
First African American President
Barack Obama
Lyndon Johnson
General Ford
First President of the United States
Abraham Lincoln
Bill Clinton
George Washington
First President to die in office
William Harrison
Abraham Lincoln
John F Kennedy
Only President to not have a Vice President
George Washington
Chester Arthur
Thomas Jefferson
First President to live in the White House
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
President that pardoned Nixon
Bill Clinton
Lyndon Johnson
Gerald Ford
President during WWI
Richard Nixon
Woodrow Wilson
President during 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
Barack Obama
George H.W. Bush
George W. Bush
President who is found on the two dollar bill
Thomas Jefferson
Calvin Coolidge
Andrew Jackson
Face found on the fifty dollar bill
John Quincy Adams
Ulysses Grant
Abraham Lincoln
President that has a dam named after them
George Washington
Warren Harding
Herbert Hoover
First President that was attempted to be assassinated
Andrew Jackson
Ronald Reagan
Abraham Lincoln
Second President actually Impeached
Richard Nixon
Bill Clinton
Lyndon Johnson
President that bought Florida from Spain
Thomas Jefferson
James Monroe
John Quincy Adams
President that has been elected on two non consecutive terms
Grover Cleveland
Barack Obama
President that had to deal with the Iran Hostage Crisis
George H. W. Bush
Jimmy Carter
Bill Clinton
President who entire Cabinet resigned
Lyndon Johnson
Bill Clinton
John Tyler
President during the War of 1812
James Madison
James Monroe
Andrew Jackson
President that did the first annual Easter Egg Roll
Rutherford Hayes
George Washington
Ulysses Grant
President during 1989-1993
Ronald Reagan
George H. W. Bush
Jimmy Carter
President that owned a newspaper
Warren Harding
George Washington
President that served in the US House of Representatives after his term was up
Andrew Jackson
John Quincy Adams
Martin van Buren
President during both WWII and the Great Depression
Woodrow Wilson
Lyndon Johnson
Second President to ever be assassinated
Abraham Lincoln
John F Kennedy
James Garfield
President that blocked Texas from joining the Union
Martin van Buren
John Tyler
James Polk
First President impeached
Richard Nixon
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Johnson
President when Wisconsin joined the Union
Abraham Lincoln
James Polk
John Tyler
President that ordered atomic bombs to drop on Japan
Woodrow Wilson
Harry Truman
Lyndon Johnson
President that was a former actor
John Kennedy
Richard Nixon
Ronald Reagan
President that was nominated without even knowing
Abraham Lincoln
Zachary Taylor
George Washington
President who installed electricity into the White House
Benjamin Harrison
Chester Arthur
Andrew Jackson
President during the Civil War
Ulysses Grant
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Johnson
The least known President
Franklin Pierce
John Tyler
Millard Fillmore
First President to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery
William Taft
John Kennedy
Gerald Ford
Became President by accident
James Buchanan
Millard Fillmore
President that created the Peace Corps
John Kennedy
Lyndon Johnson
Richard Nixon
Only President that didn't have a First Lady
Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
James Buchanan
President that created NASA
Dwight Eisenhower
John Kennedy
Richard Nixon
President that is found on the five dollar bill
Calvin Coolidge
Abraham Lincoln
William McKinley
President that made Indians legal citizens
Calvin Coolidge
Lyndon Johnson
President that resigned from office after the Watergate Scandal
Lyndon Johnson
Richard Nixon
Andrew Johnson
President that teddy bears got their name from
Theodore Roosevelt
John Kennedy
President that declared war on poverty
Lyndon Johnson
John Kennedy
Richard Nixon
{"name":"Presidents", "url":"","txt":"First African American President, First President of the United States, First President to die in office","img":""}
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