Oral surgery Ep3

Oral Surgery Knowledge Quiz
Test your understanding of oral surgery with our comprehensive quiz designed for medical professionals and students alike. This quiz features detailed questions on surgical procedures, aseptic techniques, and the tools involved in oral surgeries.
Get ready to challenge yourself with:
- 50 carefully crafted multiple-choice questions
- Instant feedback on your knowledge
- A range of topics from basic to advanced oral surgery concepts
All are indications for using sterile strip band, except:?
Superficial wound
Straight wound
Under little tension
Extremities and scalp
Extraoral assessment includes inspection of the:?
Face, head, and neck
Head and buccal mucosa
Floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate
Any enlargement on lymph node
Medical asepsis presents with all, except:?
Hand hygiene
Maintain the sterility of the body system
Know what is clean, dirty and sterile
Know survival time of pathogens on surfaces
Spaulding classification of critical surfaces that require sterilization:?
Objects that contact intact skin but not mucous membranes
Objects which enter normally sterile tissue or the vascular system
Objects that contact mucous membranes but not enter the vascular system
Objects like exam tables and blood pressure cuffs
High level of disinfection presents with all, except:?
Inactivates Vegetative bacteria
Does not inactivate Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
Inactivates Mycobacteria
Inactivates fungi and viruses
All are infectious diseases, except:?
Correct concentration of disinfectant agent for Ethyl or isopropyl alcohol is:?
90% - 100%
Below 70%
Above 90%
70% - 90%
Ideal concentration of Betadine(Povidone-iodine) as disinfectant agent for skin:?
All are true about the preparation of surgeon before surgical procedure, except:?
Use of PPE
Disinfection of hands
Keep hands below waist all the time
Sterilized gloves
Packages of instruments which are opened repeatedly must be sterilized at least:?
Once a month
Every two weeks
Repeat sterilized daily
Once a week
All are basic methods use for sterilization of instruments, except:?
Alcohol wipe
Hot air oven
Chemical means
Which of the following method of sterilization is ineffective:?
Ethylene oxide gas
Gamma radiation
UV radiation
The statements below are the principles of medical asepsis, except:?
Health care providers (HCP) should be free from disease.
Single use items can be a source of contamination.
Patients environment should be as clean as possible.
The OR technique of the surgeon is very important.
Surgical blade number 11 is ideally used:?
For small stab incision, incising an abscess.
Due to space restriction at labial mucosa.
To excise tissue flap at maxillary tuberosity.
For skin incision and posteriors aspect of teeth.
The most common surgical blade used for incision of mucoperiosteum flap:?
Blade No. 10
Blade No. 12
Blade No. 11
Blade No. 15
The most common surgical blade used for small stab incision and incising an abscess:?
Blade No. 10
Blade No. 12
Blade No. 11
Blade No. 15
The most common blade for incisions in the gingival sulcus and incisions posteriors aspect of the teeth, especially in maxillary tuberosity:?
Blade No. 10
Blade No. 12
Blade No. 11
Blade No. 15
While making long incision, stabilization/direction control of the surgical line can be enhanced by:?
A 90-degree angle incision.
Using the belly part of the blade to make incision line
Decreasing the length of the blade in the wound
Increasing the length of the blade in the wound
Periosteal elevators are used for, except:?
Isolation of periosteum from bone
Lifting full thickness soft tissue flaps
Elevating tissue from bone
Extracting root fragments
Moon’s probe is used for:?
Lifting full thickness soft tissue flaps
Sinus lifting procedure to separate/reflect the Schneiderian membrane
Mucoperiosteal separation prior to tooth extaction
Extracting root fragments
All definitions are false about Hemostats, except:?
Surgical clamps that are used to avoid bleeding by temporarily occluding the vessel
Surgical clamps that are used to stop bleeding by removing the blood vessel
Surgical technics that are used to induce natural coagulation mechanism
Surgical technics that are used to promote platelet aggregation at the injury vessel
All instruments are use for hemostatic procedure, except:?
Kelly hemostatic forceps
Halstead mosquito forceps
Hemostatic clip
Allis (Allis-Thoms) tissue forceps
Contraindication for using Bone Rongeur forceps:?
Sharp edges of the bone, quickly and efficiently
Repeated cuts without manually reopening
Tooth extraction and remove large amount of bone in a single bite
Smoothing dentoaveolar edges after tooth extraction
All are the instruments for removing bone, except:?
Chisel and mallet
Bone file
Bur and handpiece
Babcock forceps
All are true about the reflection of mucoperiosteum, except:?
