Stalin rose to power by
Assassinating Lenin
Winning the confidence of the Russian people
Building a loyal following among Communist party members
Using the Red Army to defeat his enemies
One cause of the March 1917 revolution in Russia was
Food shortages
The death of Rasputin
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Lenin's return to Russia
Which of the following statements is true regarding the Soviet Union under Lenin?
Capitalism was completely abolished.
The government was democratic.
It was a classless society.
The communist party held absolute control over the government.
Which of the following was an effect of Stalin's five-year plans?
The Soviet standard of liking increased greatly.
Agricultural output increased.
The Soviet Union became a major military power.
Heavy industry expanded.
Which of the following was a result of the Bolshevik Revolution?
Civil War in Russia
World War I
War between Russia and Japan
Fighting between the Bolsheviks and the Red Army
Stalin mainly used propaganda to
Promote militarism
Increase support for communism
Wage a war against illiteracy
Wage a war against smallpox
The main purpose of Stalin's five-year plan was to help the Soviet Union
Turn into a modern industrial power
Produce more consumer goods
Turn into a military power
Increase farm production
Stalin became the Soviet leader as the result of
A free election
Trotsky's assassination
A popular uprising
Lenin's death
Which of the following is a true statement regarding Soviet society?
There were no social classes
Farm workers made up a new elite
Communist party mambas made up a privileged group
Landowners remained at the top of the social order
Lenin's New Economic Policy was designed to
Redistribute land to kulaks
Rebuild the Soviet economy
End all traces of capitalism
End state control over farms and industry
In the civil war that broke out after the Bolshevik Revolution, the Red Army fought against the
What move toward lasting peace was made by the First Universal Peace Conference?
It banned arms arms sales between nations
It gave women the vote
It formed a world court to settle disputes between nations
It set up the Noble Peace Prize
Which of the following was a leading cause of international tension in the early 1900s?
The woman's suffrage movement
The Hague Tribunal
Aggressive nationalism
The low status of military leaders
Why did the British feel threatened by Germany?
German factories outproduced British factories
German generals were the best in Europe
The Germans were more militaristic than the British
Germany has more colonies the Britain
What brought France and Germany twice to the brink of war in the early 1900s?
Economic rivalry
German's alliance with Britain
Competition for colonies
What was one result of militarism?
Economic rivalry
An arms race
War in the Balkans
What was the main intention of the alliances formed among European nations?
To create trading opportunities
To discourage outside attacks
To isolate the united states
To increase tensions in Europe
Who was (were) angered by Archduke Francis Ferdinand's visit to Bosnia?
Bertha von Suttner
Serbian revolutionaries
German terrorists
The Austrian emperor
Which of the following helped to start World War I?
A poor economy
The United States
An environmental disaster
As assassination
How did the Germans first respond to the assassination of the archduke?
They caved in to Serbian demands
They attacked Britain
They urged Austria-Hungary to stand firm against Serbia
They urged Serbia to give in to the ultimatum
How did Germany respond when Russia began to mobilize for war?
By ignoring Russia's actions
By seeking aid from the United States
By appealing to France for help
By declaring war on Russia
Why did the british declare war on Germany?
To protect Belgium
To punish Serbia
To challenge Italian neutrality
To gain territory
Which of the following was a result of the Sepoy Rebellion?
India gained its independence
India became a protectorate of Britain
Britain began to rule India directly
The East India Company took over the rule of India
The Sepoy Rebellion was caused by
Food shortages
British insensitivity to Indian customs
A tax increase
A reduction in the sepoys' salary
The Indian National Congress wanted
Eventual self-rule for India
A revolution to end british rule
A tax on british goods
Control of India
The Great Salt March in an example of
Violent resistance
Civil disobedience
A boycott
Economic sanctions
Many Indians were angry with the British after World War I because
Britain had failed to protect the Indians against the Germans
Britain refused to pay reparations to India
Britain failed to fulfill its promise to grant India greater self-government
Britain failed to acknowledge India's sacrifices in the war
Which of the following did Gandhi use to fight British rule?
Violent demonstrations
Passive resistance
Armed resistance
In the late 1800s,American sugar growers overthrew Queen Liliuokalani and asked the United States to annex
The Philippines
The political consequences of imperialism included
Increased tensions among western powers
Greater cooperation among western powers
Acceptance of colonial rule in Africa and Asia
Strengthening of local governments in Africa and Asia
The United States intervened in Latin American countries in the early 1900s to
Spread western civilization
Gain additional colonies
Protect American lives and investments
Grant independence
Why were the British able to conquer India's vast territory?
