You're in Szemen's Castle, and you've been there for some months now. Everyone is stressed due to their situation with other demons inhabiting the castle, trust between your own teammates, Agatha, and even the gods. You wake up and look out the window. It's dark, the full moon out, and hard rain hits the castle with bottled up rage. In the distance, you hear thunder- both, rare occurrences in the middle of the desert. You don't feel tired, so what do you do?
You get out of bed and exit your room
You go to the bathroom to wash your face/take a shower
Lay in bed and stare at the ceiling.
As you exit your door, a particularly bright light flooded the openness of Szemen's castle, followed by a loud clap of thunder. It is eerily silent.
You stand in silence
Call down the stairs, "Is anyone up?"
You go down the stairs
Ask quietly, "Hello?"
You remain silent, but the longer you listen, the more you hear things. "Go away..." You hear sobs coming from a bit down the hall. "Can't you just leave me alone?" It might have sounded like Alex.
Go find her to see if she's okay.
Call down the stairs, "Is anyone up?"
A crow called and flew up the stairs, surprising you. Your eyes follow the crow and see it perched on a yellow cloak. Athena cawed once, ruffling its feathers, and Maria looks at you. She turns around and starts walking.
You follow her
Maria walks to Alex, who appears to be crying, on the floor, gripping her hair over her eyes, her chest hiccuping from the floor. "He's always there he's always there...." she chanted. Unexpectedly, she suddenly stood up stably. "Wait, don't do that. No, no, no no no no no...." The crow suddenly takes off from Maria's shoulder and she sinks into the floor, leaving you alone with Alex. You stare at her, wide-eyed and her eyes are rolled to the back of her head. "Leave, leave, leave, leave. Don't do anything." Her words contradicted itself.
"Alex? Are you okay?" You back up, regardless.
You find her indeed down in the hallway, but it's dark, with hardly any flickering candles to keep the space illuminated. "He left. No, no...." You come closer to Alex and her hair is a mess, and her fists are balled up into fists. Her eyes rolled the back of her head and there's nothing but white. "No, no, no. He's still here, still here, still here, always haunting me...."
"Alex? Are you okay?" You back up, however.
Alex's hand starts glowing in a blindingly bright light, her eyes still rolled to the back of her head. Her limbs started twitching, fingers seemingly wanting to itch at something. White light flashes, and your body is cut in half instantly. The top half of your body slides, and every single joint in your body breaks in half, leaving your head rolling on the carpet.
Yet you're still conscious, staring at your dismembered body in disbelief....
You didn't know what was happening, but you couldn't do anything, so you ran. You run to find
Your weapon in your room
Szemen to stop her
Somewhere to hide
You sprinted to your room and found your weapon, with Alex not far behind. She started screaming and crying, only her sclera showing, and her neck kept twitching backwards and sideways, and she kept scratching her face, her open mouth and under her eyes. You suddenly felt a sharp pain in your forearm, and something hits the ground with a hard clashing sound, louder than the pounding rain and thunder. In horror, you looked down and screamed. Your arm entirely just fell off your body, weapon in it. You look up at Alex again, and in a sharp second, your face was cut clean, entirely through, from right under your ear, cutting your mouth in half and the top part of your head slid off.
How were you to know what to do? Maybe Alex's fiance would know. Szemen had more power than you, and had a stronger connection to her than you. But his room was at the very top of the entire castle....
You try to run all the way to the top anyways
You try to find someone who can get you to Szemen quicker
You've been sprinting up the stairs for floors and floors and floors. Fortunately, you run fast and you're at your last flight of stairs. You can see Szemen's door from here. It's so close, so close, so close so close and- something grabs you.
It wasn't a human hand though, nothing remotely so. It was a vine and you instantly try to pull the leafy vines away from you, only to have it grip on you harder. Your hands bled violently, along with everything else the vines gripped on. You look behind, not being able to find Alex. You then glared at who did this, in frustration and fear.
