New Features Guide 2/26

What is your Name?
If a user asks about the security of our payment system, what should you do?
Tell them we use an encrypted program
Use the //encrypted script
Tell them you'll reach out to an admin to explain
After a user enters their payment info what is the first thing you should do?
Change the icon to be your own face instead of Amber
Introduce yourself and ask to catch up on the situation
Start the timer
If you want to /toss a room as Amber you should first make sure someone can take over.
After a call with a new user you should leave notes about how the call ended
What should you make sure to do before writing the 'manage expectations message'?
Use the //immediate script
Ask them what they want help with
Ask them if they're ready to start a session
What command would you use to get a users/clients to enter their email (if not already on file) and to (automatically) send them an access link? Please write the command as you would on the site
How do clients pay for sessions with the new update?
With their credit card
With hearts
Can a Trial Session be cancelled?
Within how many minutes can the minute Trial Session be cancelled?
Within the first 1 minute
Within the first 5 minutes
Before the end of the session
It can't be cancelled
If you want to cancel the trial session and need to adjust the timer by 5 minutes (-5 minutes) what would the full command look like? Please type it in as you would on the site. (You want to adjust the time by subtracting 5 minutes to the time that has passed)
In a Trial Session the timer auto-pause after the (5 or 10) minutes are up
If a client doesn't want to continue after the minute trial, the coach should end the session and write notes
If you want to cancel the trial session you should press "end" (/end) after pausing/adjusting the time
To continue into a "fluid session" after a trial session the coach needs to press "end" (/end) to end the trial before starting the Fluid Session
To continue into a Fluid Session FROM A TRIAL SESSION what does the coach have to do?
Press Start
Let the client know they need to buy a success bundle (because they'll have 0 hearts)
The trial session will continue into a fluid session
Where can clients buy bundles of hearts?
In their Account Settings (In User Menu)
In Success Bundle (In User Menu)
In their My Settings (In User Menu)
How many times does the client need to click the confirmation button to buy a bundle?
1 time
2 times
Seeing this image means that the client bought a Sage Bundle
How can a client/coach tell that a bundle was bought? Click the one(s) that apply
By seeing this
By seeing this
By seeing this
The pricing display will show the currency rate based on the user/clients location
Who can buy bundles of hearts for the client?
Only the client can buy bundles for themselves
A client and a coach can buy bundles for the clients
How can a coach buy bundles of hearts for a client?
By clicking the "credit card" on top left of page
By clicking the "hearts" on top left of page
By going into the clients "My Account"
Bundle prices are the same for all users/clients
Where can a coach see the prices for a certain users bundle?
By clicking "My Account"
By clicking the "hearts" at the top left of the page
By clicking "My Settings"
What if a client asks about purchasing fewer hearts than the 100 minimum?
Let them know that its possible and reach out to an admin
Let them know that we currently only support a minimum purchase of 100 hearts
It depends how much they've spent already. If they spent more than $200 then it is possible.
How can a client request to start a Fluid Session?
By clicking "My Chatroom"
By clicking "Success Bundles"
By clicking "Get Coaching"
If a user thinks we're a scam, what should we do?
Tell them we're not a scam
Use the //legit script
Give them our yelp page
When posting in #techsupport what should you do?
Have patience
Tag @liron
Tag @channel
Tag @channel + @liron
Leaving messages in channels without tagging who you're trying to reach out for will get you instant results anyways because everyone gets notifications
If you're trying to see whether someone that is /available can take a coaching session, what should you do?
Tag @channel
Tag @here
Leave message on channel without tagging anyone
Do coaches/admins get notifications on channels if they dont get tagged?
If you want a coach/admin to see your message what should you do?
Post it in the channel
Post it in the channel and tag those who should be tagged
You should /brb the last 15 minutes of your shift so that the autobid takes it into account
If a user asks why they need to enter a valid payment method to get the free trial, what should you do?
Tell them that to get the free trial they need to enter a valid payment method
Use the script //why payment
Act as Monica and tell them that this is how our system works
What should you do with the answer that is given by a user when using the //immediate script?
Read their answer and acknowledge it
Use keywords from their response in your "ME" message (Manage Expectations)
Tell them you understand and can help
With the new lauch, if a user closes the payment wizard you should immediately use the //hesitation script
After how many minutes of being idle does a coach go auto-away?
15 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
They dont go auto-away anymore
If there's some ambiguity about whether a user/client is suicidal, what should the coach do?
Tell the user/client we cannot help them
Use the command /crisisAgreement
Continue helping them as you normally would since you aren't sure if they're suicidal or not
For clients that came for a session during the first launch (timed sessions), what should the coach do?
No need to do anything until they ask questions
Use the //launch("New Pricing Launch")
Use the //launch (“New Pricing Launch #2”)
If a user/client said they have attempted suicide in the past 3 weeks, what should a coach do? In what order should the following go?
Let them know they can't help and say the following: I am sorry but we have a policy where we cannot provide our coaching service to anyone who has attempted suicide within the past 3 weeks, do "/Crisis" command, then "/transfer lior"
Let them know they can't help and say the following: I am sorry but we have a policy where we cannot provide our coaching service to anyone who has attempted suicide within the past 3 weeks, then "/transfer lior"
Let them know they can't help and say the following: I am sorry but we have a policy where we cannot provide our coaching service to anyone who has attempted suicide within the past 3 weeks, do /CrisisAgreement Command, then "/transfer Lior"
Use "/crisis" command then "/transfer lior"
For a new phone user, after letting them know about the service, what is the first thing you should ask?
Their age
About their situation
For their CC info
It is now okay to have a mini consultation over the phone for new users
After telling the user about how the service works and the user agreeing to start the trial, what should you do next?
Get their CC info
Tell them you have a couple of questions before you get started
When should you ask a phone user for their age?
After telling the user you need their CC info to activate the free trial
After explaining the service to the user
After you get their CC info
How can a coach activate a phone users free trial?
By clicking the credit card icon and click the "free" button for the free trial card
By clicking the hearts icon and click the "free" button for the free trial card
When setting up a phone users free trial card, what info do you need to get? Select all that applies
Agree to terms
CC number
Expiration date
CVC number (typically 3 digits on back of card)
Zip Code
What if a user wants to use Paypal?
Get their paypal username/password and log it in for them
Tell the user: "You can use PayPal, however you’d have to do it through our site. Would you like to do that?"
If a user wants to pay with Paypal, what should you send them to get them onto the site?
/magiclink visible
Copy and paste the URL into the text box
Once the new phone user sets up their paypal account, what should you do? Select all that applies
Tell them they're all set up and can call back the same number to start
Do /expectcall
If a phone user asks about how long a typical session is what should the coach say?
"A typical session is about 20-30 minutes"
"A typical session is about 20-30 minutes. And you can talk for as little or as long as you'd like"
What do you think of the new launch?
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