Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in gr-qc on Wed, 5 Aug 20
[2008.01154] Job Feldbrugge, Neil Turok: Gravitational lensing of binary systems in wave optics
[2008.01213] H. García-Compeán, V. S. Manko, C. J. Ramírez-Valdez: Thermodynamics of two aligned Kerr-Newman black holes
[2008.01262] V. Gayathri, Dixeena Lopez, R. S. Pranjal et al.: Enhancing the sensitivity of transient gravitational wave searches with Gaussian Mixture Models
[2008.01376] Dong-Hoon Kim, Chan Park: Light Perturbed by Gravitational Waves
[2008.01395] Alex Giacomini, Genly Leon, Andronikos Paliathanasis et al.: Dynamics of Quintessence in Generalized Uncertainty Principle
[2008.01426] C.L. Ahmed Rizwan, A. Naveena Kumara, Kartheek Hegde et al.: Rotating Black Hole with an Anisotropic Matter Field as a Particle Accelerator
[2008.01433] Richard A. Dudley, Alessandro Fabbri, Paul R. Anderson et al.: Correlations between a Hawking particle and its partner in a 1+1D Bose-Einstein condensate analog black hole
[2008.01563] Sanjay Mandal, P.K. Sahoo, J.R.L. Santos: Energy Conditions in $f(Q)$ gravity
[2008.01587] S. Habib Mazharimousavi, M. Halilsoy: $n+1$-dimensional Bertotti-Robinson solutions in gravity coupled with nonlinear electrodynamics
[2008.01588] S. Habib Mazharimousavi, M. Halilsoy: Colliding waves in a model of nonlinear electrodynamics
[2008.01661] Zhong-Wen Feng, Xia Zhou, Shi-Qi Zhou: The generalized uncertainty principle impact onto the black hole thermodynamic phase transition
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in gr-qc on Wed, 5 Aug 20","img":""}
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