The Voight-Kampff test
We will measure your bodily functions such as respiration, heart rate, blushing and eye movement in response to emotionally provocative questions. It will take ten questions to determine whether or not you are a replicant.

A futuristic sci-fi setting with a sleek, modern testing room, showing a person taking an emotional test, surrounded by screens displaying heart rates, breathing patterns, and other biometric data.

Are You a Replicant?

Take the Voight-Kampff test to discover your humanity! Answer ten thought-provoking questions designed to gauge your emotional responses and reactions to everyday situations.

Find out if you exhibit behaviors typical of humans or replicants with our engaging quiz!

  • Assess your emotional reactions
  • Engage with fun and relatable scenarios
  • Learn about your personality type
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by TestingHuman456
You are lying on the bed and eating chips. Crumbs fall on your chest. What are you doing?
I'll brush the crumbs on the floor
I'll take them off my chest with my fingers and eat them
I'll collect the crumbs and throw them in the trash
You're vacuuming the carpet. One thread is not absorbed in any way. You bend down, take the thread in your hand, and do what? 
I hold it up to the vacuum cleaner to suck it in
I'll throw it on the floor and give it a second chance to get sucked off the floor
I'll put it in the trash and keep vacuuming
You stand in front of an open refrigerator and accidentally drop a piece of ice on the floor. Your actions?
I'll pick up the ice off the floor
I will kick the ice under the refrigerator discreetly
You are choosing eggs in the supermarket. You open the package, there are broken eggs in it. Your actions?
I'll put this box down and look for another one
I'll open another box and replace the broken eggs with intact ones
I'll complain to a clerk or manager
You picked up a can of cold beer. Your friend comes running, shows you a bruise on his forehead, and asks you for the can to apply to the bruise. Your intentions?
The friend will return the can already warm, I will keep it for myself and offer an alternative
A friend needs it more now, I'll give him a can of beer
You casually go to the store. You are accosted by local alcoholic Joe Shmoe with a request to give money to relieve hangover, but this time he promises to sing Nirvana's song “Smells Like Teen Spirit”  for your donation. What will you do?
I will pass by, Joe Shmoe is a fallen man walking the road of lies, he will not sing a song to me
I will give him 20 bucks, because if he has a talent, I have an opportunity to support the budding star
You are walking down the street and notice an annoying stranger. You don't want to welcome him. What will you do?
I'll get my phone out and pretend I'm very busy, maybe pretend to get a call
I'll walk past him without looking him in the eye. No contact — no greeting
I'll punch him and move on
You're at the supermarket checkout. The cashier gives you change in bills and coins and is ready to serve the next customer. Your actions?
I'll take the change, walk away from the cash register, and put the bills and coins in my wallet
I'll put the change in my wallet, won't go anywhere, but I'll try to do it quickly
You sit on the leather sofa. It suddenly makes a creaking sound like a fart. What will you do?
Immediately imitate another fart sound, so that no one suspects anything is wrong
I won't react. People know that this can happen to anyone
Your friend is no reason, no reason began to hiccup. He is very uncomfortable, and you want the hiccups to end sooner. Your actions?
I'll offer him a drink of water
I'll try to choose a perfect timing to scare my friend — I know this is the best way to get rid of hiccups
I will tell him about the folk remedies I know
{"name":"The Voight-Kampff test We will measure your bodily functions such as respiration, heart rate, blushing and eye movement in response to emotionally provocative questions. It will take ten questions to determine whether or not you are a replicant.", "url":"","txt":"Take the Voight-Kampff test to discover your humanity! Answer ten thought-provoking questions designed to gauge your emotional responses and reactions to everyday situations.Find out if you exhibit behaviors typical of humans or replicants with our engaging quiz!Assess your emotional reactionsEngage with fun and relatable scenariosLearn about your personality type","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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