To Kill a Mockingbird Plot

Why does Dill Harris come to Maycomb for the summer?
To stay with his aunt
To go to summer camp
To stay with Jem and Scout
To stay with Boo Radley
What do Jem, Scout, and Dill do all summer?
Swim and ride bikes
Bake cakes with Miss Maudie
Go to summer camp
Act out stories they have read and try to interact with Boo Radley
On the last day of school what do Jem and Scout find in the tree?
A note
2 Indian head pennies
A dollar bill
A cookie
What does Nathan Radley do to the tree?
Fills the hole in the tree with cement
Cuts the tree down
Covers the hole in the tree with a tarp
Put a bird house on the tree
Where does Calpurnia take Jem and Scout?
To church
To school
To the store
To the park
Why does Scout almost start a fight at school?
A classmate makes fun of her
A classmates uses a racial slur when talking about her dad
A classmate tattles on her to the teacher
A classmate pushes her down
Why does Atticus Finch defend Tom Robinson?
He is Tom Robinson's uncle
To set a good example for Jem and Scout
He doesn't defend him
Someone pays him to do it
Who is Tom Robinson accused of raping?
Miss Maudie
Aunt Alexandra
Mayella Ewell
What is the outcome of Tom Robinson's trial?
He is found guilty
He is found innocent
What happens to Bob Ewell at the end of the book?
He moves away
He dies
He is arrested
He gets a new job
{"name":"To Kill a Mockingbird Plot", "url":"","txt":"Why does Dill Harris come to Maycomb for the summer?, What do Jem, Scout, and Dill do all summer?, On the last day of school what do Jem and Scout find in the tree?","img":""}
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