International Cooperative Development in Action!

Welcome to the Cooperatives Europe Quiz on international cooperative development, EDDs 2018 Edition! Want to find out more about what cooperatives are doing for sustainable development and women’s empowerment? Take this quiz and find out!
What is a cooperative?
A. A communist club with equal rights for members
B. An enterprise jointly owned and democratically controlled by its members
C. An international development charity
Correct Answer: B! Cooperatives are people-centred businesses owned and run by their members. They are autonomous associations of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. As a business model, cooperative enterprises are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.
Correct Answer: B! Cooperatives are people-centred businesses owned and run by their members. They are autonomous associations of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. As a business model, cooperative enterprises are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.
Cooperatives are found across the globe. How many people in the world are ‘co-operators’?
A. 1 in every 10 people
B. 50 percent of the global population
C. 1 in every 6 people
Correct Answer: C! Co-operation is not a marginal phenomenon. More than 1,2 billion people, or one in every six people on the planet, are members of any of the 3 million co-operatives in the world! They are strong and healthy: the Top 300 co-operatives report a total turnover of 1.9 billion Euros (2.2 billion USD), according to the World Co-operative Monitor (2017). Co-operatives contribute to sustainable economic growth and also to stable, quality employment, employing 280 million people across the globe.
Correct Answer: C! Co-operation is not a marginal phenomenon. More than 1,2 billion people, or one in every six people on the planet, are members of any of the 3 million co-operatives in the world! They are strong and healthy: the Top 300 co-operatives report a total turnover of 1.9 billion Euros (2.2 billion USD), according to the World Co-operative Monitor (2017). Co-operatives contribute to sustainable economic growth and also to stable, quality employment, employing 280 million people across the globe.
What is the difference between a cooperative and an investor-owned business? Select all correct answers
A. In a cooperative, profits are reinvested or returned to members, rather than shareholders
B. Cooperatives and their management are democratically controlled by members
C. Cooperatives have more employees and are more expensive to run
Correct Answers: A and B! There are several differences between cooperatives and traditional investor-owned enterprises. Cooperatives have unique features which make the model more resilient, particularly in times of economic crisis. Because cooperative businesses are owned and run by and for their members with a democratic and participatory system at its core, members have a greater say in the direction of the enterprise. Whether the members are the customers, employees or producers, they also have a share in the profits. As businesses driven by values not just profit, cooperatives share internationally agreed principles, acting together to build a better world through co-operation.
Correct Answers: A and B! There are several differences between cooperatives and traditional investor-owned enterprises. Cooperatives have unique features which make the model more resilient, particularly in times of economic crisis. Because cooperative businesses are owned and run by and for their members with a democratic and participatory system at its core, members have a greater say in the direction of the enterprise. Whether the members are the customers, employees or producers, they also have a share in the profits. As businesses driven by values not just profit, cooperatives share internationally agreed principles, acting together to build a better world through co-operation.
What are cooperatives doing to support gender equality and women’s empowerment? Select all correct answers
A. Organising holiday excursions and parties for women
C. Providing learning opportunities such as technical skills improvement and training
B. Providing access to business capital, financing, and economic resources
Correct Answers: B and C! Cooperatives contribute to SDG 5 for gender equality by increasing women’s access to resources and economic opportunities. Globally more women join SACCOs (savings and credit cooperative organisations) giving them increased access to financial resources. Cooperatives also provide women with learning opportunities such as technical skills improvement and training. Women-only cooperatives are being formed in the Arab States and in countries such as Sri Lanka, furthering their economic opportunities and increasing social inclusion.
Correct Answers: B and C! Cooperatives contribute to SDG 5 for gender equality by increasing women’s access to resources and economic opportunities. Globally more women join SACCOs (savings and credit cooperative organisations) giving them increased access to financial resources. Cooperatives also provide women with learning opportunities such as technical skills improvement and training. Women-only cooperatives are being formed in the Arab States and in countries such as Sri Lanka, furthering their economic opportunities and increasing social inclusion.
How do savings and credit cooperative organisations (SACCOs) work?
A. They provide loans to members at very high interest rates
B. They don’t accept people with bad credit ratings
C. They are managed and owned by local members, who work together for collective financial security
Correct Answer: C! Cooperative financial institutions, such as SACCOs, are based on a model which shares cooperative values and practices with the rest of the cooperative movement, including member ownership, openness, democracy, autonomy and local ownership. SACCOs are financial cooperatives owned by members and governed by a board of directors elected by, and from among, those members. They function to meet the needs of all members. Usually, there is a common bond among the members of a SACCO, such as belonging to the same organization, or living in the same geographical area.
Correct Answer: C! Cooperative financial institutions, such as SACCOs, are based on a model which shares cooperative values and practices with the rest of the cooperative movement, including member ownership, openness, democracy, autonomy and local ownership. SACCOs are financial cooperatives owned by members and governed by a board of directors elected by, and from among, those members. They function to meet the needs of all members. Usually, there is a common bond among the members of a SACCO, such as belonging to the same organization, or living in the same geographical area.
How have cooperative financial institutions contributed to women’s economic empowerment? Select all correct Answers
A. By helping women access financial resources, business, savings, and loans
B. By offering a model based on member ownership and cooperatively managed institutions
C. By making women richer than men
Correct Answers: A and B! Cooperative financial institutions can provide women with a route to economic empowerment. For example, in collaboration with its local member, APMAS, since 2007 DGRV has been implementing a project in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh by introducing a self-regulation system to cooperative self-help groups (SHGs), to help them become viable and sustainable institutions. Throughout the project, the existing self-help groups evolved to be member-owned, managed and controlled institutions. Women have access to their own financial resources, business, savings and loans, which helps them to develop economic independence.
