Understanding Your Relationship Style

A vibrant illustration representing different relationship dynamics, including friendship, love, and communication, with diverse groups of people interacting positively in various social settings.

Understanding Your Relationship Style

Take this fun and insightful quiz to discover more about your personalities and preferences in relationships! Find out if you are a carefree communicator, an anxious partner, or perhaps a loyal companion. The results may surprise you and provide clarity on your interaction styles.

  • Discover your relationship tendencies
  • Gain insights into your insecurities and anxieties
  • Engage with thought-provoking questions about dating and commitment
12 Questions3 MinutesCreated by ChattyChick27
Who are you most often in a group conversation?
The funny one. You always have a good joke to lighten the mood.
The roaster. You always have a zinger for your friends.
The quiet one. You like to listen to what others have to say.
The talker. You always have the most interesting things to say.
The phone user. Conversations rarely interest you so you spend this time on your phone.
Which of the following is likely to make you most anxious?
Being on an airplane.
Being on the top floor of a skyscraper.
An argument with a friend.
Having lots of schoolwork to do.
I don’t get anxious.
What is your biggest insecurity?
The way you look.
The way you talk.
The way you smell.
The way you don’t fit in.
No insecurities here.
What do you most look for in a girlfriend?
Good looks. They have to be attractive.
Smarts. They need to be intelligent.
Kindness. They have to be a nice person.
Dependence. They should serve you and be at your side always.
I’ll take what I can get at this point.
How do you feel about feminism?
I don’t think much about it.
Disapprove. Women and men are equal, no need for feminism.
Disapprove. Women aren’t equal to men, and that’s how it should be.
Approve. I’m a hardcore feminist and I’m not afraid to share that.
Approve. Women and men should be equal, period.
How important is it to be completely honest with your partner?
Very important. I want to know everything about them, they should know everything about me. No secrets.
Kind of important. I think it’s okay to keep some things from each other.
I want them to tell me everything, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable that I keep some things to myself.
Not important. I have lots of secrets. It’s fine if they do, too.
What would an ex say is your worst habit?
Your nail-biting. You just munch on those fingers all day.
Your lying. You can’t help it, it just happens.
Your insecurity. You just worry that they’re going to break up with you at any moment.
Your talking. You love to talk and you feel you have important things to say.
Your partying. You love to have a good time.
You’re with your friends and you are all trying to make plans. The majority of the group is leaning towards something you wouldn’t like to do. Do you:
Vocalize your opposition to their idea and try to change their minds.
Just go along with what they say. It’s not worth putting up a fight.
Ask everyone to keep thinking and bouncing ideas around.
Make up an excuse to go home.
Tell them you’ll go home if they don’t do what you want.
Your girlfriend comes home after a long day at work and begins to recount her day to you. Midway through the story, she mentions that she and a male coworker got lunch together. Do you:
Think nothing of it. She is allowed to have guy friends and doesn’t need your permission to hang out with them.
Get upset with her. Your girlfriend should have at least asked you if she could get lunch with him.
Ask more about this male coworker to determine whether he’s a threat or not.
Without elaborating, say that you find it interesting that she chose to get lunch with him.
Break up with her.
Your girlfriend can’t FaceTime right now, she’s on the phone with her guy friend.
Break up with her. If she’s FaceTiming him, she’s not loyal.
Get upset with her. Why would she be FaceTiming him? If she asked you, you might have said it was okay.
Get upset and keep it to yourself. Let it eat you alive.
Tell her to just call you when she’s done talking to him. No big deal.
Ignore her for the rest of the night.
You and your girlfriend are talking about your plans for this weekend. You tell her that you’re going to the bar with your friends tomorrow night. She’s going to a frat party with her friends tomorrow night.
Suggest that you both just stay in tomorrow night. No need to go out when you have each other!
Get upset but keep it to yourself. She’s allowed to go to parties and all, but you know how guys are going to hit on her.
Get upset and tell her about it. Frat parties are disgusting and don’t attract the best crowd, and her choice to go to one reflects poorly on her.
Break up with her. You can’t be in a relationship with somebody who likes going to parties and such.
Ask if you and your friends can come with - this way, you can keep an eye on her.
It's okay. Have fun!
Your girlfriend sits you down and tells you that she cheated on you a few weeks ago. She profusely apologizes and promises it’ll never happen again.
Break up with her. She did it once, she’ll do it again.
Forgive her. We all make mistakes and you’re sure she’ll never do it again.
Tell her it’s okay, you’re just glad she told you.
Tell her it’s okay, but it’s not. You don’t want to break up with her, so you’d rather let it eat you alive.
Tell her it’s okay, and then cheat on her to get revenge.
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