Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 3 Feb 22
[2202.00687] Andrea Amoretti, Daniel K. Brattan, Nicodemo Magnoli et al.: Destroying superconductivity in thin films with an electric field
[2202.00689] Paolo Glorioso, Sean A. Hartnoll: Joule heating in bad and slow metals
[2202.00707] Cody D. Schimming, Jorge Viñals: Singularity identification for the characterization of topology, geometry, and motion of nematic disclination lines
[2202.00714] Stephen E. Gant, Jonah B. Haber, Marina R. Filip et al.: An Optimally-Tuned Starting Point for Single-Shot $GW$ Calculations of Solids
[2202.00742] P. A. Almeida, L. S. Sousa, Tome M. Schmidt et al.: Ferromagnetism in armchair graphene nanoribbon heterostructures
[2202.00761] Kaitlyn Becker, Clark Teeple, Nicholas Charles et al.: Active entanglement enables stochastic, topological grasping
[2202.00766] C. Reichhardt, C.J.O. Reichhardt: Commensuration Effects on Skyrmion Hall Angle and Drag for Manipulation of Skyrmions on Two-Dimensional Periodic Substrates
[2202.00779] Henning Kirchberg, Abraham Nitzan: Energy Transfer and Thermoelectricity in Molecular Junctions in Non-Equilibrated Solvents
[2202.00780] Zhizhi Zhang, Zhenyu Wang, Huanhuan Yang et al.: Nonreciprocal Spin Waves Driven by Left-Hand Microwaves
[2202.00797] Florian Ginzel, Guido Burkard: Proposal for a cavity-induced measurement of the exchange coupling in quantum dots
[2202.00812] Mahdi Nasiri, Benno Liebchen: Reinforcement learning of optimal active particle navigation
[2202.00852] Alejandro Ruiz, Brandon Gunn, Yi Lu et al.: Stabilization of three-dimensional charge order through interplanar orbital hybridization in Pr$_x$Y$_{1-x}$Ba$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6+δ}$
[2202.00906] Peize Ding, Ching Hua Lee, Xianxin Wu et al.: Diagnosis of pairing symmetry by vortex and edge spectra in kagome superconductors
[2202.00915] Nitin Kumar, Ye-Shun Lan, Chia-Ju Chen et al.: Self-Assembly of Magnetic Co Atoms on Stanene
[2202.00930] Shashank Pathrudkar, Hsuan Ming Yu, Susanta Ghosh et al.: Machine learning based prediction of the electronic structure of quasi-one-dimensional materials under strain
[2202.00937] Jozef Sznajd: Ising spin ladder with trimer rungs and next-nearest-neighbor coupling. Frustration in physics and agent models
[2202.00957] A. Arapis, V. Constantoudis, D. Kontziampasis et al.: Measuring the complexity of micro and nanostructured surfaces
[2202.00963] Kou-Han Ma, Yan-Jiang Guo, Lei Wang et al.: Projective truncation approximation study of one-dimensional $Φ^4$ lattice model
[2202.00966] Z. Li, W.T. Nash, S.P. O Brien et al.: cardiGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network Model for Design and Discovery of Multi Principal Element Alloys
[2202.00978] Mikhail A. Zagrebin, Mariya V. Matyunina, Alexey B. Koshkin et al.: Structural and Magnetic Properties of Fe-Al alloys: an Ab initio Studies
[2202.00991] Sudeep K. Ghosh, P. K. Biswas, Chunqiang Xu et al.: Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking Superconductivity in Three-Dimensional Dirac Semimetallic Silicides
[2202.00994] Shishir K. Pandey, Ashis K. Nandy, Poonam Kumari et al.: Microscopic Origin Of Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in a Double Perovskite Sr$_2$FeReO$_6$: a first principle and model Hamiltonian study
[2202.01010] Luca Di Carlo, Mattia Scandolo: Evidence of fluctuation-induced first-order phase transition in active matter
