer to build a Computer the SR is to be accompanied by a SOE Build Checklist.
Which of the following is a weekly task
Record Service Desk co-ordinator hours worked
Review and assign upcoming Scheduled Maintenance tasks
Call team lead for a weekly chat
Check engineers have logged all their times
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