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New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 29 Oct 20
[2010.14507] Somnath Dutta, Chin-Fei Lee, Tie Liu et al.: ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP) II. Survey overview: a first look at 1.3 mm continuum maps and molecular outflows
[2010.14512] J. Neilsen, J. Homan, J. F. Steiner et al.: A NICER View of a Highly-Absorbed Flare in GRS 1915+105
[2010.14521] Mark Booth, Michael Schulz, Alexander V. Krivov et al.: Resolving the outer ring of HD 38206 using ALMA and constraining limits on planets in the system
[2010.14523] Azadeh Moradinezhad Dizgah, Matteo Biagetti, Emilliano Sefusatti et al.: Primordial Non-Gaussianity from Biased Tracers: Likelihood Analysis of Real-Space Power Spectrum and Bispectrum
[2010.14530] Mukul Bhattacharya, Pawan Kumar, Eric V. Linder: Fast Radio Burst Dispersion Measure Distribution as a Probe of Helium Reionization
[2010.14532] J. Becerra González, J. A. Acosta-Pulido, W. Boschin et al.: Optical spectral characterization of the the gamma-ray blazars S4 0954+65, TXS 1515-273 and RX J0812.0+0237
[2010.14533] The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration: R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott et al.: Population Properties of Compact Objects from the Second LIGO-Virgo Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog
[2010.14540] Shameer Abdeen, Daniel Kennefick, Julia Kennefick et al.: Evidence in favour of density wave theory through star formation history maps and spatially resolved stellar clusters
[2010.14542] W. Peter Maksym, Giuseppina Fabbiano, Martin Elvis et al.: A Giant Loop of Ionized Gas Emerging from the Tumultuous Central Region of IC 5063
[2010.14550] The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration: R.Abbott, T.D.Abbott et al.: Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected by Fermi and Swift During the LIGO-...
[2010.14591] Christian Sarmiento-Cano, Mauricio Suárez-Durán, Rolando Calderón-Ardila et al.: Performance of the LAGO water Cherenkov detectors to cosmic ray flux
[2010.14647] Apostolos Christou, Jeremie Vaubaillon, Paul Withers et al.: Extra-Terrestrial Meteors
[2010.14662] Yanan Wang, Long Ji, Javier A. Garcia et al.: A variable ionized disk wind in the black-hole candidate EXO 1846-031
[2010.14675] Jeremy Dietrich, Dániel Apai: An Integrated Analysis with Predictions on the Architecture of the tau Ceti Planetary System, Including a Habitable Zone Planet
[2010.14679] Monika Soraisam, Sarah DeSantis, Chien-Hsiu Lee et al.: AT 2020iko: a WZ Sge-type DN candidate with an anomalous precursor event
[2010.14698] Miranda Yew, Miroslav D. Filipović, Milorad Stupar et al.: New Optically Identified Supernova Remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud
[2010.14717] Samuel H. C. Cabot, Rachael M. Roettenbacher, Gregory W. Henry et al.: EXPRES. II. Searching for Planets Around Active Stars: A Case Study of HD 101501
[2010.14732] Renjie Wang, Wen-Hong Ruan, Qing Yang et al.: Hubble parameter estimation via dark sirens with the LISA-Taiji network
[2010.14737] Zongnan Li, Zhiyuan Li, Matthew W. L. Smith et al.: A Herschel mapping of [C ii], [O i] and [O iii] lines from the circumnuclear region of M31
[2010.14738] Dongsu Bak, Jae-Weon Lee, Sangnam Park: Effective Cross Section of Fuzzy Dark Matter Halos
[2010.14741] Xiao-Li Huang, En-Wei Liang: $L_{\rm syn}-E_{\rm syn, p}-δ$ relation in Active Galactic Nucleus Jets and Implication for the physical origin of the $L_{\rm p}-E_{\rm p,z}-Γ_0$ relation of Gamma-Ray...
