Ortho mey phoung 181-240

An engaging digital illustration of teeth alignment and orthodontic tools, showcasing a vibrant dental clinic environment.

Orthodontic Knowledge Challenge

Test your orthodontic knowledge with our engaging quiz designed for dental students and professionals alike. This quiz covers essential concepts in orthodontics, including jaw relationships, treatment methods, and dental anatomy.

Prepare to enhance your understanding through:

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Comprehensive explanations
  • Opportunity to review and learn
61 Questions15 MinutesCreated by AligningTooth123
180. Screw expansion should be turned for a week ?
σ� ¼ turn = 0.15mm
σ� ¼ turn = 0.20mm
σ� ¼ turn = 0.25mm
σ� ¼ turn = 0.30mm
σ� Unrelated
181. The buccal canine retractors are used when The canines are buccally erupted in ?
σ� mesially inclined
σ� distally inclined
σ� upright
σ� palatal position
σ� All are related
182. The mandibular plane is constructed by joining which of the following landmarks ?
σ� Gonion to Pogonion
σ� Gonion to B Point
σ� Gonion to Menton
σ� Pogonion to Menton
σ� Porion to Menton
183. The Normative values for A-P Jaw relationship in SNA angle for the Chinese Norm is ?
σ� SNA : 80 ± 3
σ� SNA : 81 ± 3
σ� SNA : 82 ± 3
σ� SNA : 83 ± 3
σ� SNA : 84 ± 3
184. The measurement in dental analysis of inclination of the upper central incisors to ?
σ� Maxillary plane
σ� Cranial base or SN Line
σ� Lower central incisors
σ� All are related
σ� Unrelated
185. The high risk of upper central incisor trauma when ?
σ� Overjet = 9mm
σ� Overjet > 9mm
σ� Overjet < 9mm
σ� sometime great, sometime less
σ� Unrelated
186. The function of Z spring to apply the force to move the tooth ?
σ� To mesially
σ� To disally
σ� To palatally
σ� To labially
σ� All are related
187. The tooth moves in the dental arch in mesially or distally as ?
σ� Palatal finger spring
σ� Screw expansion
σ� Clasp spring
σ� All are related
σ� Unrelated
188. The most common cause of the teeth missing ?
σ� Central incisors
σ� Lateral incisors
σ� First premolars
σ� first permanent molars
σ� second permanent molars
189. The conjunction of the fronto-nasal suture ?
σ� Frontal
σ� Sella
σ� Nasion2
σ� Nasal
σ� Basion
190. The space analysis of Tanaka and Johnston prediction value based on in mixed dentition when the ?
σ� Lateral incisors have erupted
σ� Central incisors have erupted
σ� Permanent first molar have erupted
σ� All are related
σ� Unrelated
191. What method that can effect to the overbite reduction when patient wear removable appliance ?
σ� Molar capping
σ� Posterior bite plane
σ� Anterior bite plane
σ� Head gear
σ� All are related
192. On patient compliance, patient should wear functional appliance regularly at least ?
σ� 10 hours/day
σ� 12 hours/day
σ� 14 hours/day
σ� 24 hours/day
σ� All are correct
193. The action lower block of the functional appliance (Class II twin block )tendency to ?
σ� To upright lower incisors
σ� To retrocline lower incisors
σ� To procline lower incisors
σ� All are related
σ� Unrelated
194. The definition of incisor relationship class II , the lower incisors edges occlude ?
σ� To the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors
σ� posteriorly of the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors
σ� Anteriorly of the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors
σ� Edge to edge to the upper central incisors
σ� Unrelated
195. The management of the median diastema when the patient has a problem with the teeth missing of upper lateral incisors ?
σ� Closing space
σ� Create space
σ� Keep the space for partial denture
σ� Keep the space for implant
σ� All are related
196. A patient who has class II division 1 malocclusion and the upper incisors are proclined with increase overjet 6 mm , upper and lower arches are well alignment. How many space requirement for overjet reduction ?
σ� 6mm
σ� 7mm
σ� 8mm
σ� 9mm
σ� 10mm
197. A child at 5-6 years with molar class II, later stage the first molar become class I. The causes of the skeletal growth ?
σ� Maxilla growth is longer than the mandible
σ� Mandible growth is longer than the maxilla
σ� Maxilla and mandible growth at the same duration
σ� Mandible growth sometimes longer, sometimes shorter
σ� Skeletal growth change by functional appliance
198. The most frequently used of radiographic in orthodontic ?
σ� Postero-anterior view
σ� Lateral oblique view
σ� Maxillary anterior occlusal view
σ� Lateral view
σ� All are related
199. The points in the maxillary landmark have known as ?
σ� Orbital
σ� Gonion
