AIPGMEE Physiology Daily Test Day 07
True statement regarding extracellular fluid to intracellular fluid is:
ECF is rich K+
ECF is more than ICF
ECF is rich in organic anion
High Na:K+ratio is seen
Most diffusible ion in excitable tissue is:
True regarding transport across a cell membrane is:
Cl- with glucose symport
Na+ with glucose anteprot
Na+with glucose symport
K+with glucose symport
4.First change observed in distal
Axonal degeneration
Myelin degeneration
Schawn cells proliferation
5.QRS complex indicates:
Atrial repolarization
Atrial depolarization
Ventricular repolarization
Ventricular depolarization
6.Isovolumic relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle ends with:
Peak ofC'waves.
Opening of A. V. valve
Closure of semilunar valve
Begningof 'T'wave.
7.In the physiological state:
Vein contain 25% of blood
Capillaries contain 25% blood
Vein contains 5% of blood
Capillaries contains 5% blood
8.Erythropoitin level are increased by
9.Total lung capacity depends upon:
Size of airway
Closing volume
Lung compliance
Residual volum
10.Pulmonary function changes seen in Emphysema are
TLC increased
RV decreased
FEV1 decreased
VC decreased
11.Ventilation perfusion ratio is maximum at:
Apex of lung
Base of lung
Posterior lobe of lung
Middle of the lung
12.Alveolar-arterial tension gradient increases in all of the following conditions except
Rt-Lt shunt
Diffusion defect
Ventilation perfusion abnormality
13.Gallbladder contraction is stimulated by:
14.Features of pyramidal tract lesion are all except:
Clasp knife rigidity
Involuntary movements
Positive Babiniski sign
Exaggrated reflexes
15.Motor aphasia refers to defect in
Peripheral speech apparatus
Verbal expression
Auditory comprehension
Verbal comprehension
16.Ability to perceive shape & size is lost due to lesion of:
Tractus gracilis
Tractus cuniatus
Spinothalamic tract
Spinoreticular tract
17.Group B muscle fibre are:
Sympathetic pregaglionic
Sympathetic postganglionic
Parasympathetic preganglionic
Parasympathetic post ganglionic
18.In hippocampus EEG waves are
A wave
3 wave
The tawave
Delta wave
19.Flocculo nodular lobe has direct connection with:
Red nucleus
Inferior olivary nucleus
Vestibular nucleus
Dentate nucleus
20.In moderate excercise the respiratory rate is increased due to response of:=select one +Propioception receptor in the joints=4
TPCCX, in arterial blood
PO2 in arterial blood
J-receptor stimulation
21.Endogenous non-shivering thermogens are secreted by all except:
Small intestine
22.CO2 is transported in blood mainly as:
Plasma-protein combination
23.In upper air way obstruction all of the following changes are seen except:
Decreased Maximum breathing capacity
RV decreased
Decreased FEV
Decreased vital capacity
24.CCK-PZ causes allofthe following-except
Gall bladder contraction
Pancreatic enzyme secretion
Increased gastrin secretion
Decreased lower esophageal sphinictor
25.Delta cells of pancreas secretes:
Pancreatic polypeptide
26.Which of the following is true about Nephron function
Ascending thick limb is permeable to water
Descending thin limb is impermeable to water
Osmolality of intra-tubular content in DCT is more than surrounding interstitution
Osmolality of intratubular content in PCT is isotonic to surrounding interstitium
27.Twitch of a single motor unit is called:
28.Sympathetic stimulation causes all of the following except
Increase in heart rate
Increase in blood pressure
Increase in total peripheral resistance
Increase in venous capacitance
29.G-CSF and GMCSF in haematopoisis causes
30.Pain-sensitive intracranial structure is:
Pial vassels
Brain matter
31.Parasympathetic stimulation causes
Decrease GI secretion
Pupillary constriction
32.Blood brain barrier" is present at all of the following sites except
Hebenular nucleus
Subfornical organ
Pontine nucleus
33.EEG waves from hippocampus are