[2010.14743] Sarah J. Morrison, Rebekah I. Dawson, Mariah G. MacDonald: Chains of Planets in Mean Motion Resonances Arising from Oligarchic Growth
[2010.14786] Ritesh Patel, Vaibhav Pant, Priyanka Iyer et al.: Automated Detection of Accelerating Solar Eruptions using Parabolic Hough Transform
[2010.14787] Di Xiao, Zi-Gao Dai: Double-peaked Pulse Profile of FRB 200428: Synchrotron Maser from Magnetized Shocks Encountering a Density Jump
[2010.14812] Steve Bryson, Michelle Kunimoto, Ravi K. Kopparapu et al.: The Occurrence of Rocky Habitable Zone Planets Around Solar-Like Stars from Kepler Data
[2010.14833] J. Soldateschi, N. Bucciantini, L. Del Zanna: Magnetic deformation of neutron stars in scalar-tensor theories
[2010.14867] J. Maldonado, G. Micela, M. Baratella et al.: HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG XII. The abundance signature of M dwarf stars with planets
[2010.14870] Zhi-Hong He, Ye Xu, Chao-Jie Hao et al.: A catalogue of 74 new open clusters found in Gaia Data-Release 2
[2010.14874] Bram Venemans, Fabian Walter, Marcel Neeleman et al.: Kiloparsec-scale ALMA Imaging of [CII] and Dust continuum Emission of 27 Quasar Host Galaxies at z~6
[2010.14875] Mladen Novak, Bram P. Venemans, Fabian Walter et al.: No evidence for [CII] halos or high-velocity outflows in z>6 quasar host galaxies
[2010.14906] Micheli T. Moura, Rubens E. G. Machado, Rogério Monteiro-Oliveira: Simulations of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 2034: what determines the level of separation between gas and dark matter
[2010.14914] K. Rubinur, P. Kharb, M. Das et al.: A Multi-wavelength Study of the Dual Nuclei in Mrk 212
[2010.14963] M. Mečina, B. Aringer, W. Nowotny et al.: Extended view on the dust shells around two carbon stars
[2010.14964] Mahmoud Hashim, Waleed El Hanafy, Alexey Golovnev et al.: Toward a concordance teleparallel Cosmology I: Background Dynamics
[2010.14971] Nitin Yadav, Robert H. Cameron, Sami K. Solanki: Vortex Flow Properties in Simulations of Solar Plage Region: Evidence for their role in chromospheric heating
[2010.14973] Aya E. Higuchi, Ágnes Kóspál, Attila Moór et al.: Physical conditions of gas components in debris disks of 49 Ceti and HD 21997
[2010.15002] E. Egron, A. Pellizzoni, S. Righini et al.: Investigating the mini and giant radio flare episodes of Cygnus X-3
[2010.15005] Alessandro Bemporad: Coronal Electron Densities derived with Images acquired during the 21 August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
[2010.15007] M.R.S. Hawkins: SDSS J1004+4112: the case for a galaxy cluster dominated by primordial black holes
[2010.15026] Grant Merz, Zach Meisel: Urca Nuclide Production in Type-I X-ray Bursts and Implications for Nuclear Physics Studies
[2010.15035] Unal Ertan: On the Torque Reversals of Accreting Neutron Stars
[2010.15042] D. Bhakta, K. P. Mooley, A. Corsi et al.: The JAGWAR Prowls LIGO/Virgo O3 Paper I: Radio Search of a Possible Multi-Messenger Counterpart of the Binary Black Hole Merger Candidate S191216ap
[2010.15053] Andrew Bunting, Caroline Terquem: Tidally induced stellar oscillations: converting modelled oscillations excited by hot Jupiters into observables
[2010.15064] Yin-Zhe Ma, Yan Gong, Tilman Troster et al.: Probing the cluster pressure profile with thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect and weak lensing cross-correlation
[2010.15077] Josef Rucska, James Wadsley: Streaming instability on different scales. I. Planetesimal mass distribution variability
[2010.15085] Gopal Bhatta, Radim Pánis, Zdeněk Stuchlík: Deterministic Aspect of the $γ$-ray Variability in Blazars
[2010.15087] Sarah Millholland, Christopher Spalding: Formation of Ultra-Short-Period Planets by Obliquity-Driven Tidal Runaway
[2010.15091] J. E. Owen, I.F. Shaikhislamov, H. Lammer et al.: Hydrogen dominated atmospheres on terrestrial mass planets: evidence, origin and evolution
[2010.15094] S. Carolan, A. A. Vidotto, C. Villarreal D'Angelo et al.: Effects of the stellar wind on the Ly-alpha transit of close-in planets
[2010.15096] Rosa Valiante, Monica Colpi, Raffaella Schneider et al.: Unveiling early black hole growth with multi-frequency gravitational wave observations
[2010.15112] David Rubin: Evaluating K bands for Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Rest-Frame NIR SN Ia Distances
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 29 Oct 20","img":""}
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