What are Instructions?

What is the purpose of instructions?
To sell things
To tell people how to do something
To persuade people to do something
Which of these is not a set of instructions?
A recipe
Directions from one place to another
A horror story
Which of these is a set of instructions?
A leaflet asking people to join a campaign against litter
A leaflet telling people about a new restaurant and the food it sells
A leaflet included with a model showing you how to build it
Well-written instructions should do what?
Tell, or show, the reader what they are building
Make the reader laugh
give the reader lots to read
What are ingredients?
Small screws used for putting things together
A price list showing you how much something will cost to make
a list of the things you'll need when following a recipe
It's important to do what when writing instructions?
Show the end result and let the reader work out the steps
list the right steps in the right order
list the right steps in any order
What style of language should good instructions be written in?
Atmospheric, descriptive writing
Confident, direct writing
exciting, action-packed writing
Why are diagrams useful in instructions?
They give the reader lots of information
They make the instructions look nice
They fill out lots of space
Where necessary, diagrams in instructions should always be what?
Bright and colourful so they catch the reader's eye
In black and white so they don't distract the reader
Clearly labelled so readers can see what's what
It's a good idea to do what when you have written a set of instructions?
re-read them to make sure they are funny enough
ask a friend to try following them to see if they work
go back and take half the steps out to make them easier to follow
{"name":"What are Instructions?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What is the purpose of instructions?, Which of these is not a set of instructions?, Which of these is a set of instructions?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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