World History Review

What problems did Europe face from 550 ce until 900?
Powerful Catholic Church is centered in Rome, but Italy is disunified.
Spain is under the control of Muslim traders
Connected civilization is a new concept in Northern Europe and England
Viking raids disrupt development of government
Only Catholic monks and priests can read and write, most writing is in copying older Catholic texts
All of the above
What two main classes were a part of the manorial system?
Both Landlords and serfs
Why was production low under the manorial system?
Lack of agricultural technology
It wasn't
The weather was too harsh to grow food
How did agricultral production improve during the Middle Ages?
The moldboard was invented
The three-field system was used
How was serfdom different than slavery?
Could pass down possessions through inheritance
Could not be bought or sold
What are some negatives about serfdom?
No social mobility (earning a better life)
Could not leave (were bound to land)
What role did the Catholic Church play in medieval Europe?
It unified Europe
It caused Europe to become unstable due to unsure of what religion to believe
Priests reported to bishops who reported to the Pope.
All Catholic religion began to follow same teachings and order
Some local rulers gained power by converting to Catholicism for the backing and support of the Church
How did monasteries help to spread Christianity?
Gave intensely religious people a place to practice the religion
Gave people a choice besides feudalism
Spread literacy
What were three new sources of strength in European culture and economy by the year 900?
Better agricultural technology
Viking raids slow down
Population growth
How did this new economy change cultural life?
New land to farm, growth of towns
Ease on restrictions for serfs
The growth of culture in cities - literacy, art, music
New Universities are created
How was the feudal system structured in medieval Europe?
All about protections
To gain power
Three estates were?
Urban leaders, nobles, and relgious leaders
Fields, towns, and cities
How did the Magna Carta limit the power of the monarchy in England?
King John of England asked vassals to support unpopular wars in his homeland in Normandy - 13th century. Vassals create Magna Carta to guarantee a say in king’s decisions.
It didn't
How did Pope Urban entice Christians to join the Crusades?
Guarantees passage to heaven for Christians.
Told them he would pay them lots of money
In what ways does Gothic architecture represent the ideals of the post-classical period?
Large-scale, coordinated efforts involving the Church, urban leaders, and royalty. Gothic architecture showed the devotion to religion throughout society.
It was Egyptian architecture
What type of goods were traded in Europe during this period? Where did these goods come from?
Timber, grain, and European cloth were traded for spices, medicine, and luxury goods of Asia. (SALT was everywhere)
Italian merchants brought these goods into Europe from Asia by way of the Middle East.
In Northern Europe the Hanseatic League developed and monitored trade within Europe and Scandanavia.
Hanseatic League - controlled quality among guilds in Northern Europe
Describe three ways the medieval period declined after the 1300s.
The Hundred (116) Years’ War broke down the feudal system. (Kings of England were vassals to Kings of France)
Famines came as agriculture couldn’t keep up with population growth.
Black Death (plague)
According to the text, what was the profound transition the world was going through in 1400?
Balance of power shift
Islamic Caliphate collapses
Ming Dynasty “isolates” China European desire for trade, influx of money, and new technologies put Europe ahead.
{"name":"World History Review", "url":"","txt":"What problems did Europe face from 550 ce until 900?, What two main classes were a part of the manorial system?, Why was production low under the manorial system?","img":""}
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