Unit 2 AOS 2 -

Which method of dispute resolution includes a third party that does not make a decision but offers advice and possible solutions
Hen Barris
Which out of these tribunals resolves legal disputes and cases in Victoria
Mental Health Tribunal (MHT)
Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT)
Victorian civil and administrative tribunal (VCAT)
Nat Paya
Which injunction orders an individual to stop doing something
Mandatory injunction
Restrictive injunction
Which remedy orders the defendant to pay a sum of money
Order for Specific Performance
What are the three types of damages
Compensatory, nominal, exemplary
Special/specific, general, aggravated
Exemplary, restrictive, mandatory
Mandatory, restrictive, barris in a hen
How many jurors are generally in a civil jury
Define the ombudsman (1 mark)
Explain the purpose of Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV)
Case study (no answer needed): Hen Barris parks his car on his neighbour Nat Paya's lawn every day. Nat is unhappy with this and tells Hen to stop however Hen thinks Nat's underpants stink. One day, Mr Barris runs over Nat's two hens and they die. These hens cost Nat $111 as well as future costs since Nat was going to breed and sell them to buy a membership at windy hill gym. Nat takes this matter to a method of dispute resolution.
What method of dispute resolution would be suitable for this matter, define it and explain why (4 marks)
Define the remedy that would be suitable for the defendant Mr Barris and explain why (2 marks)
Explain why a court hearing would not be suitable for this matter with reference to the case of Mr Barris and Mr Paya (3 marks)
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