Madison looked at you dully in response, no light in the room to reflect off her eyes. "Don't.. bother.. master," she whispered too softly, too sweetly. In a sing-song voice, she says, "Die now."
The vines quickly wrapped around your entire body, squeezing your neck. In nearly slow motion, you felt your blood rush to your head, and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get any oxygen intake. Your arms became too weak to even attempt to pull off the vines, and you closed your eyes.
You turn on the lights of the bathroom.
Wash your face
Take a shower
You slide the shower curtains to the side, and undress before turning on the water. Pleasantly, the water came out steaming at a comfortable warm temperature. You stepped into the warm bathtub and took a relaxing shower. The warm water hit your back and the rising steam cleared any congestion of your nose or face. You listened to nothing but the little splashes the droplets of water hit the bathtub floor. Washing with soap and shampooing your hair cleaned all the dirt and sweat away. After staying in the shower for as long as you were content with, you stepped out of the shower and wrapped yourself with a towel. You readied yourself with basic needs, like putting on a new set of clothes and hanging up the used towel on the towel holder.
You exited the bathroom and exited your room
Listening to the pitter-patter of the rain made you feel like your refreshing shower was continuing. You could almost make a melody out of the sounds the rain was producing. But then you really did started to hear a melody. "You are my sunshine~" You looked around you, left and right, up and down- where did that voice come from? "My only sunshine~" You followed where you thought the voice was coming from.
You followed the voice after making lefts and rights, and U-turns and pauses. You opened the door that seems to have been emancipating the voice.
Inside was a hooded figure on his knees, facing away from the door. From this angle, it seemed that he was praying, his head lifted a little bit. The entire room was dark except for candles lined up high on the walls. "My only sister," he mumbled. "Made me happy when the house was empty." He arms fell in front of him and his head hung. "What took her away?"
"...Crimson? Who are you talking to? What are you talking about?"
Leave him be and go somewhere else
Crimson stood up nonchalantly, one arm slowly dragging a bar from the floor up. As he stood up, his hood fell from his head and he turned around, looking right at you. "Can't you tell I'm busy with something?" He dragged the bar around his feet and more into your line of vision. It was his ax, that he raised at you.
Talk him out of it
Slam the door and run
"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude on anything," you would say. In resentment, he retorts back, "You're lying. Disease comes from you, people like you." He swung his ax in the air once, elbows cracking at the motion. Cloudy red eyes became in contact with fearful ones.
Plead with him
Your voice echoes in the hollowness of the florid castle, and Crimson's poleaxe comes swinging down at you so you duck you head down and you cover your head with your arms. Your legs wobbled on the spot, and you squeezed your eyes shut. You didn't feel any sharp pain on the crook of your neck or didn't hear any crash of the metal blade
You turn on the water and wash your face, and then dry it. You look up at the mirror to your face and there is blood. Massive. Amount. Of. Blood.
Eyes with plus signs make contact with yours. Hair was pushed back and up.
It was Lee, 2D in the mirror, staring at you without a tint of light in their eyes. They had drops of blood on their face, clothes, but especially. Their neck. Their neck had a clear slit of where they were decapitated years ago. Your first instinct is to
Break the mirror
You heard a deep rumble before you registered that the floor itself was rumbling as well. The rooms were changing. You break eye contact with Lee in your reflection in the mirror and look at your only exit out of the bathroom.
You hear a feral growling, making your legs shake.
