AMU1017: Understanding Literature Reviews

What is a literature review?
A comprehensive summary and analysis of available research on a specific topic.
A fictional story written by multiple authors.
A critique of a book or novel.
A collection of poems by various poets.
How to write a literature review?
Identify the research question or topic.
Conduct a thorough search of relevant literature.
Summarize and analyze the findings from the selected sources.
Include personal opinions and biases in the review.
Exclude older studies as they are no longer relevant.
Why is a literature review important in research?
To identify gaps in existing knowledge.
To provide a theoretical framework for the study.
To support the research hypothesis or research questions.
To summarize the findings of previous studies.
What are the steps involved in conducting a literature review?
Defining the research question or objective.
Searching for relevant literature.
Evaluating and selecting the appropriate sources.
Analyzing and synthesizing the information from the selected sources.
What is the purpose of critically evaluating sources in a literature review?
To ensure the reliability and validity of the information.
To identify the most popular sources.
To exclude any conflicting viewpoints.
To save time by only including recent sources.
What are some dont's of a literature review?
Plagiarize or present others' work as your own.
Exclude studies that contradict your own research findings.
Rely solely on a single source for information.
Ignore older studies as they are outdated.
Provide biased interpretations of the reviewed literature.
Include personal opinions without supporting evidence.
Use informal language and slang in the review.
What is the purpose of a literature review?
To summarize existing research on a specific topic
To conduct original research
To promote personal opinions
To analyze statistical data
Which components are typically included in a literature review?
What is the main purpose of including references in a literature review?
To acknowledge the original authors and sources of information
To increase the word count of the literature review
To provide additional reading material for the readers
To highlight personal opinions and biases
What is the role of a literature review in the research process?
To provide a theoretical framework for the research
To collect primary data
To analyze statistical results
To present personal opinions
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