MBTI Style Personality Quiz.

What do you believe your MBTI type to be?
There are 49 word-preference questions that shouldn't take very long - please, select the word that means the most to you - don't select the ones that look the best or sound the best.
This is followed by 70 general personality questions, for a total of 119 questions.
Estimated time - 20-25 or so minutes.
There are 49 word-preference questions that shouldn't take very long - please, select the word that means the most to you - don't select the ones that look the best or sound the best.
This is followed by 70 general personality questions, for a total of 119 questions.
Estimated time - 20-25 or so minutes.
Few friends
Lots of friends
Already known
That was the end of the word-preference section.
That was the end of the word-preference section.
When you go somewhere for the day, would you rather
Plan what you will do and when
Just go
Do you consider yourself to be
More of a spontaneous person
More of an organized person
If you were a teacher, would you rather teach
Fact courses
Courses involving theory
Are you usually
A "good mixer"
Rather quiet and reserved
Do you usually get along better with
Imaginative people
Realistic people
Do you more often let
Your heart rule your head
Your head rule you heart
Do you prefer to do many things
On the spur of the moment
According to your plans
Are you
Easy to get to know
Hard to get to know
Does following a schedule
Appeal to you
Cramp you
When you have a special job to do, do you like to
Organize it carefully before you start
Find out what is necessary as you go along
Do you find yourself more:
Adapting your Feeling to suit the outer environment, seeking external harmony.
Adapting the outer environment to suit your Feeling, by excluding or ignoring things you deem unacceptable - seeking internal harmony.
Do you find your Feeling depends more upon:
Internal ideals such as love, justice, loyalty and other personal ideals.
The ideals, conventions and customs of your environment
Would you describe your Feeling as more:
Expansive, rather than deep.
Passionate, rather than expansive.
Do you generally:
Find soundness and value inside yourself from your own inner wealth and powers of appreciation and abstraction.
Find soundness and value outside of yourself, in the collective ideals of the community.
With regards to Feeling, is your goal generally:
The fostering and protection of an intense inner emotional life, and, so far as possible, the outer fulfillment and realization of the inner ideal.
The formation and maintenance of easy and harmonious emotional relationships with people.
Which resonates the most with you?
My Feeling may be too overpowering to be expressed at all, creating a false appearance of coldness to the point of indifference, and I find myself being completely misunderstood at times.
I express myself easily and shares myself with others, creating and arousing similar feelings and establishing warm sympathy and understanding.
Which of the following resonates with you more?
I have a tendency to suppress my own personal standpoint entirely, and so sometimes run the risk of coming across as insincere.
I have a tendency to find no objective fulfillment or realization— or outlet— for expression, and present the danger of living upon sentiment, illusion, and self-pity.
In most instances, do you prefer to
Go with the flow
Follow a schedule
Would most people say you are
A private person
An open person
Would you rather be considered
A practical person
An ingenious person
In a large group do you more often
Introduce others
Get introduced
Would you rather have as a friend someone who
Is always coming up with new ideas
Has both feet on the ground
Are you inclined to
Value sentiment more than logic
Value logic more than sentiment
Do you prefer to
Wait and see what happens and then make plans
Plan things in advance
Do you tend to spend a lot of time
By yourself
With others
Do you find yourself more:
Suppressing as far as possible your own personal sensory impressions received from objects, people and other things in your surroundings in favour of accepting them as they are.
Suppressing as far as possible the actual reality of objects, people and other things in your surroundings in favour of your own personal sensory impressions relating to them.
Which sounds more like you?
I see things as they are - objectively. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and quacks like a duck - it's a duck.
I see things through my own subjective rose-tinted glasses, the impressions I get are merely suggested by what I perceive and generally carry some personal meaning or significance.
Which of the following resonates with you most?
Sensory perception for me leads to concrete enjoyment, I am focused on the real, tangible existence of people, objects and things and am not naturally inclined to seek deeper meanings in these perceptions.
Sensory perception for me leads to ideas, through the activation of archetypes, I perceive the backgrounds of the physical world rather than its surface.
Which of the following is a best fit for you?
I am so strongly oriented towards whatever piques my interest the most in the outer world, that my life generally tends to feel influenced by external happenings. I find myself being curious about a vast variety of things in the real world.
I am so strongly oriented towards my own subjective interests, that it is impossible to predict what from the outer world, might pique my interest. I find myself being generally neutral with regards to the vast majority of things in the outer world.
Which sounds most like you?
I gather more sensory experiences, knowledge and facts than I know what to do with - I don't really take time out to digest and make sense of all the sensory information I take in.
I have a very developed and individual inner self, I take a lot of time out to understand the meanings and significance of all the sensory experiences, knowledge and facts I take in - I would likely benefit from being open to taking in more new information.
