A visually engaging image representing concepts of distributed systems, featuring cloud computing, virtualization, and network connections, styled in a modern, tech-inspired design.

Distributed Systems Quiz

Test your knowledge on the intricacies of distributed systems with this comprehensive quiz. Dive into various topics including distributed transactions, virtualization, cloud models, and more.

Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply a curious learner, this quiz offers:

  • Challenging questions
  • Multiple choice formats
  • A way to assess your understanding of complex concepts
60 Questions15 MinutesCreated by CodingEagle329
(SC) Which of the following implementation techniques of concurrent executed distributed transactions may experience conflicts among operations?
Both of the listed techniques
Timestamp based
Lock based
None of the listed techniques
(MC) Which of the followings are false about nested distributed transactions?
For consistency reasons, children sub-transactions must be executed one after the other
Children sub-transactions may run on different machines
Children sub-transactions must run on the same machine
Children sub-transactions may run in parralel
(SC) Monolithic hypervisors architectures are implemented in
None of the provided answers
Full Virtualization – Type 1 Hypervisor
Full Virtualization – Type 2 Hypervisor
(SC) Which of the followings is an advantages of Strict 2PL
None of the listed answers are advantages of Strict 2PL
Low overhead in execution
No cascaded aborts
(SC) In the case of full virtualization, in which OS protection ring is located the hypervisor?
Ring 2
Ring 0
In none of the provided answers
Ring 1
(SC) An inter-process communication with non-blocking send and non-blocking receive is of which type:
Synchronous communication
Reliable communication
Direct communication
Asynchronous communication
(SC) Which of the following is a realistic performance boosting element in a distributed system that collects asynchronous data from a sensor system that sends data at various rates, considering that the data taken from the sensors does not have to be processed in real time
None of the provided answers
Use of indirect communication (Queues) for buffering the high volume of data
Use of horizontal scaling and elasticity to match the processing resources to the volume of data
(SC) Which statement is false about overlay networks?
They have better performance due to the indirection layer
They are used for specific virtual network applications
Skype is an example of application that used an overlay network
They are built using fundamental Internet technologies
(SC) When a schedule of a set of transactions is serializable?
When all participants vote for committ
When each participant implements the Serializable interface
When the final result of executing the schedule is the same as the result of executing the transactions serially
None of the provided answers is correct
(MC) Which of the followings are true about timestamp ordering?
All operations of a transaction are assigned the same timestamp
Each transaction is assigned a timestamp
All system resources subject to transactions are assigned timestamps
(SC) Which of the following is true about the scalar time in a distributed system?
None of the provided answers is true
Ensures the total ordering of processes’ internal events
Ensures the total ordering of all events
Ensures the total ordering of send and receive events
(SC) Which of the following modules of a distributed transactions system is responsible for keeping consistent the shared resources?
None of the provided answers
Data Manager
Transaction Manager
(MC) Check all the advantages of data distribution
Quick update operations
Increased availability
Increased reliability
(MC) Which of the following statements are true about ports in distributed systems
Each port is associated to a process that communicates over the network
Each port has associated a queue (buffer) that stores the messages to be delivered to a process
Some of the ports are used by the OS and cannot be used by user applications
Port identification is not unique
(SC) Which of the following cloud models offers more specific services to a user?
Infrastructure as a service
Platform as a service
Software as a service
None of the provided answers
(SC) Which is true about write-ahead log implementation of a distributed transaction?
None of the provided answers is true
The log of changes for all participants is kept only by the transaction coordinator
Each participant keeps its own log of changes
(SC) The entity that contains references to all objects that are altered by transactions as well as the values of those objects is called:
Global Data Dictionary (GDD)
None of the provided answers
Recovery file
Intention list
(SC) Which of the following combinations of service models is offered by hybrid clouds?
SaaS + PaaS
Paas + IaaS
IaaS + SaaS
None of the provided answers
(MC) Which of the following are specific tasks of the RPC runtime module?
Server location
Stub generation
(SC) Which of the following statements are false about virtualization?
In Paravirtualization, the guest OS is aware that it is running in a virtualized environment
Virtualization is the heart of cloud computing
Full virtualization uses binary translation for critical instructions
In Full virtualization the guest OS is aware that it is running in a virtualized environment
(MC) Which of the following factors may be considered by a price calculation mechanism in cloud computing?
The time of submitting the task
Hypervisor type
Client location
The availability of the resources
(MC) Which of the following are true about a HTTPS protocol
Relies on digital certificates for handling man-in-the middle attacks
It uses symmetric cryptography
It uses asymmetric cryptography
Connects default to port 443 on server
(MC) Which statements are true about Peer-to-Peer architectures
None of the provided statements is true
The number of connections grows exponentially with the number of network peers
All the nodes run the same program
All the nodes offer the same set of interfaces to each other
(SC) Which table fragmentation type is based on the values of one or more columns ?
Vertical fragmentation
Horizontal Fragmentation
None of the provided answers
(SC) Which of the following is specific to client streaming in gRPC
The client sends a request and waits for a stream of messages from the server
The client sends many requests and waits for the server reponse
The requests sent by the client are interleaved with the responses from the server
None of the provided answers
(SC) Which of the following is a problem that is likely to happen in case of horizontal scaling?
Data consistency
Low application throughput
Application performance degradation as number of nodes increases
None of the provided answers
(SC) A company that makes the transition from the traditional IT model to cloud computing model eliminates which of the following costs?
Usage costs of the equipments
Fix costs with the equipments
None of the provided answers is correct
The costs with the non-IT employees
(SC) Timing failures can be handled with timeout timers in
Asynchronous distributed systems
Synchronous distributed systems
Cannot be handled since they are Byzantine failures
Both synchronous and asynchronous distributed systems
(True or False) In cloud computing, server consolidation and virtualization are representing the same process.
