Is Enrolling with Scentsy Right for YOU?

How much do you currently spend on Scentsy?
I buy a 6-pack of wax every other month.
$50 per month
Not as much as I WISH I could! I love it!
Do you wash dishes and clean your home?
Do you do laundry?
What interests you?
I’d like some extra money in my budget for fun stuff!
Any extra income would help us survive and make ends meet.
We have goals to pay down our debt and an extra paycheck would make our goals happen faster
I just want more free Scentsy!
I need to meet new people, and make new friends.
I love any excuse to travel, and even better if it’s FREE!
I wish I had the ability to give back, more... To donate money and time!
How much time do you have for a business?
I’m always on the go, I’m not sure I’d have more than 15 minutes per day to make it happen!
I’d be a weekend warrior, getting it all done on my days off.
I’m a night owl, I could manage tasks when I get the kids to bed.
I’m home and need direction on how to make this a legit business, and fast!
I could possibly squeeze out one focused hour a day.
Who do you know and where do you go?
My family (sister, aunts, cousins) love Scentsy!
I have a lot of friends, and I love to get out!
I just moved to my area, and I really don’t know anyone here.
I work in a building full of people with my job.
I only really get my hair cut, go to the grocery store, and visit the dentist.
My kid(s) are in sports, scouts, or other extracurriculars
My spouse knows a lot of people.
Which type of consultant would you be?
I’d be sharing online, all the way! I love the influencer lifestyle.
I’d hand off my testers to a host as a bag party and pick them up in a week or so.
I’d be in people’s homes or on location at restaurants and parks. I love to socialize face to face!
I’d just casually share with my family and friends!
I’d send occasional emails and text messages to people that I know love Scentsy.
My biggest fear is:
What people THINK. Will they roll their eyes at me?
That I’ll fail. What if it doesn’t work out?
If you could travel anywhere in the world (free or paid) where would you go?
New York City, Manhattan
Nashville, TN
Walt Disney World
The Bahamas
Rio De Janeiro
Africa, on safari
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