Theta Wave
34.CSF/plasma glucose ratio is
35.Sperm acquires motility in
Seminal vesicle
Ejaculatory duct
36.Antibodies against sperms may develop after:
37.The gene coding for androgen receptors is located on:
Short arm of X-chromosome
Short arm of Y-chromosome
Long arm of X-chromosome
Long arm of Y- chromosome
38.During Flight or Fight reaction, which of the following is responsible for Increase in local blood flow:
Sympathetic system mediated Cholinergic release
Local hormones
Para-sympathetic cholinergic
Endocrine factors only
39.Flare'in Triple response is mediated by:
Axon reflex
Arteriolar dilation
Histamine release
Local hormones
40.Surfactant is produced by:
Type II pneumocytes
Type I pneumocytes
Endothelial cells
41.During exercise increase in 02 delivery to muscles is because fall except
Oxygen dissociation curve shifts to left
Increased stroke volume
Increased extraction of oxygen from the blood
Increased blood flow to muscles
42.Oxygen dissociation curve shifts to right in all except:
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Blood transfusion
High altitude
43.True statement regarding Pulmonary ventilation is
PaO2 is maximum at the apex
V/Q is maximum at the base
Ventilation per unit lung volume is maximum at the apex
Blood circulation is minimum at the base
44.At the end of isometric relaxation phase
Atrioventricular valves open
Atrioventricular valves close
Corresponds to peak of "C" wave in JVP
Corresponds to T wave in ECG
45.Which of the following statements is true about capillaries
Contain 5% of total blood volume
Contain 10% of total blood volume
Velocity of blood flow is maximum
Offer maximum resistance to blood flow
46.Fat in the duodenum lumen
Stimulates gall bladder contraction
Inhibits gall bladder contraction
Inhibits CCK secretion
Releases Secretin
47.The Principal site of absorption of Sodium is:
Proximal convoluted tubule
Distal convoluted tubule
Loop of Henle(thick portion)
Collecting duct
48.The Principal site of acidification of urine is:
Distal convoluted tubule
Proximal convoluted tubule
Loop of Henle
Collecting duct
49.Nightmare is seen in
REM sleep
Stage HNREM sleep
Stage IV NREM sleep
Stage I NREM sleep
50.Salivation by dog seen when food is given along with ringing of a bell is
Conditioned reflex
Innate reflex
51.Concious proprioception is carried by:
Dorsal column fibres
Anterior spinothalamic tract
Lateral spinothalamic tract
Vestibular tract
52.Function of Stapedius is:
Protects the ear from loud frequency sound
Helps in hearing sounds of low frequency
Helps in hearing sounds of high frequency
Helps in hearing whispered words
53.Regarding thyroid hormone all are true except
T3 is more avidly bound to nuclear receptors than T4
T4 has the maximum plasma concentration
T3 is more active than T4
T4 has shorter half life than T3
54.True about High roughage in diet is:
Decreases stool transit time
Increase stool transit time
Normalise stool transit
No effect on stool transit time
55.Tidal volume is calculated by
Inspiratory capacity minus the inspiratory reserve volume
Total lung capacity minus the reserve volume
Functional residual capacity minus residual volume
Vital capacity minus expiratory reserve volumes
56.Surfactant production in lungs starts at:
28 weeks
57.Initiation of nerve impulse occurs at the axon hillock because:
It has a lower threshold than the rest of the axon
It is unmyelinated
Neurotransmitter release occurs here
None of the above
58.Albumin contributes the maximum to oncotic pressure because it has
High mol wt, low concentration
Low mol wt, low cone
High mol wt, high cone
Low mol wt, high cone
59.After 5 days of fasting a man undergoes oral GTT, true is all except:
GH levels are increased
Increased glucose tolerance
Decreased insulin levels
Glucagon levels are increased
60.Metalloproteins help in jaundice by the following mechanism:
