Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Tue, 13 Jul 21
[2107.04623] Alexandre Arsenault, Bruno de Sousa Alves, Frédéric Sirois: COMSOL implementation of the H-$φ$-formulation with thin cuts for modeling superconductors with transport currents
[2107.04640] I. Zoi, A. Ebrahimi, F. Feindt et al.: Position resolution with 25 um pitch pixel sensors before and after irradiation
[2107.04643] Ahmed Farag Ali: Timeless state of gravity: Black hole universal clock
[2107.04676] Lucia M. Wagner, Sara M. Clifton: Modeling the Public Health Impact of E-Cigarettes on Adolescents and Adults
[2107.04687] Shannon L. Eriksson, Jacob R. Lindale, Xiaoqing Li et al.: Improving SABRE hyperpolarization with highly non-intuitive pulse sequences: moving beyond avoided crossings to describe dynamics
[2107.04692] Yakov S. Dimant, George V. Khazanov, Meers M. Oppenheim: Effect of Electron Precipitation on E-Region Instabilities: Theoretical Analysis
[2107.04707] Brannon B. Klopfer, Mark A. Kasevich: Continuous Wave Multipass Microscopy
[2107.04737] Or Perlman, Bo Zhu, Moritz Zaiss et al.: An End-to-End AI-Based Framework for Automated Discovery of CEST/MT MR Fingerprinting Acquisition Protocols and Quantitative Deep Reconstruction (AutoCEST)
[2107.04739] Jinwei Zeng, Mohammad Albooyeh, Mohsen Rajaei et al.: Photoinduced Magnetic Force Microscopy: Enabling Direct and Exclusive Detection of Optical Magnetism
[2107.04740] Xiao Wang, Timothy C. Berkelbach: Absorption Spectra of Solids from Periodic Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Theory
[2107.04759] Elliot J. Carr: Simple reduced-order models of diffusion-controlled release from slab, circular, annular, spherical and spherical shell geometries
[2107.04779] Kasra Asnaashari, Roman V. Krems: Gradient domain machine learning with complex kernels: improving the accuracy of PES and force fields for large molecules
[2107.04787] A. S. Samsonov, E. N. Nerush, I. Yu. Kostyukov et al.: Beamstrahlung-enhanced disruption in beam-beam interaction
[2107.04792] Jongmin Lee, Roger Ding, Justin Christensen et al.: A Cold-Atom Interferometer with Microfabricated Gratings and a Single Seed Laser
[2107.04802] Shuai Jiang, Yi-Rong Liu, Teng Huang et al.: Towards fully ab initio simulation of atmospheric aerosol nucleation
[2107.04818] Debjani Chatterjee, A. P. Misra: Effects of Coriolis force on the nonlinear interactions of acoustic-gravity waves in the atmosphere
[2107.04821] Youssef Saade, Maziyar Jalaal, Andrea Prosperetti et al.: Crown formation from a cavitating bubble close to a free surface
[2107.04824] Harish Baki, Sandeep Chinta, C. Balaji et al.: Determining the sensitive parameters of WRF model for the prediction of Tropical cyclones in Bay of Bengal using Global sensitivity analysis and Mac...