Correct Answers: A and B! Cooperative financial institutions can provide women with a route to economic empowerment. For example, in collaboration with its local member, APMAS, since 2007 DGRV has been implementing a project in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh by introducing a self-regulation system to cooperative self-help groups (SHGs), to help them become viable and sustainable institutions. Throughout the project, the existing self-help groups evolved to be member-owned, managed and controlled institutions. Women have access to their own financial resources, business, savings and loans, which helps them to develop economic independence.
What is one of the main advantages of international cooperative development?
A. It’s people centred, meaning people can take control of their own livelihoods
B. It’s top down, so projects are completed with efficiency
C. It’s cheaper and faster than other development projects, meaning more projects are completed
Correct answer: A! Cooperatives are a tried-and-tested model in international development, enabling people around the world to take control over their livelihoods. Supporting the growth of cooperatives is therefore an established way to empower people and local communities to take charge of their own development, putting people before profit. The recent European Consensus on Development, co-signed by the European Commission, Parliament and Council, includes 3 strong references pointing out the role of cooperatives as key actors in the SDG implementation.
Correct answer: A! Cooperatives are a tried-and-tested model in international development, enabling people around the world to take control over their livelihoods. Supporting the growth of cooperatives is therefore an established way to empower people and local communities to take charge of their own development, putting people before profit. The recent European Consensus on Development, co-signed by the European Commission, Parliament and Council, includes 3 strong references pointing out the role of cooperatives as key actors in the SDG implementation.
How are cooperatives contributing to peaceful and inclusive societies (SDG 16)? Select all correct answers
A. By confiscating weapons and brokering peace agreements after a conflict
B. By acting as solidarity networks during crises and helping to rebuild economies and communities
C. By generating employment for women and youth in rural and urban areas
Correct Answers: B and C! As stated in a recent report on Cooperatives and the SDGs prepared by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA), co-operatives have a transformative potential in revitalizing struggling sectors, recovery of crisis-stricken local economies, increasing returns to producers and service providers across value chains, formalizing informal employment, and generating employment for women and youth in rural and urban areas in post conflict settings.
Correct Answers: B and C! As stated in a recent report on Cooperatives and the SDGs prepared by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA), co-operatives have a transformative potential in revitalizing struggling sectors, recovery of crisis-stricken local economies, increasing returns to producers and service providers across value chains, formalizing informal employment, and generating employment for women and youth in rural and urban areas in post conflict settings.
How have cooperatives facilitated women’s economic independence and empowerment in post-conflict settings? Select all correct answers
A. By offering training and awareness raising activities to reunite women and strengthen social ties
B. By building trust between different groups and reviving opportunities in different economic sectors
C. By offering free art and yoga classes to women
Correct Answers: A and B! Cooperatives can play a significant role in post-conflict peacebuilding. In Colombia, Coopermondo’s AGRICOOP Mujer project brings together over 100 women in the Cauca Region, a conflict affected area in Colombia, to develop an empowerment strategy for themselves. They have built a trust network to overcome their differences and historical hostilities due to a context of guerrilla warfare, ethnic antagonisms and drug trafficking. Within this network, different groups have been created, each one reuniting women that are dedicated to the same activity or profession. The two largest groups work with activities in the textile and tourism sector, reinforcing the region’s economic stability and peace building initiatives.
Correct Answers: A and B! Cooperatives can play a significant role in post-conflict peacebuilding. In Colombia, Coopermondo’s AGRICOOP Mujer project brings together over 100 women in the Cauca Region, a conflict affected area in Colombia, to develop an empowerment strategy for themselves. They have built a trust network to overcome their differences and historical hostilities due to a context of guerrilla warfare, ethnic antagonisms and drug trafficking. Within this network, different groups have been created, each one reuniting women that are dedicated to the same activity or profession. The two largest groups work with activities in the textile and tourism sector, reinforcing the region’s economic stability and peace building initiatives.
What else are cooperatives doing to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Select all correct answers
A. Cooperatives involve young people and women in decision-making processes
B. Cooperatives give away lots of money to worthy causes
C. Cooperatives are reducing poverty and contributing to the creation of economic growth and decent work
Correct Answers: A and C! Cooperatives contribute to the SDGs in many ways, through their various activities across a wide range of sectors. Among others, they support the reduction of poverty by creating decent work and sustainable economic growth, improve food security and education opportunities, and strive to give a stronger voice to youth and women in decision-making processes. Take a look at the projects at our stand to find out more about how cooperatives are building a better world!
Correct Answers: A and C! Cooperatives contribute to the SDGs in many ways, through their various activities across a wide range of sectors. Among others, they support the reduction of poverty by creating decent work and sustainable economic growth, improve food security and education opportunities, and strive to give a stronger voice to youth and women in decision-making processes. Take a look at the projects at our stand to find out more about how cooperatives are building a better world!
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Thank you for completing our quiz! And now for the results...
{"name":"International Cooperative Development in Action!", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the Cooperatives Europe Quiz on international cooperative development, EDD Edition! Want to find out more about what cooperatives are doing for sustainable development and women’s empowerment? Take this quiz and find out!, What is a cooperative?, Correct Answer: B! Cooperatives are people-centred businesses owned and run by their members. They are autonomous associations of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. As a business model, cooperative enterprises are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.","img":""}
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