Sales Manager Scenerios
{"name":"Sales Manager Scenerios", "url":"","txt":"1. You just observed a Sales Professional make a sales call on a customer. It has been a while since you’ve had the opportunity to coach this individual, so she hasn’t gotten feedback from you in some time. During today’s sales call, the Sales Professional had at least four areas for improvement, including one misstep that nearly cost her the opportunity. However, the Sales Professional ultimately recovered from the mistake and gained the customer’s agreement. In the coaching session, you plan to focus on …, 2. You observed a Sales Professional during a first sales call on a customer and now have 20 minutes to debrief. During the call, you observed that the Sales Professional would ask a question, get a superficial response, and then move on to another question without further probing. The Sales Professional ultimately achieved her call objective. To set an appropriate focus and tone for the coaching dialogue, what should you say to open the coaching session?, 3. You observed a Sales Professional make a first sales call on a customer. During the call, the Sales Professional would ask a question, get a superficial response, and then move on to another question without further probing. When you opened the coaching dialogue, you established that the focus of your discussion would be on the need dialogue. What should you say next to begin to compare perceptions?","img":""}
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