[2107.04888] A.I. Frank, G.V. Kulin, N.V. Rebrova et al.: On the possibility of creating a UCN source on a periodic pulsed reactor
[2107.04909] Yijing Xie, Eli Nabavi, Jonathan Shapey et al.: Methodology development and validation of integrating sphere measurement of small size tissue specimens
[2107.04912] Madan Sharma, Aditya Singh, Pallavi Aggarwal et al.: Large-Area Transfer of 2D TMDCs Assisted by Water-soluble layer for Potential Device Applications
[2107.04951] Xiangjun Wang, Minping Wan, Luca Biferale: Acceleration of tracer and light particles in compressible homogeneous isotropic turbulence
[2107.04968] Bo Peng, Nicholas P. Bauman, Sahil Gulania et al.: Coupled cluster Green's function-Past, Present, and Future
[2107.04990] Huiying Fan, Jensen Li, Yun Lai et al.: Optical Brewster absorbers exhibiting ultrabroadband extreme angular-asymmetry
[2107.04996] Ya-Nan Dai, Bai-Fei Shen, Jian-Xing Li et al.: Photon polarization effects in polarized electron-positron pair production in a strong laser field
[2107.05007] Søren Ager Meldgaard, Jonas Köhler, Henrik Lund Mortensen et al.: Generating stable molecules using imitation and reinforcement learning
[2107.05019] Giouli Mihalakakou, Manolis Souliotis, Maria Papadaki et al.: Applications of Earth-to-Air Heat Exchangers: A Holistic Review
[2107.05027] Kexin Wang, Shuo Wang, Minghua Xiong et al.: Non-invasive Assessment of Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient (HVPG) Based on MR Flow Imaging and Computational Fluid Dynamics
[2107.05042] Yuanbin Jin, Jiangwei Yan, Shah Jee Rahman et al.: Imaging the dipole scattering of an optically levitated dielectric nanoparticle
[2107.05075] Xiaojian Yang, Chang Liu, Xing Ji et al.: Unified gas-kinetic wave-particle methods VI: Disperse dilute gas-particle multiphase flow
[2107.05084] Christopher R. Gubbin, Simone De Liberato, Thomas G. Folland: Perspective: Phonon polaritons for infrared optoelectronics
[2107.05141] Alexander Chamolly, Neil M. Ribe: Fluid mechanics of free subduction on a sphere, 1: The axisymmetric case
[2107.05153] Solmaz Azimi, Sheenam Khuttan, Joe Z. Wu et al.: Relative Binding Free Energy Calculations for Ligands with Diverse Scaffolds with the Alchemical Transfer Method
[2107.05155] Solmaz Azimi, Joe Z. Wu, Sheenam Khuttan et al.: Application of the Alchemical Transfer and Potential of Mean Force Methods to the SAMPL8 Host-Guest Blinded Challenge
[2107.05184] Navin Kumar Chandra, Udita. U. Ghosh, Aniruddha Saha et al.: Contact line pinning and de-pinning can modulate the rod-climbing effect
[2107.05196] Rambabu Rajpoot, Amol R. Holkundkar, Jayendra N. Bandyopadhyay: Controlling resonant enhancement in higher-order harmonic generation
[2107.05231] Minghong Qi, Dong Wang, Pei-Chao Cao et al.: Geometric phase and edge states in heat diffusion lattices
[2107.05239] Jingyi Tian, Giorgio Adamo, Hailong Liu et al.: Phase-change perovskite tunable microlaser
[2107.05257] Mihaela Parvu, Ionel Lazanu: Can strangelets be detected in a large LAr neutrino detector?
[2107.05277] Uthayakumar T, Vasantha Jayakantha Raja R, Porsezian K: A projection operator approach for computing the dynamics of AS2S3 chalcogenide birefringent photonic crystal fiber coupler
[2107.05282] Jacopo Fregoni, Tor S. Haugland, Silvio Pipolo et al.: Strong coupling between localized surface plasmons and molecules by coupled cluster theory
[2107.05308] Matt Majic, Walter R. C. Somerville, Eric C. Le Ru: Mean path length inside non-scattering refractive objects
[2107.05323] Qin Zhao, Mengyun Guan, Peng Zhang et al.: Measurement of the relative Quantum Efficiency of Hamamatsu model R5912-20MOD photomultiplier tubes at liquid argon temperature
[2107.05327] Danyang Wang, Xiaoyu Luo, Peter S. Stewart: Multiple Steady and Oscillatory Solutions in a Collapsible Channel Flow
[2107.05338] Vernon Cooray, Gerald Cooray, Marcos Rubinstein et al.: Could macroscopic dark matter (macros) give rise to mini-lightning flashes out of a blue sky without clouds?