Increased glucoronyl transferase activity
Inhibit heme oxygenase
Decrease RBC lysis
Increase Y and Z receptors
61.Which protein prevents contraction by covering binding sites on actin and myosin
62.Which ofthe following is NOT correct regarding capillaries
Greatest cross sectional area
Contain 25% of blood
Contains less blood than veins
Have single layer of cells bounding the lumen
63.A 0.5 litre blood loss in 30 minutes will lead to
Increase in HR, decrease in BP
Slight increase in HR, normal BP
Decrease in HR and BP
Prominent increase in HR
64.Single most important factor in control of automatic contractility of heart is
Myocordial wall thickness
Right atrial volume
SA node pacemaker potential
Sympathetic stimulation
65.Which ofthe following is not mediated through negative feedback mechanism:
GH formation
Thrombus formation
66.Force generating proteins are:
Myosin and myoglobin
Dynein and kinesin
67.Which is true about measurement of BP with syphgnomonmeter versus intraarterial pressure measurements:
Less than intravascular pressure
More than intravascular pressure
Equal to intravascular pressure
Depends upon blood flow
68.Secondary hyperparathyroidism due to Vit D deficiency shows
69.Maximum absorption of water takes place in:
Proximal convoluted tubule
Distal convoluted tubule
Collecting duct
Loop of henle
70.SI unit for measuring Blood Pressure is:
71.Glucose mediated insulin release is mediated through:
ATP dependent K+ channels
Carrier modulators
Receptor phosphorylation
72.Sudden decrease in serum calcium is associated with:
Increased thyroxine and PTH secretion
Increased phosphate
Increased excitability of muscle and nerve
Cardiac conduction abnormalities
73.Ablation of the 'somatosensory area I' of the cerebral cortex leads to:
Total loss of pain sensation
Total loss of touch sensation
Loss of tactile localization but not of two point discrimination
Loss of tactile localization and two point discrimination
74.Nonshivering thermogenesis in adults is due to :
Thyroid hormone
Brown fat between the shoulders
Muscle metabolism
75.In metabolic acidosis, which of the following changes are seen :
Increased K+ excretion
Decreased K+ excretion
Increased Na+ excretion
Increased Na+ reabsorption
Helps in the fusion of actin and myosin
Covers myosin and prevents attachments of actin and myosin
Slides over myosin
Causes Ca2+release
77.TRH stimulation testing is useful in diagnosis of disorders of following hormones
Growth hormone
78.All of the following statements are correct about potassium balance, except:
Most of potassium is intracellular
Three quarter of the total body potassium is found in skeletal muscle
Intracellular potassium is released into extra-cellular space in response to severe injury
Acidosis leads to movements of potassium from extracellular to intracellular fluid compartment
79.Synaptic conduction is mostly orthodromic because:
Dendrities cannot be depolarized
Once repolarized, an area cannot be depolarized
The strength of antidromic impulse is less
Chemical mediator is localised only in the presynaptic terminal
80.Which of the following statements is true for excitatory postsynaptic potentials(EPSP):
Are self propagating
Show all or none response
Are proportional to the amount of transmitter released by the presynaptic neuron
Are inhibitory at presynaptic terminal
82.A lesion of ventrolateral part of spinal cord will lead to loss(below the level of lesion) of:
Pain sensation on the ipsilateral side
Proprioception on the contralateral side
Pain sensation on the contralateral side
Propriception on the ipsilateral side
83.Following are the features of corticospinal involvement except:
Cog-wheel rigidity
Planter extensor response
Exaggerated deep tendon reflexes
84.Which of the following statements is true about the autonomic nervous system?
