Bitcoin Technology Quiz

Copy down your bitcoin address to enter the giveaway
What is bitcoin..?
A Computer
A Cryptocurrency
A Graphic Card
A Hardware
What is blockchain..?
A website that sells mining supplements
A Website where they sell Bitcoins
A public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions
A chain of Bitcoins
Blockchain is immutable because …?
No one can control it
They can be maniuplated
You can break the chain
They are connected
What is mining..?
Collecting data
Solving mathematics problems
Mining rocks
What are the mining reward..?
Earn free gpu
Earn real money
A Bitcoin
{"name":"Bitcoin Technology Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Would you like to enter Bitcoin giveaway for free??!!! All you have to do is solve a simple quiz from your choice. There is going to be 5 winners every Friday, and each winner will get a 20$ worth of Bitcoin!!! Hurry up before the next Friday!","img":"","hash":"#Bitcoin, #Cryptocurrency, #Bitcoingiveaway"}
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