[2107.05340] Bernd Welker, Thorsten Österle, Thomas Hoinkes et al.: Nanofiber-induced losses inside an optical cavity
[2107.05364] R. Bjørk, E. B. Poulsen, K. K. Nielsen et al.: MagTense: a micromagnetic framework using the analytical demagnetization tensor
[2107.05390] Seongyu Park, Samudrajit Thapa, Yeongjin Kim et al.: Bayesian inference of Lévy walks via hidden Markov models
[2107.05395] Enda Carroll, Andrew Gloster, Miguel D. Bustamante et al.: A Batched GPU Methodology for Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
[2107.05409] Mark M. Dekker: Geographic characterization of railway systems
[2107.05417] Mallika Irene Suresh, Jonas Hammer, Nicolas Y. Joly et al.: Deep-UV-enhanced supercontinuum generated in tapered gas-filled photonic crystal fiber
[2107.05432] James Koch: Data-Driven Surrogates of Rotating Detonation Engine Physics with Neural ODEs and High-Speed Camera Footage
[2107.05436] V. F. Correa, F. J. Castro: First-order phase transformation at constant volume: a continuous transition?
[2107.05439] Vinay Kumar, Stephan Dottermusch, Ngei Katumo et al.: Unclonable anti-counterfeiting labels based on microlens arrays and luminescent microparticles
[2107.05444] Enrico Trizio, Michele Parrinello: From enhanced sampling to reaction profiles
[2107.05449] Yachong An, Hao Ding, Zhifeng Chen: The consistency of interdecadal changes in the Earth's rotation variations
[2107.05472] Alejandra Melfo, Goran Senjanovic: Neutrino: chronicles of an aloof protagonist
[2107.05499] Matthias Plock, Sven Burger, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider: Recent advances in Bayesian optimization with applications to parameter reconstruction in optical nano-metrology
[2107.05501] Mikhail Padniuk, Marek Kopciuch, Riccardo Cipolletti et al.: Self-compensating co-magnetometer vs. spin-exchange relaxation-free magnetometer: sensitivity to nonmagnetic spin couplings
[2107.05508] Luc Biasiori-Poulanges, Hazem El-Rabii: Shock-induced cavitation and wavefront analysis inside a water droplet
[2107.05519] Alessandro Sozza, Massimo Cencini, Stefano Musacchio et al.: Instability of a dusty Kolmogorov flow
[2107.05527] Andrea Baronchelli: Collective intelligence and the blockchain: Technology, communities and social experiments
[2107.05539] Victor Rangel-Kuoppa, Sheng Ye, Yasir J Noori et al.: Towards GaAs Thin-Film Tracking Detectors
[2107.05549] Nan Chen, Yingda Li: BAMCAFE: A Bayesian Machine Learning Advanced Forecast Ensemble Method for Complex Nonlinear Turbulent Systems with Partial Observations
[2107.05562] Xianping Du, Kai Zhang, Onur Bilgen et al.: Effect of pseudo datasets for the classification-based engineering design
[2107.05568] Jiayue Tao, Suyi Li: Asymmetric Multi-Stability from Relaxing the Rigid-Folding Conditions in a Stacked Miura-ori Cellular Solid
[2107.05571] B. H. McGuyer, Qi Tang: Connection between antennas, beam steering, and the moiré effect
[2107.05573] Koushik Biswas, Sandeep Kumar, Ashish Kumar Pandey: Tropical cyclone intensity estimations over the Indian ocean using Machine Learning
[2107.05574] Mario M. Arreola-Esquivel, Carina Toxqui-Quitl, Maricela Delgadillo-Herrera et al.: Non-binary Snow Index for Multi-Component Surfaces
[2107.05576] Adi Natan: Real-Space Inversion and Super-Resolution of Ultrafast X-ray Scattering using Natural Scattering Kernels
[2107.05577] Stuart Patching: On Divergence- and Gradient-Preserving Coarse-Graining for Finite Volume Primitive Equation Ocean Models
[2107.05578] Markus D. Foote, Philip E. Dennison, Patrick R. Sullivan et al.: Impact of Scene-Specific Enhancement Spectra on Matched Filter Greenhouse Gas Retrievals from Imaging Spectroscopy
[2107.05600] Neepa T. Maitra: Double and Charge-Transfer Excitations in Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory
[2107.05623] Jinyu Wan, Yi Jiao, Yongjun Li: A semi-supervised method for fast prediction of chaotic motions in nonintegrable systems
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Tue, 13 Jul 21","img":""}