COVID-19 Self Test - This is a self-help test to find out if you may be infected with coronavirus SARS-Cov-2, which can lead to covid-19 disease. This test is by no means an assurance rather a guide line to take the next steps. The original test is published in the magazine
Translated by Michael

Create an image of a person taking a self-test for COVID-19, surrounded by health-related visuals such as a thermometer, breathing apparatus, and medical symbols in a calm, informative setting.

COVID-19 Self Test

Take this quick self-help test to gauge your risk of being infected with the coronavirus SARS-Cov-2, the cause of COVID-19. This quiz is a guide that will help inform your next steps, but it does not replace professional medical advice.

  • Assess your symptoms and risk factors
  • Get a score to understand your condition
  • Make informed health choices
8 Questions2 MinutesCreated by MonitoringHealth472
How high is your temperature?
Under 38 dc
38-39,4 dc
Over 39,5 dc
Have you recently started coughing?
Yes, I cough sometimes
Yes, I cough often
Yes, I cough all the time
Have you recently had difficulty breathing?
Yes, I get difficulty breathing with little effort
Yes, I have some difficulty in breathing
Yes, I have clear breathing difficulties all the time
How is your general condition?
As usual
I'm tired, but I can afford to get up
I am mostly bedridden, but manage to be up occasionally
I am completely bedridden but manage to go to the bathroom
I'm not getting out of bed
Have you been in close contact with a person infected with covid-19 and / or have you visited coronavirus risk areas?
I don't know
Do you get treatment for any of these diseases?
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Lung disease
None of the above
Have you got poor immune defenses?
How old are you?
Under 60 years old
60-69 years old
70-79 years old
Over 80 years old
{"name":"COVID-19 Self Test - This is a self-help test to find out if you may be infected with coronavirus SARS-Cov-2, which can lead to covid-19 disease. This test is by no means an assurance rather a guide line to take the next steps. The original test is published in the magazine https:\/\/ Translated by Michael", "url":"","txt":"Take this quick self-help test to gauge your risk of being infected with the coronavirus SARS-Cov-2, the cause of COVID-19. This quiz is a guide that will help inform your next steps, but it does not replace professional medical advice.Assess your symptoms and risk factorsGet a score to understand your conditionMake informed health choices","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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