σ� Basion
σ� Porion
σ� Unrelated
200. The type of retentive component is Z spring/ double helical spring, what’s function when apply the force to anterior teeth ?
σ� To move premolar or canine buccally
σ� To move teeth in the dental arch mesially or distally
σ� To procline one or a group of anterior teeth
σ� To upright premolar or canine in the arch
σ� All are related
201. What’s function of labial bow ( Active ) when apply the force to anterior teeth ?
σ� To procline anterior teeth
σ� To retract anterior teeth
σ� To intrude the anterior teeth
σ� To keep in position of anterior teeth
σ� Unrelated
202. The location of the Basion ( Ba Point ) was known as ?
σ� The most inferior point of the Porion
σ� In the middle point of the sella turcica
σ� Nearest the zygomatic bone
σ� The most superior of the condylar head
σ� All unrelated
203. The maxillary landmark were known as:?
σ� Anterior nasal spine
σ� Posterior nasal spine
σ� Point A
σ� Incisor superius
σ� All are related
204. What cephalometric planes tracing were found ?
σ� Frankfort plane
σ� Maxillary plane
σ� Functional occlusal plane
σ� Mandibular plane
σ� All are related
205. The normative values of SNA angle for the A-P Jaw relationship of the Chinese Norm: ?
σ� SNA: 83±1
σ� SNA: 83±2
σ� SNA: 83±3
σ� SNA: 83±4
σ� All unrelated
206. The normative values of SNB angle for the A-P Jaw relationship of the Chinese Norm: ?
σ� SNB: 80±3
σ� SNB: 82±3
σ� SNB: 83±3
σ� SNB: 84±3
σ� All unrelated
207. The normative values of ANB angle for the A-P Jaw relationship of the Chinese Norm: ?
σ� ANB: 3±1
σ� ANB: 3±2
σ� ANB: 3±3
σ� ANB: 3±4
σ� All unrelated
208. The normative values of SNA angle for the A-P Jaw relationship of the Caucasian Norm: ?
σ� SNA: 81±1
σ� SNA: 81±2
σ� SNA: 81±3
σ� SNA: 81±4
σ� All unrelated
209. The normative values of SNB angle for the A-P Jaw relationship of the Caucasian Norm: ?
σ� SNB: 78±1
σ� SNB: 78±2
σ� SNB: 78±3
σ� SNB: 78±4
σ� All unrelated
210. The normative values of ANB angle for the A-P Jaw relationship of the Caucasion Norm: ?
σ� ANB: 3±1
σ� ANB: 3±2
σ� ANB: 3±3
σ� ANB: 3±4
σ� All unrelated
211. The most frequently used of cephalometric in orthodontic ?
σ� Postero-Anterior view
σ� Lateral view
σ� Lateral oblique
σ� All are related
σ� Unrelated
212. The skeletal discrepancy of Class II malocclusion when ?
σ� The maxilla normal and mandibular retrusive
σ� The maxilla protrusive and mandibar retrusive
σ� The maxilla protrusive and mandible normal
σ� All are related
σ� All unrelated
213. The skeletal discrepancy of Class III malocclusion when ?
σ� The maxilla retrosive and mandibular protrusive
σ� The maxilla normal and mandibular protrusive
σ� The maxilla retrosive and mandibular normal
σ� All are related
σ� Unrelated
214. The skeletal Class I was described when ?
σ� ANB : 2-3 degrees
σ� ANB: 2-4 degrees
σ� ANB: 2-5 degrees
σ� ANB: 2-6 degrees
σ� Unrelated
215. The skeletal Class II was described when ?
σ� ANB : ˃ 1 degrees
σ� ANB : ˃ 2 degrees
σ� ANB : ˃ 3 degrees
σ� ANB : ˃ 4 degrees
σ� All unrelated
216. The skeletal Class III was described when ?
σ� ANB : ˂ 1 degrees
σ� ANB : ˂ 2 degrees
σ� ANB : ˂ 3 degrees
σ� ANB : ˂ 4 degrees
σ� All unrelated
217. Dental analysis, how can upper central incisor compares to ?
σ� SN Line
σ� Maxillary plane
σ� Lower central incisor
σ� All are related
σ� All unrelated
218. Dental analysis, how can lower central incisor compares to ?
σ� Facial plane
σ� Occlusal plane
σ� Mandibular plane
σ� Franfort plane
σ� All unrelated
219. In cephalometric analysis of children with malocclusion, the angle ANB is frequently used. In patients with severe Class II malocclusion, this angle is ?
σ� Greater than the Norm
σ� Less than the Norm
σ� Normal
σ� Unrelated
σ� Sometimes greater, sometimes less
220. Which of the following conditions is usually present in a Class II, Division 2 malocclusion?
σ� Open bite
σ� Steep mandibular plane
σ� Mesiocclusion of permanent first molars
σ� Retroclination of maxillary central incisors
σ� Unrelated
221. Anterior teeth are most likely to be fractured in children with which of the following mixed dentition malocclusions?
σ� Class I
σ� Class II div 1
σ� Class II div 2
σ� Class III
σ� There is no relation
222. The best time to correct a upper central incisor crossbite is ?
σ� After permanent canines erupt
σ� After permanent central incisors erupt
σ� After permanent lateral incisors erupt
σ� During erupting stage of central incisors erupt
σ� Un related
223. The inter-incisal angle was constructed by axis of ?
σ� upper incisor to maxillary plane
