MUSC 141 Syllabus and Schedule Quiz (CCO, Spring 2018)

Where can you find detailed assignment grading rubrics for forum posts and written assignments?
On MyMusicLab
In the "Resources" folder on Sakai
On the syllabus page on Sakai
In the weekly lesson plans
When can you expect a response to emailed questions about assignments?
Within two hours
Within 24 hours (or by the end of the day on Monday at the latest, if you email on a weekend)
Only on weekends
Nearly instantly, especially if you include the word "URGENT" in all caps in the subject line
Is late work accepted in this course?
Yes, if you explain that this is your last class before graduation and you'd really like to make up all of the semester's forum posts to pass the class
Yes, if you ask nicely enough
Sometimes, depending on how Joanna is feeling this week
No! (Aside from arrangements made with me *in advance* regarding a serious and disruptive illness or event)
What should you do if you will not have internet access for 24 hours on the day of a scheduled quiz?
Email Joanna *at least 48 hours in advance* explaining your conflict and providing appropriate written documentation
Email the day after the quiz is due and explain why you didn't take it
Expect to take a grade of 0 for the quiz
Have a friend take the quiz for you
What time of day are assignments (forum posts, quizzes, written assignments) generally due on their assigned dates? (Assume Eastern Standard/Daylight Time.)
9 am
Noon (12 pm)
5 pm
11:55 pm
Which of these situations would NOT represent an honor code violation in this class, as defined in the syllabus and by UNC?
Using your notes and/or textbook to take a quiz
Writing your concert report on an event that you did not actually attend
Receiving help from the Writing Center on an assignment
Paraphrasing an argument and evidence found in another textbook as the basis of your final paper, presenting this work as your own
Your final grade in the class is a 93.49 (including the extra credit you received for completing this quiz!). What letter grade will you receive for the class?
When is a) the last day you can attend a concert for your report and b) the latest date that you can email me to confirm that you can attend this event?
A) April 1 / b) March 31
A) April 27 / b) April 27
A) April 27 / b) April 22
A) May 9 / b) May 4
When are concert reports due?
7 calendar days after the date of the concert
All reports may be turned in on May 4
5 calendar days after the date of the concert
As a part of the next forum post due after the date of the concert
The *best* time to email with questions or concerns is:
During business hours
The day before an assignment is due
On the day of a quiz, as long as you email before 8 pm
As far in advance as possible to ensure that Joanna has time to respond!
{"name":"MUSC 141 Syllabus and Schedule Quiz (CCO, Spring 2018)", "url":"","txt":"Where can you find detailed assignment grading rubrics for forum posts and written assignments?, When can you expect a response to emailed questions about assignments?, Is late work accepted in this course?","img":""}
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