[2202.01014] Jay Prakash Singh, Sudipta Pattanayak, Shradha Mishra et al.: Effective single component description of steady state structures of passive particles in an active bath
[2202.01024] Camille Keita, Yannick Hallez, Jean-Baptiste Salmon: Microfluidic osmotic compression of a charge-stabilized colloidal dispersion: Equation of state and collective diffusion coefficient
[2202.01025] Alba Crescente, Dario Ferraro, Matteo Carrega et al.: Enhancing coherent energy transfer between quantum devices via a mediator
[2202.01029] Shujie Cheng, Gao Xianlong: Shaking driven non-trivial topology in a Floquet-engineered dice lattice
[2202.01039] Masanari Ishiyama, Kenji Yasuoka, Makoto Asai: Impact of Free Energy of Polymers on Polymorphism of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles
[2202.01042] Viktor C. Birschitzky, Florian Ellinger, Ulrike Diebold et al.: Machine Learning for Exploring Small Polaron Configurational Space
[2202.01050] Lei Ren, Laurent Lombez, Cedric Robert et al.: Optical detection of long electron spin transport lengths in a monolayer semiconductor
[2202.01051] Andrij Vasylenko, Dmytro Antypov, Vladimir Gusev et al.: Element selection for functional materials discovery by integrated machine learning of atomic contributions to properties
[2202.01055] Vishnu Raghuraman, Michael C. Gao, Michael Widom: Nonlinear deformation and elasticity of refractory alloys
[2202.01065] Trevor P. Almeida, Steven Lequeux, Alvaro Palomino et al.: Direct observation of the perpendicular shape anisotropy and thermal stability of p-STT-MRAM nano-pillars
[2202.01073] Chiara Ricca, Ulrich Aschauer: Photochemical Anisotropy and Direction-dependent Optical Absorption in Semiconductors
[2202.01076] Ahmed Bouhlal, Ahmed Jellal, Mohamed Mansouri: Quantum tunneling in graphene Corbino disk in a solenoid magnetic potential with wedge disclination
[2202.01089] Yongtao Liu, Anna Morozovska, Eugene Eliseev et al.: Hypothesis-Driven Automated Experiment in Scanning Probe Microscopy: Exploring the Domain Growth Laws in Ferroelectric Materials
[2202.01090] Mikael Fremling: Exact gap-ratio results for mixed Wigner surmises of up to 4 eigenvalues
[2202.01101] Gabriela Borin Barin, Qiang Sun, Marco Di Giovannantonio et al.: Growth optimization and device integration of narrow-bandgap graphene nanoribbons
[2202.01119] Paul C. Bressloff: Diffusion-mediated surface reactions and stochastic resetting
[2202.01133] Nazir Khan, Sven Krannich, Dominic Boll et al.: A combined inelastic neutron scattering and \textit{ab initio} lattice dynamics study of FeSi
[2202.01135] S. Candussio, S. Bernreuter, T. Rockinger et al.: THz radiation induced circular Hall effect in graphene
[2202.01149] Ongira Chowdhury, Joseph P. Feser: Phonon scattering and vibrational localization in 2D embedded nanoparticle composites
[2202.01152] Utkalika P. Sahoo, Spandan Anupam, Bidyadhar Das et al.: Defect Controlled Ferromagnetic Ordering in Au Implanted TiSe$_2$ Nanocrystals
[2202.01156] Riccardo Tomasello, Roman Verba, Victor Lopez-Dominguez et al.: Antiferromagnetic parametric resonance driven by voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy
[2202.01193] Yuanyuan Zhou, Chunye Zhu, Matthias Scheffler et al.: Ab initio approach for thermodynamic surface phases with full consideration of anharmonic effects -- the example of hydrogen at Si(100)
[2202.01203] Abhinav Parakh, Andrew C. Lee, Stella Chariton et al.: High pressure induced precipitation in Al7075 alloy
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 3 Feb 22","img":""}
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