Do you find being around a lot of people
Gives you more energy
Is often "draining"
Do you prefer to
Arrange dates, parties, etc., well in advance
Be free to do whatever looks like fun when the time comes
In planning a trip would you prefer to
Most of the time do whatever you feel like that day
Know ahead of time what you'll be doing most days
At parties, do you
Sometimes get bored
Always have fun
Do you usually
Mingle well with others
Tend to keep more to yourself
Are you more attracted to
A person with a quick and brilliant mind
A practical person with a lot of common sense
In your daily work, do you
Rather enjoy an emergency that makes you work against time
Usually plan your work so you won't need to work under pressure
Would you say it generally takes others
A lot of time to get to know you
A little time to get to know you
The way you formulate logical conclusions is generally more:
Fed from objective data — facts and borrowed ideas.
Fed from subjective and unconscious roots, inner imagery.
Which of the following is a best fit for you, when making a logical decision:
I depend upon the facts of experience and I regard the abstract idea as unsubstantial and of negligible importance.
I depend upon the abstract idea as the decisive factor, and value facts mostly as illustrative proofs of the idea.
Which of the following is a best-fit for you:
I rely on facts sourced outside of myself, which I find to be more decisive than my own subjective thinking, for soundness and value.
I rely on my own powers of observation and appreciation and use my own inner wealth of inherited experience for soundness and value.
Which of the following best defines your thinking process?
I have as my goal the solution of practical problems, discovering and classifying facts, criticizing and modifying generally accepted ideas, planning of programs, and development of formulas.
I have as my goal the formulation of questions, creation of theories, opening up of prospects, yielding of insight, and finally, seeing how external facts fit into the framework of the idea or theory I have created.
Which of the following best fits you when comparing facts?
I have a tendency to dwell upon the details of the facts, including irrelevancies.
I have a tendency to seize upon the similarities of the facts, dismissing irrelevancies.
Which of the following resonates the most with you?
I have a tendency to multiply facts until their meaning is smothered and my thinking is paralyzed.
I have a tendency to neglect facts or to coerce them into agreement with my ideas, selecting only those that support the ideas.
Your thinking process..
..consists of a succession of concrete representations that are set in motion not so much by an inner thought activity as by the changing stream of sense perceptions.
..consists of an inner thought activity, tied loosely if at all to the stream of sense impressions, which are dimmed by the vividness of the stream of inner impressions.
When you start a big project that is due in a week, do you
Take time to list the separate things to be done and the order of doing them
Plunge right in
In social situations do you generally find it
Difficult to start and maintain a conversation with some people
Easy to talk to most people for long periods of time
In doing something that many other people do, does it appeal to you more to
Do it in the accepted way
Invent a way of your own
Can the new people you meet tell what you are interested in
Right away
Only after they really get to know you
Do you generally prefer courses that teach
Concepts and principles
Facts and figures
Is it a higher compliment to be called
A person of real feeling
A consistently reasonable person
Do you find going by schedule
Necessary at times but generally unfavorable
Helpful and favorable most of the time
When you are with a group of people, would you usually rather
Talk individually with people that you know well
Join in the talk of the group
At parties do you
Do much of the talking
Let others do most of the talking
Does the idea of making a list of what you should get done over a weekend
Appeal to you
Leave you cold
Which is a higher compliment, to be called
Do you generally prefer to
Make your social engagements some distance ahead
Be free to do things on the spur of the moment
Overall, when working on a big assignement, do you tend to
Figure out what needs to be done as you go along
Begin by breaking it down into steps
Can you keep a conversation going indefinitely
Only with people who share some interest of yours
With almost anyone
Would you rather
Support the established methods of doing good
Analyze what is still wrong and attack unsolved problems
In reading for pleasure, do you
Enjoy odd or original ways of saying things
Like writers that say exactly what they mean
Would you rather work under a boss (or teacher) who is
Good-natured but often inconsistent
Sharp-tongued but always logical
Would you prefer to do most things according to
However you feel that particular day
A set schedule
Can you
talk easily to almost anyone for as long as you have to
Find a lot to say only to certain people or under certain conditions
When making a decision, is it more important to you to
Weigh the facts
Consider people's feelings and opinions
Which of the following sounds most like you?
I use my own inner understandings in the interests of the objective situation.
I use the objective situation in the interests of my own inner understanding.
Which of the following resonates the most with you?
I regard the immediate situation as a prison from which escape is urgently necessary and I aim to escape by means of some sweeping change in the outer situation.
I regard the immediate situation as a prison from which escape is urgently necessary and I aim to escape through some sweeping change in my own understanding of the outer situation.
Do you feel your imagination to:
Be wholly directed upon outer objects, searching for emerging possibilities, and sometimes find yourself sacrificing all else for such possibilities when found.
Receive a little information from the outer world, but never consumed by external possibilities, occupied rather by searching out new angles for viewing and understanding life.
Do you find your imagination tends to:
Find its greatest value in the promotion and initiation of new enterprises.
Find its greatest value lies in the interpretation of life and the promotion of understanding.
Which of the following is a best fit?
I most require the development of balancing judgment not only for the criticism and evaluation of my intuitive enthusiasm but also to hold it to the completion of its various activities.
I most require the development of balancing judgment not only for the criticism and evaluation of my intuitive understandings but to enable myself to impart my vision/s to others and bring them to practical usefulness in the world.
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