Your bathroom was now connected to a hallway. There are six doors in the hall, relatively close to you. At the end of the hall was a large, blue lion sitting on its hind legs, eyes glowing white. You see its blue paintbrush-like tail swish back and forth, and Jane, Lee's best friend, who has also died years ago, stood up, still growling. Her eyes glared at you through the darkness of the hallway, and you understood she was in her instinct form. She suddenly growls extremely loud, and starts charging at you from down the dark hall. You
Quickly lock up the bathroom door and hide
Run to door 1
Run to door 2
Run to door 3
Run to door 4
Run to door 5
Run to door 6
Jane barges into the door, pounding multiple times, the door barely able to stay on its hinges. You hid in the bathtub behind the curtains. You hear her lion form's heavy, animalistic breathing and her four paws backing up from the door because charging full speed into the door. Then once more, paws getting quieter, to loud and quickly, and the body slamming into the door. The door breaks into pieces so you duck down into the bathtub to take cover. Your heart rate is unbelievably fast, you could almost hear it. Regardless, you tried to not breath through an open mouth to make noise, but it seems that Jane has also slowed down. There is nothing but thin fabric separating you from your death. Her beastly form looked around in the bathroom, and slowly, agonizingly, turning around a few times to really look at everything. Your heart rate started becoming normal a bit, so you look up again. There is Lee's head, dangling from the ceiling. Out of shock, you gasp, and the blue lion in its instinct form grunted. Through the shower curtain, you see two big orbs, looking at you. She exhaled and the shower curtain moved backwards a bit, pushing you back against the wall.
The lion lunges forward, ripping off your head, torso, and limbs all before you could even see her.
Someone opens the door, although it does not alarm you. "Can I sleep here? Vixie snores so loud," Cyndrell's voice was heard, as you hear light footsteps getting closer to you.
"Okay sure." You don't mind because there are multiple bunk beds in your room.
"No, can't you find someone else?"
"Oh tiramisu! Thanks!" Cyndrell climbed into one of the beds that you couldn't see in the position you were currently in. You hear shuffling of blankets in the room, and you assume Cyndrell is making himself comfortable. You also get comfortable in your own bed and you might have started feeling tired again. Then you hear his voice pipe up, "Can you read me a bedtime story?"
You agree to it, with nothing better to do
You tell him no, telling him that you didn't have any books in the room.
"No. Everyone else is like soggy pancakes. So anyways, can I sleep here?" Cyndrell asks again. You see his shadow's head tilt to one side out of irritation.
"Fine, fine. Just don't ask me any more questions."
"No, seriously. Go away, Cyndrell."
Strangely, Cyndrell remained obediently silent and he climbed into a bed you couldn't see. In the silence with the pounding rain and occasional thunder claps, you lied on your side and stared at the wall. The silence was awkward, and you wondered what Cyndrell was thinking since you denied him the first time. You fiddled with the blankets and pillows you were provided in Szemen's castle, silk in between your fingers and you sighed, nearly in content. While staring at the wall, you noticed the lighting was a little bit different. You rolled on your bed to face the other side. You saw a glimpse of a hand- Cyndrell's hand, and his magic on his fingertips. On one fingertip there was black fire, and on his pinkie was red sparks. Was Cyndrell not bothered by the loud storm outside? Therefore you asked him if he was, but in return you were not given an answer.
You closed your eyes without an answer, and snuggled into the blankets some more. You heard some movement so you opened your eyes again.
Cyndrell sat down right in front of your bed, facing the opposite direction from you. He muttered quietly, "You know. In everyone's eyes I'm a cute little kid that just screams about everything and wouldn't hurt a fly." He shifted his legs into another position. "Truth is, I really hate everyone here. That includes you." He showed you one of his playing cards. "They wouldn't even guess that it was me." He giggled. "Game over."
Cyndrell pouts and leaves, shutting the door. You flop back into bed and sigh. Well, maybe you were a bit harsh on him. Where would the poor kid go to sleep? You get out of bed and open the door. You decide to try to find him in:
His room
The kitchen
The living room
You then ask him where they should read? You two agree on:
The library
The living room
In the bedroom they were currently at
The two of you head to the library, Cyndrell holding his stuffed animal as he trotted beside you. You pick a random place in the library to read and you take out a book to read to him.
