20/21 Lesson 1 Quiz

Generate an image depicting the beautiful calligraphy of Arabic language elements with books and a person studying in the background.

Exploring Arabic Linguistics: Lesson 1 Quiz

Test your knowledge and understanding of key concepts in Arabic linguistics with our engaging quiz based on Lesson 1 from the 20/21 curriculum.

Featuring questions on:

  • Maw'idha in the Quran
  • Arabic language sciences
  • Understanding Tashbeeh
  • Components of Al Bayaan
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by LearningVerse327
What is meant by Maw’idha (موعظة) in this following verse?

يَٰٓأَيّٝهَا ٱلنَّاسٝ قَدۡ جَآءَتۡكٝم مَّوۡعٝظَةٞ مّٝن رَّبّٝكٝمۡ وَشَٝٝآءٞ لّٝمَا ٝٝي ٱلصّٝدٝورٝ وَهٝدٗى وَرَحۡمَةٞ لّٝلۡمٝؤۡمٝنٝينَ


A powerful statement
An advice which carries deep meaning
An advice that affects the hearts
A statement that differentiates between and falsehood
Who said this statement?

Whoever desires the knowledge of the early generations aswell as the late generations then let him turn the pages of the Quran in deep search?

Abdullah ibn Abass
Abdullah ibn Mas’ood
Abdullah ibn Umar
Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al Aas
The three main sciences of Arabic Language are?
النَّحو , البَلاغَة , البَيان
اللّغَة , النَّحو , البَلاغَة
النَّحو , الصرْٝ , البَلاغَة
النَّحو , البَيان , الصرْٝ
What is the Shar’i definition of al Balagha?
Creative language which makes things easier for the listener to understand
It allows the meaning to reach the heart of the listener which in turn allows him to understand in the best way.
Expressions which inspire the imagination.
Creative language which reaches the heart of the listener and brings about change.
What are the 4 types of Al Bayaan?
التشبيه , البليغ , الكٝنايَة , المرسل
الكٝنايَة , التشبيه , الصرْٝ, المجاز
البليغ , المجاز , الاستعارة , التشبيه
التشبيه , الاستعارة , المجاز , الكٝنايَة
When speaking about Tashbeeh, what is the المٝشَبَّه بٝه ?
The word used to compare them both
What did I compare it with?
In what way is it like the thing you’re comparing to
The thing being compared?
What is not found in the Quran from the four components of Tashbeeh?
Adaatut Tashbeeh (أداة التشبيه)
Al Mushabah (المٝشَبَّه)
Wajhu-shabah (وجه الشَّبَه)
Al Mushabah bihi (المٝشَبَّه بٝه)
What is al Tashbeeh al Maqloob
It is a Tashbeeh that does not have the 4 components.
It is a Tashbeeh that includes the Wahju-Shabah
It is when the Mushabbah bihi comes before the Mushabbah.
It is the scenic representative Tashbeeh.
What is Mursal Mujmal?
It is when the Tashbeeh has the Mushabah, Mushabah bihi and Adaatu-tashbeeh
It is when the Tashbeeh has none of the four components
It is when the tashbeeh has all the 4 components except the Wajhu-shabah.
It is when the tashbeeh has only the Mushabah and Mushabah bihi.
Where is the Mushabah bihi in أََٝمَن يَخْلٝقٝ كَمَن لَّا يَخْلٝقٝ ۗ أََٝلَا تَذَكَّرٝونَ -
مَن لَّا يَخْلٝقٝ
مَن يَخْلٝقٝ
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