Britain exploited the diversity of the nation, which was fragmented and unable to unite
Most Indians did not speak or write English
India was a vast territory with a small population
The indian people were attracted to the British way of life
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Ended U.S. Interference in Asia and the Pacific
Tested the destructive power of its bombers
Brought the war to an end
Brought the United States into the war
The nation that suffered the greatest umber of both civilian and military dead and wounded in World War II was
The Soviet Union
All of the following are causes of World War II EXCEPT
The assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary
Aggressive action by Germany
The Treaty of Versailles
"Operation Barbarossa" refers to Hitler's plan to conquer
North Africa
The Soviet Union
Which nation suffered the highest number of casualties in World War II?
The Soviet Union
The United States
The major rivals in the Cold War were
Germany and Italy
Britain and France
China and Japan
The United States and the Soviet Union
The Munich Conference
Granted Germany control over the Sudetenland
Was deemed a success by Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
Was an example of appeasement
All of the above
Which event let to a formal declaration of war?
Germany's invasion of Poland
The Spanish Civil War
Italy's invasion of Ethipia
The Munich Converence
The goal of the D-Day Invasion for the Allies was to
Gain control of Japan
Send additional forces in the USSR
Land in Normandy gain control of France
Force Italy to surrender
How did Londoners react to the London Blitz?
Londoners carried on their daily lives, seeking protection in shelters during the bombings, but British morale was not destroyed. Keep Calm and Carry On.
Londoners panicked, and thousands of refugees fled to neighboring France
Londoners launched a successful attack on German planes, destroying half of Hitler's fighter jets in less than 20 days
Parliament ceased to meet for the 59 days of the bombardment, while much of the city was destroyed
Which of the following became a dress rehearsal for World War II by demonstrating the destructive power of modern warfare?
The Spanish Civil War
The Anschluss
The surrender of the Sudentenland
The invasion of Ethiopia
Which of the following cities was the target of a Nazi blitz for two months in 1941?
In response to Zxis aggression in the 1930's, western democracies followed a policy of
In the 1930's, Japan's foreign policy emphasized
The peaceful settlement of the agreements
Empire building
None of the above
The Allied forces ended the war in Europe by
Invading Italy.
Bombing Hiroshima.
Liberating Paris.
Capturing Berlin
"Total War" means
That country has devoted all aspects of their society to the war effort
That everyone wins
The complete destruction of a nation
The retaliation on Lucy for letting an egg fart in your bedroom
"D-Day" refers to the
End of Wrold War II
British victory in the North Africa
Allied invasion of France
Entry of the United States into the war
The term Holocaust refers to the
Bombing of Britain
Massacre of more than six million Jews
Turning point of the war in North Africa
Mobilization for total war
The Battle of Midway was the turning point that
Brought the United States into the war
Forced Japan to surrender
Started Japan's uninterrupted series of victories
Allowed the United States to take the offensive in the Pacific
Which of these battles was a turning point after which the United States took the offensive in the Pacific?
Pearl Harbor
Midway Island
Iwo Jima
The war in Europe ended with the
Bombing of Hiroshima
Battle of the Bulge
Surrender of Germany
Capture and execution of Mussolini
Which of the following was a result of central economic planning in the Soviet Union?
Highly motivated workers
A high standard of living
An efficient bureaucracy
Shortages of food and consumer goods
Why did the U.S. Decide to airlift supplies to West Berlin?
The air corridors remained open, while land routes had been closed
All of the above
They did not want the Soviets to take over the city
Military action could have led to WWIII
All of the following events are winked to the Cold War except:
Vietnam War
OPEC cutting oil production
Berlin Airlift
Cuban Missile Crisis
Which of the following led to the reunification of Germany in 1989?
The European Union's euro currency brought economic success to France, a staunch ally of West Germany
Rebels in West Germany revolted against party leadership
Communism declined in the Soviet Union
The US divided its military support between East and West Germany
Winston Churchill described Soviet control of Eastern Europe as an "iron curtain" dividing the continent. What did the iron curtain come to symbolize?
The division of europe into north and south blocks
A growing fear of economic collapse that was quickly spreading across Western Europe
The growing fear of communism and the division of europe into eastern and western blocs
The New Deal ideology that was feared and distrusted by Stalin's regime
One strength of the Soviet economy was that it
Provided the Soviet people with a high standard of living
Could feed all its people
Produced high-quality consumer goods
Was almost free of unemployment
What type of economy eventually led to the Soviet Union's collapse?
A command economy
A demand economy
A nonsurplus economy
A developing world economy
Which of the following was true about the Truman Doctrine?
Truman offered aid to any nation resisting communist aggression
Truman promised to divide Germany into four zones of occupation after WWII
It dealt with Britain and France
Truman offered military assistance to any nation fighting the Chinese in the Korean War
The Berlin Wall fell in
How did the Cold War end?
The US surrendered
Public opinion swung toward the west
Europe formed the Common Market
The Soviet Union collapsed
What did the Marshall Plan promise?