σ� upper incisor to mandibular plane
σ� Lower incisor to maxillary plane
σ� Lower incisor to mandibular plane
σ� Upper incisor to Lower incisor
224. Lower anterior facial height ratio ( % ) was calculated by ?
σ� LAFH + TAFH x 100%
σ� LAFH/TAFH x100%
σ� UAFH + TAFH x 100%
σ� UAFH/TAFH x 100%
σ� All unrelated
225. The line joining the tip of the nose to the chin was called a Ricketts E- Line or Aesthetic Line in Normative value for the Caucasion Norm is ?
σ� value = 2 ± 2 mm
σ� value = 2 ± 1 mm
σ� value = 2 ± 0 mm
σ� value = 0 ± 1 mm
σ� value = 1 ± 1 mm
226. The Functional was defined as Removable or fixed appliance that ?
σ� stretching the muscles
σ� Posture the mandible move forward
σ� Force was transmitted to the dentition
σ� Force was transmitted to the skeletal structure
σ� All are related
227. The most important action of a functional appliance was ?
σ� The condyles in the glenoid fossa
σ� Holding the mandible forwards
σ� Holding the mandible backwards
σ� Holding the mandible upwards
σ� All are related
228. The patient in deep bite case who wear functional appliance the bite plane was used as ?
σ� Posterior bite plane
σ� Posterior capping
σ� anterior bite plane
σ� Lower incisor capping
σ� Lower incisor inclined bite plane
229. What’s happened when the functional appliance was finished ?
σ� Discrepancy of the skeletal structure
σ� facial convexity
σ� Condylar heads were ankylosis
σ� Gap in the buccal segments
σ� Lower incisor are retroclined
230. The component that can be used to help upper arch expansion during functional appliance related to the soft tissue change ?
σ� Labial bow
σ� Frankels
σ� Shields
σ� Springs
σ� Wax bite
231. Space analysis requires a comparison between the amount of space available for the alignment of teeth and the amount of space required to align them properly, the method of space analysis when ?
σ� Permanent first premolars have erupted
σ� Permanent second premolars have erupted
σ� Permanent first molars have erupted
σ� Permanent second molars have erupted
σ� Permanent third molars have erupted
232. The space analysis of Tanaka and Johnston prediction value based on in mixed dentition when ?
σ� Lateral incisors have erupted
σ� Central incisors have erupted
σ� Permanent first molars have erupted
σ� All are related
σ� Unrelated
233. The factor that effect to the choice for teeth extraction when the space is required as follows ?
?  Teeth are poor prognosis
σ� Teeth are well alignment with spacing
σ� anchorage requirements is enough
σ� Teeth are well alignment without spacing
σ� All are related
234. The soft tissue effect when functional appliance was finished ?
σ� Lower lip incompetence
σ� Lower lip competence
σ� Lower lip seal when swallowing
σ� Lower lip cover full crown of the upper incisors
σ� All are related
235. what’s ideal patient was Indicated for functional appliance ?
σ� Average FMPA
σ� Low FMPA
σ� FMPA : 20-30 deg
σ� All are related
σ� Unrelated
236. What method that can effect for the overbite reduction when patient wear removable appliance?
σ� Molar capping
σ� Posterior bite plane
σ� Anterior bite plane
σ� Head gear
σ� All are related
237. For patient compliance, patient should wear functional appliance regularly at least ?
σ� 10 hours/day
σ� 12 hours/day
σ� 14 hours/day
σ� 24 hours/day
σ� All are correct
238. A 12 years old boy with upper and lower teeth alignment in both arches who has class II incisor relationship associated with skeletal II base, what’s appliance should be indicated for this patient ?
σ� Removable appliance
σ� Functional appliance
σ� Fixed appliance
σ� head gear
σ� All are related
239. Which option can be related to the Andrew six keys ?
σ� Molar relationship class II
σ� Spacing
σ� Rotation
σ� inclination abnormal
σ� All unrelated
240. The most important of incline bite plane when the functional appliance was finished ?
σ� Keep for aesthetic
σ� keep mandible in position
σ� keep mandible move forward
σ� keep mandible move backward
σ� keep the gap at the buccal segment
{"name":"Ortho mey phoung 181-240", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your orthodontic knowledge with our engaging quiz designed for dental students and professionals alike. This quiz covers essential concepts in orthodontics, including jaw relationships, treatment methods, and dental anatomy.Prepare to enhance your understanding through:Multiple-choice questionsComprehensive explanationsOpportunity to review and learn","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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