(SC) When designing a distributed system featuring strong consistency, which of the following is the best approach in case of network partitioning?
Stop services until replicas can synchronize (no service availability)
None of the provided answers
Use the results of similar services from nodes that are online, operational and reachable during network partitioning
(MC) Which of the following are features of two logically concurrent events:
They should occur at the same instant of physical time
They do not causally affect each other
They may occur at different instants in physical times
There is a path in a time-space diagram connecting the two events
There is no path in a time-space diagram connecting the two events
(SC) AJAX is a technique that is used for:
Hosting stubs of remote procedures in RPC
Hosting stubs of remote methods in RMI
Improving client-server interaction over Web
Improving broker service searching operations
(SC) Which of the followings is true about vertical fragmentation of a table in distributed storage design?
All fragments must include the primary key column(s) of the original table.
Only one fragment must include the primary key column(s) of the original table.
The fragments may not include the primary key column(s) of the original table.
(SC) Which of the following are features of timestamp ordering as concurrency control technique?
There are no conflicting operations in this technique
Each distributed transaction is assigned a globally unique timestamp
Timestamp ordering is an optimistic concurrency control technique
(SC) Which of the following statements are true about the Two-Phase Commit Protocol (2PC) for Distributed Transactions?
Each participant may decide to commit or abort at the request of the coordinator and execute its part of the transaction as a result of this decision.
Each participant may decide to commit or abort at the request of the coordinator and execute its part of the transaction only after receiving coordinator’s decision.
After voting Commit a participant can only wait for coordinator decision without other interactions with the coordinator.
(MC) Which of the followings are true about nested distributed transactions?
A nested distributed transaction may fork children sub-transactions
Children sub-transactions must not fork other sub-transactions;
Children sub-transactions may run in parallel on different machines;
For consistency reasons, children sub-transactions must be executed one after the other;
When a children transaction commits its results are visible to the parent transaction;
(SC) In which system of logical time, two or more events at different processes may have identical timestamps?
Scalar time
Vector time
This is a feature of both
(SC) Achieving the properties of transaction isolation and consistency in concurrent transactions is the task of which of the following:
Transaction manager
Data Manager
(True or False) Failure is easier to be detected for asynchronous distributed systems than for synchronous distributed systems
(SC) In a remote procedure call (RPC) the invocation parameters are sent
By value
By reference
Both ways
(SC) The space and time uncoupling are features of:
Indirect communication
Direct communication
Remote procedure call
Request reply communication
(MC) In Chandy-Lamport snapshot algorithm, the marker is used to decide about
What messages to include in the snapshot
When the algorithm terminates
The policy to be used for assembling the global state
(MC) Consider a transaction T1 operating on object o1 and transaction T2 operating on another object o2. Which of the following should NOT be considered as conflicting operations in concurrency control
T1 read / T2 read
T1 read / T2 write
T1 write / T2 read
T1 write / T2 write
(SC) Which ACID property describes the fact that multiple transactions can occur independently without any interference?
(SC) A pattern of architectural distributed system that involves a provider, a requester and a broker and uses SOAP, WSDL and UDDI technologies is specific to:
Distributed Objects Based Architecture
Service Oriented Architecture
Event Based Architecture
Layering Architecture
(SC) Checking operation conflicts in Two Phase Locking (2PL) algorithm for concurrency control is the task of which component:
Transaction Manager
Data Manager
(SC) In a distributed system, data replication improves
Data consistency
Fault Tolerance
Both data consistency and fault tolerance
(SC) The ability of a DS to operate by delivering services in the presence of failures is called:
(SC) Which distributed computing paradigm offers "on demand" utility-based computing resources?
Service oriented computing
Cloud computing
Private computing
Distributed objects-based computing
(SC) Relocating a distributed system component without warning the clients is called:
Access transparency
Migration transparency
Location transparency
Concurrency transparency
(True of False) Virtualized systems performance in terms of execution time is better than the performance of the non-virtualized systems.
(SC) In Remote Procedure Call, the client-side representative of the remote procedure is called:
Remote interface
Client interface
(MC) Which of the following are tasks of the hypervisor in a virtualized system?
Virtualize physical hardware into virtual resources.
Manages the hardware resources of a physical machine
Isolates each physical machine from the others
(SC) Increasing the number of transactions per second in a distributed system is an example of
Up-scaling the system
Out-scaling the system
(SC) The situation that happens when a transaction reads a value that has been produced by another transaction that finally aborts is called:
Cascading abort
Lost update
Transactions deadlock
Inconsistent retrieval
(SC) Which of the followings are true about table fragmentation in distributed storage design:
Table fragments must be stored at different sites
Table fragments must not be replicated
Table fragmentation helps in case of disaster recovery
(SC) Google Docs is a type of:
Infrastructure as a Service
Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
None of the listed answers
(SC) The role of a logical clock function of a system of logical clocks is to:
Assign timestamps to events
Update the local logical clock for a process
Update the global local logical clock for a process
(MC) Which of the followings are true about flat distributed transactions?
Transaction operations may be executed on different servers
Transaction operations are not executed in parallel;
Some of the transaction operations, but not all, may be executed in parallel;
Each transaction operation must be completed before invoking another operation;
(MC) Which of the following statements are true about Transactions Concurrency Control?
It allows a set of transactions to be simultaneously executed on shared resources.
It is applicable only in distributed transactions;
It enforces consistency among the resources involved in transactions
{"name":"DS QUIZ", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on the intricacies of distributed systems with this comprehensive quiz. Dive into various topics including distributed transactions, virtualization, cloud models, and more.Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply a curious learner, this quiz offers:Challenging questionsMultiple choice formatsA way to assess your understanding of complex concepts","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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