Are you an Relationship Angel?
Answer the following questions truthfully to find out

I am
A man in a relationship with a woman
A woman in a relationship with a man
A man in a relationship with a man
A woman in a relationship with a woman
Do you have a child/children?
Yes, with my partner
Yes, but from another partner
No, maybe in future
No, we do not want to have children
Who is doing more work in the household (cooking, cleaning, children)?
I am doing more work
My partner is doing more work
We are doing equal work
How would you describe your relationship status?
It was romantic in the beginning, now it is more functional
It still is pure romance
I wish, my partner would invest more effort into our relationship
We sometimes fight, but not often
It is a constant struggle
Have you ever lied to your partner?
No, I have never lied to my partner
No, I never lied, but I can also keep a secret
Generally not, but if it is better for our relationship, I twist the truth
Yes, sometimes I lie to my partner
Yes, I have a lot of secrets
Have you ever cheated on your partner?
No never and I never will
Not yet, but never say never
No. I want to, but so far I did not have the right opportunity.
Yes, at least once in the past
Yes, I am currently having an affair with somebody else
We have an open relationship, so it is not cheating
What are reasons that you might want or had an affair? Select all that apply.
We have been married for a long time. I just would like to feel a different body.
My partner does not seem to desire me as much as before.
Sex with my partner is a bit boring and I want something new and exciting
I have sexual fantasies, which my partner does not help me to fulfill.
There is somebody I would like to sleep with, but we did not have the chance, yet
You should try everything in life at least once.
I only had sex with one partner in my life and I wonder, if there is more to experience.
Please Specify:
Does your partner know about your sexual fantasies?
Yes, I am an open book
No, not about all
Which are sexual fantasies, your partner does not know about?
Oral sex
Anal sex
Bondage / SM
Threesome (with another woman)
Threesome (with another man)
Please Specify:
{"name":"Are you an Relationship Angel? Answer the following questions truthfully to find out", "url":"","txt":"I am, Do you have a child\/children?, Who is doing more work in the household (cooking, cleaning, children)?","img":""}
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