Aid to communist nations who tried to overthrow the government
Aid to Asian nations that had pledged to help Japan after WWII
Military aid to Greece and Turkey
Aid to European nations that wanted to rebuild after WWII
Which of the following is a true statement regarding Soviet society?
There were many social classes
Farm workers made up a new elite
Landowners remained at the top of the social order
Communist party members made up a privileged group
Eastern European Nations and the U.S.S.R. Formed a mutual-defense alliance called:
The Triple Alliance
The Warsaw Pact
The Triple Entente
The main purpose of Stalin's five-year plans was to
Turn the Soviet Union into a military power
Turn the Soviet Union into a modern industrial power
Produce more consumer goods
Increase farm production
Why did the East German government build a wall through Berlin in 1961?
To stop traffic jams
To stop its citizens from fleeing to the west
To stop nuclear build up
To stop westerners from entering
During the Cold War, the primary goal of American foreign policy was to
Create a world without war
Protect human rights everywhere
Stop the spread of communism
Encourage economic growth in communist countries
Which of the following was a "satellite nation" in the Soviet Bloc?
What was the outcome of the Korean War?
Korea was unified under a communist government
North Korea surrendered after the threat of atomic warfare
China controlled North Korea while South Korea remained independent
Korea remained divided at almost exactly the same -place as before the war
At the Yalta conference, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin decided to
Divide the defeated Germany into four sectors--- American, British, French, and Soviet
Keep the Soviet Union out of the war with Japan
Rearm Germany as soon as possible
Set up a world organization that would share knowledge of atomic weapons
For nearly 50 years, the Cold War was characterized by
American and Soviet isolationism
The gradual decline of Soviet power
Political conflict and military tensions
Small battles world wide
Why was it difficult to again an advantage over the enemy in trench warfare?
The machine gun made it nearly impossible for troops to advance
Too many soldiers died of disease in trenches
Too few soldiers were willing to kill enemy soldiers
No weapons were used
Which of the following helped the Allies to achieve the breakthrough they sought in World War I?
The battle of Gallioli
The waging of total war
The involvement of the United Sates
The Russian Revolution
All of the following were causes of the Russian Revolution except
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Food shortages
Low wages for workers
Which of the following statements is true regarding the Ottoman Empire in WWI?
It remained neutral
It joined the Allies
It never entered the war
It joined the central powers
WWI was more destructive than earlier wars because
It lasted longer
The armies were more ruthless
Modern weapons were more deadly
Airplanes could drop huge bombs
Which of the following ended Russia's involvement in World War I?
The attack on the Lusitania
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
The battle of Caporetto
The battle of Gallipoli
How did aggressive nationalism push France and Germany to the brink of war in the early 1900s?
New weapons of mass destruction had placed Germany on the most feared nations list
Germany longed to seek revenge against France for its lost provinces
France yearned for revenge against Germany to regain its position as Europe's leading power
Germany sought retribution for its depressed economy, which it blamed on France
Which of the following was a major reason the United States exchanged neutrality for war in 1917?
The germans had taken over a vital trade route between Britain and the US
Americans felt it was their duty to come to the aid of the Central Powers, who were being badly beaten
The germans massacred the entire population of a major British city, including civilians
The germans used their submarines to attack ships carrying american citizens and supplies to the Allies
How did Gandhi's Salt March illustrate his philosophy of civil disobedience?
The march, which began as a nonviolent protest, soon became a brutally violent rally in which thousands were arrested
The march began civilly with speeches by Gandhi and other leaders, who pledged to fast from eating products made with sale for 90 days
The march was against the civil laws enforced by the british government in the Salt colony of India, a holy land for Gandhi and his followers
Angered by the Indian government's monopoly on salt, Gandhi's followers set fire to the country's salt mines
On the eve of WWI, Bosnia was ruled by
The Ottoman Empire
What ethnic tensions in Bosnia led tot eh assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and launched WWI?
When pleas for peace failed, the Serbian army nationalists began to mobilize with ally Russia
Germany saw the Archduke's planned visit as an outright declaration of war
A militant Serbian faction viewed Russia as a major political threat and vowed revenge for past injustices
The Serbians viewed the Austrians as foreign oppressors
Germany joined the Triple Alliance to protect itself against
The Ottoman Empire
Which of the following was an effect of militarism in Europe in the late 1800s?
Political tension between nations was reduced
Nations made political and military alliances
Strong governments developed
Nations made economic alliances
Which of the following helped turn WWI into a global war?
The airplane
Poison gas
The submarine
The machine gun
Which of the following statements in true regarding the role of Women during WWI?
They contributed little to the war effort
They kept their nations' economies going during the winter
Their role differed very little from their role siring peace time
they focused their efforts on ending the war
{"name":"HISTORY FINAL", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Stalin rose to power by, One cause of the March 1917 revolution in Russia was, Which of the following statements is true regarding the Soviet Union under Lenin?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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