The sympathetic outflow from the CNS is through) both the cranial nerves and the sympathetic chain
The parasympathetic outflow from the CNS is through cranial nerves only
The superior hypogastric plexus is located at the anterior aspect of the aortic bifurcation and fifth lumbar vertebra
The superior hypogastric plexus contains sympathetic fibres only
85.Positive feedback action of estrogen for inducing luteininzing hormone surge is associated with which of the following steroid hormone ratios in peripheral circulation:
High estrogen : low progesterone
Low esterogen : high progesterone
Low esterogen : low progesterone
High esterogen : high progesterone
87.As a part of space-research program, a physiologist was asked to investigate the effect of flight-induced stress on blood pressure. Accordingly, the blood pressure of the cosmonauts were to be measured twice: once before the take-off and once after the spacecraft entered the designated orbit around the earth. For a proper comparison, the preflight blood pressure should be recorded in:
The lying down position
The sitting position
The standing position:
Any position, as long as the post-flight
88.Two students, Vineet and Kamlesh were asked to demonstrate in dogs the role of sinus nerve in hypovolemic shock. Vineet severed the sinus nerve when the mean blood pressure(MBP) was 85 mm Hg and Kamlesh cut the sinus nerve when the mean blood pressure was 60 mm Hg. On cutting the sinus nerve.
Vineet recorded the increase in MBP but Kamles recorded a decrease in MBP
Vineet recorded a decrease in MBP but Kamlesh recorded an increase in MBP
Both recorded an increase in MBP
Both recorded a decrease in MBP
89.An increase in which of the following parameters will shift the O2 dissociation curve to the left:
Partial pressure of CO2
2,3 DPG concentration
Oxygen affinity of hemoglobin
90.The renal plasma flow(RPF) of a patient was to be estimated through the measurement of Para Amino Hippuric acid(PAH) clearaneeThe technician observed the procedures correctly but due to an error in the weighing inadvertently used thrice the recommended dose of PAH The RPF estimated is likely to be
False-high or false-low depending on the GFR
Correct and is unaffected by the PAH overdose
91.In the presence of vasopressin the greatest fraction of filtered water is re-absorbed which part of the nephron
Proximal tubule
Distal, tubule
Loop of Henle
Collecting duct
92.During acclimatization to high altitude all of the following take place except:
Increase in minute ventilation
Increase in the sensitivity of central chemoreceptors
Increase in the sensitivity of carotid body to hypoxia
Shift in the oxygen dissociation curve to the left
93.One intern calculated the concentration of O2 in blood as 0.0025 ml/ml of blood. Considering atmospheric pressure as 760mmHg, how much approx. O2 tension could have been in the blood?
94.Patients having acute cardiac failure do not show oedema, because
The plasma oncotic pressure is high
There is renal compensation
There is an increase in cardiac output
There is a fall in the systemic capillary hydrostatic Pressure
95.During the cardiac cycle the opening of the aortic valve takes place at the
Beginning of systole
End of isovolumetric contraction
End of diastole
End of diastasis
96.Sertoli cells have receptors for:
Luteinizing hormone
Follicle stimulating hormone
97.The enzyme associated with the conversion of androgen to oestrogen in the growing ovarian follicle is
98.Before the onset of puberty, the GnRH neurons are under the inhibitory control of:
Gamma amino butyric acid(GABA)
99.In which of the following form the Anti diuretic hormone(ADH) is circulated in plasma:
Bound to neurophysin-I
Bound to neurophysin-II
Bound to plasma albumin
Free form
100.The main excitatory neurotransmitter in the CNS is
101.The force of muscle contraction can be increased by all of the following except
Increasing the frequency of activation of motor units
Increasing the number of motor units activated
Increasing the amplitude of action potentials in the motor neurons
Recruiting larger motor units
102.A newly posted junior doctor had difficulty in finding out base deficit/excess for blood in a given patient. An experienced senior resident advised a quick method to determine acid base composition of blood based on PCO2. Which of the following is the likely method he suggested to predict acid base composition of blood?
Red ford normogram
DuBio's normogram
Goldman constant field equation
Siggard-Andersen normogram
{"name":"AIPGMEE Physiology Daily Test Day 07", "url":"","txt":"True statement regarding extracellular fluid to intracellular fluid is:, Most diffusible ion in excitable tissue is:, True regarding transport across a cell membrane is:","img":""}
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