Are You A Friend of God?

I trust God
One hundred percent and all the time
Most of the time but not always
I want to trust God but often struggle
I have a hard time trusting God
I spend time with God in prayer
Once or more per day
Once or more per week
Once or more per month
When I have conflicts with God, I try to work them out
Most of the time
Depends on the issue
It's not possible to work out conflicts with God
When I have a problem, I turn to God for help
Yes, I turn to God before anyone else
I turn to God only after trying other resources
I turn to God only if all else fails
I tend to work my problems out myself
I try to be in the same "friend group" as God
Yes, my friends are also friends with God
Some of my friends are friends with God
Hardly any of my friends are friends with God
None of my friends are friends with God
How often do you intentionally break out of your daily routine and actively seek God's presence in your life?
Every day
Not very often
Rarely, if ever
What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Check my texts and emails
Look at my calendar and figure out what I'm going to do for the day
Hit the snooze button
Make coffee and try to wake up
Ask God to show me how I can serve him today
How hungry are you to experience more of God in your life?
Practically starving
Pretty hangry
I could eat
My tummy is rumbling
I'm pretty full right now
How many times a day do you ask for God's help with your meetings, tasks, and work?
More than 10 times
More than 5 times
At least once
I don't ask every day
How often do you seriously worry about things in your life?
Very often
All the time!
How often do you specifically and expressly thank God for the blessings in your life?
Every day, several times a day.
At least once a day
Very often, but not every day
Usually when I go to church
Sometimes, when I think of it
From time to time
Not often enough
How many reminders of God's presence (e.g., crucifixes, rosaries, Bibles, religious art, spiritual books) do you have in your home?
In every room and all over the place!
In a several locations
In one room or corner dedicated to God
Stuffed in a closet or drawer somewhere
Nowhere in the house
I'm not sure
When you're going through a rough time like a breakup, an unkind comment by a coworker, or an illness, how often do you ask what God may be trying to teach you?
Most of the time
How often do you ask the Holy Spirit to teach, help, guide, and console you?
In every moment
Every day, several times a day
Once a day
A few times a week
Once a week
Once a month
Not very often
I believe God's love is:
Unconditional and unwavering
Conditional, based on my behavior
Episodic because it comes and goes
Only for some people who please him
Rare compared to his judgment and wrath
I read the Bible
Every day
A few times a week
On Sundays
A few times a month
Only when I need the answer to a problem
Almost never
When I pray, I
Do most of the talking
Ask for a lot of stuff
Try to listen at least part of the time
Get upset when I can't hear God speaking
Just rest in God's presence
Most of the time, I am motivated by:
Approval from others
Competition with others
Desire for self-discipline
Desire to act morally or virtuously
Wanting to serve God
To what extent has a friendship with God changed you for the better?
Totally and completely
Very much
A good amount
A fair amount
Not too much, if I'm being honest
Not at all
Do you believe God can and will heal you?
Yes, unequivocally!
I have faith it could happen
I wonder whether it's possible
I'm not sure it could really happen
I'm a bit of a skeptic in this area
I don't believe it
How often do you find yourself in God's house among his friends?
Every day
Several times a week
At least once a week
A few times a month
Once a month
Every few months
Christmas & Easter
Almost never
How willing are you to serve God by serving others?
I do it every day!
I am part of a church ministry
I try to serve whenever I see an opportunity
I want to serve but I can't seem to find the time
I'm reluctant to serve
{"name":"Are You A Friend of God?", "url":"","txt":"I trust God, I spend time with God in prayer, When I have conflicts with God, I try to work them out","img":""}
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