You tell him a cute ghost story, and he giggles along the way as you read, make funny facial expressions and emphasize certain words for dramatic purposes. After the story, the two of you peacefully head back to your room to sleep.
He pouts, and then asks, "Then can you make me some food? I'm hungry."
Reluctantly, you agree to it. His stomach wouldn't become un-hungry any time soon. The two of you get out of bed and head down the spiral of stairs to the kitchen.
Again, you tell him no because it's too late in the night to be eating snacks.
You turn on the lights and jump back in surprise. Ryan is standing in the middle of the kitchen, staring at the general direction of the fridge. "All this food... And nothing I can eat," he said quietly, but not looking up, almost as if to not acknowledge your presence. "I'm so... hungry...." He turns and faces your direction.
You gulp down nervousness. Ryan seemed especially out of it. You ask him if you could make anything for him to eat, since you were already making Cyndrell food.
"So.... Cyndrell, let's go back upstairs." You take him by the shoulders and you both run quickly up the stairs.
You pretended to not have noticed Ryan and told Cyndrell to just go back upstairs, but don't run.
Ryan sluggishly took a step forward. "Sure." He stayed quiet for a few moments to think. "How about some chicken?" You agree to it, so you walk pass him, at a relatively safe distance, and reach for the fridge.
You open the fridge
The moment you opened the door, body parts tumbled out of the fridge shelves in a bloody mess, the blood splashing onto your clothes on an instant. "Tarian isn't edible to me," Ryan's voice came, from right behind you. You spun around and he immediately grabbed you by the neck. Looking pass his shoulder momentarily, you watched Cyndrell take a corner, and lost sight of him. Ryan slammed you into the ground by the neck, and you lost vision for a few moments as your head attempted to recover from impact. Your hands flew to his wrists in order to rip him off you, but the attempt was futile. With your focus disorientated, you didn't notice Ryan moving down to your shoulder, before his honed teeth clamped down on your shoulder. Hard. Your mouth dropped open to scream but his predatory hands were still on your throat. Blood spurted from your shoulder, spraying without restraint. You felt a sharp pull on your skin, it instantly ripping apart and entirely off along with your arm. The dragon let up a little pressure off your throat in concentration of removing your arm, so you had a few seconds to scream before his long, sharp nails plunged into your chest and your screamed died with the sudden attack.
The both of you run back the way you two came, up the stairs, and you didn't dare look back behind you. The blue-haired kid in front of you suddenly swung his arm out and a bright light flashes from his hand, and it grows into a dragon. He jumps onto it without looking back at you. The black, staticky, wavering dragon stretched its wings out and begun to fly.
You don't react fast enough so you keep running up the stairs
You quickly jump behind Cyndrell and grab onto the dragon made of electricity
Cyndrell took off without you on the dragon, and you looked behind you because a DIFFERENT dragon was chasing you. You look back up the stairs you were running and only a couple meters away from you was a woman with long indigo hair, matching lips, pink eyes and blue wings, with dried up blood caking her neck, her shoulders and under her chin. She reaches out an arm to you.
You stop running up the stairs that lead to her
{"name":"Haunted House DO NOT CLICK, NOT DONE YET", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"You're in Szemen's Castle, and you've been there for some months now. Everyone is stressed due to their situation with other demons inhabiting the castle, trust between your own teammates, Agatha, and even the gods. You wake up and look out the window. It's dark, the full moon out, and hard rain hits the castle with bottled up rage. In the distance, you hear thunder- both, rare occurrences in the middle of the desert. You don't feel tired, so what do you do?, As you exit your door, a particularly bright light flooded the openness of Szemen's castle, followed by a loud clap of thunder. It is eerily silent., You remain silent, but the longer you listen, the more you hear things. \"Go away...\" You hear sobs coming from a bit down the hall. \"Can't you just leave me alone?\" It might have sounded like Alex.","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/11-499791/weather-lightning-16602100-rsz2-shutterstock.jpg?sz=1200-00000018591000005300"}
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