Elevator is in direct contact with bone
Reflection starts at the incision
Reflection is completed with gentle, steady strokes toward labial or buccal vestibule
Scissors are needed even if symphysis occurs
Incorrect fundamental rule concerning incision and flap is:?
Incision along gingival sulcus
Firm, continuous incision
Reflecting mucosa before periosteum
Avoidance of excessive pulling of flap
The purposes of oral surgery consist of all, except:?
Elimination/prevention of the further diseases or disadvantages
Removal of damage or redundant tissue
Improve tissue functions and aesthetics
Free from all oral diseases and complications
One step that does not belong to the steps of surgical extraction of tooth is:?
Controlling patient’s anxiety
Removal of bone
Creation of flap
Removal of the infected tooth
All are various surgical techniques for root removal, except:?
Make window on buccal bone for removal of root through socket or window itself
Creation of a groove on the surface of root after removal of a small amount of buccal bone
Creation of a groove between the root and bone to allow access for elevator
Removal of part of the lingual bone for luxation of the root lingually
Which one is not the basic principle of suturing technique:?
Insert the needle at right angles to the tissue
Exit tract should likewise be at right angles to the tissue
Sutures should be placed at right angles to the line of the wound
Tie the sutures very tightly to avoid ischemia of the wound edge
Which statement is true:?
Inflammation is the body's way of signaling the immune system to heal and repair damaged tissue
Inflammation is the body's way of suppressing the immune system to heal and repair damaged tissue
Inflammation is also known as the remodeling phase of wound healing, which the immune cells are highly active
Inflammation accelerates wound healing
Lamina propria is located below the basal lamina of the:?
Oral mucosa
Smooth muscle
Parotid gland
All are phases of wound healing, except:?
Proliferation phase
Inflammation phase
Microbial colonization phase
Maturation phase
Re-epithelization occurs in which phase of wound healing:?
Hemostatic phase
Response phase
Proliferation phase
Remodeling phase
Maturation(remodeling) phase of wound healing may last from:?
4 to 6 days
4 days to 24 days
10 days to 1 year
21 days to 2 years
Wound healing has 3 phases. Choose the answer with correct order:?
Bud stage, Cap stage, Bell stage
Inflammatory, Proliferation, Maturation
Hemostasis, Proliferation, Maturation
Maturation, Proliferation, Inflammatory
All are the functions of macrophage, except:?
Secrete cytokines
Secrete growth factors
Blood clotting factors
Cells with the highest activity at early phase of inflammation:?
Maxillary sinus infection of odontogenic origin is most commonly caused by:?
Aerobic bacterial
Anaerobic bacterial
Hemostasis, analogy to house repair:?
Subcontractors start work
Utility workers cap-off broken utilities
Interior finishing
Exterior framers
All are structures present in oral mucous membrane, except:?
Primarily salivary glands
Minor salivary glands
Presence of hair follicles
Few sebaceous glands are present in upper lip and buccal mucosa
For good wound healing in diabetic patients, the thing to avoid is:?
Use of aspirin
Foods with high protein
Wound dressing
Diabetic hypoglycemia is characterized by all, except:?
Diabetic hyperglycemia is characterized by all, except:?
Systemic disease, e.g. Diabetes could be the factors of:?
Delay wound healing
Prolong infection in the wound bed
Tissue necrosis
All of the above
The statements below are true, except:?
A black wound bed is a sigh of healthy tissue healing
A layer of pale pink granulation tissue covers the wound bed in healthy healing
Red wound indicates healthy granulation tissue
If the wound is unhealthy due to dead tissue, infection, or pus; the wound may also be yellow and must be debrided
Eschar (dead, avascular tissue) could be found in:?
Infected wound bed with pus
Tissue necrosis of the black wound bed
Fibrin clot
Granulation tissue cover the wound bed
Red wound with a layer of pale pink granulation tissue is considered as:?
Healthy and normal healing is under way
Unhealthy and infected wound bed
Delay healing of the wound bed
Tissue necrosis
If patient comes with history of cardiac problem taking aspirin. What will be the possible complication after you performed tooth extraction:?
Risk of prolong bleeding
Risk of decrease bleeding
Dry socket
Increases prothrombin tim
Indications of surgical tooth extraction are all, except:?
Just roots
Impacted wisdom tooth
Ankylosed tooth
Patient during radiotherapy procedure
{"name":"Oral surgery Ep3", "url":"https://www.supersurvey.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your understanding of oral surgery with our comprehensive quiz designed for medical professionals and students alike. This quiz features detailed questions on surgical procedures, aseptic techniques, and the tools involved in oral surgeries.Get ready to challenge yourself with:50 carefully crafted multiple-choice questionsInstant feedback on your knowledgeA range of topics from basic to advanced oral surgery concepts","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}