Dental Research 2 6DDB part 2 (prof. Vorn Vutha)
1. In order to save time and money, psychologists collect their data by?
σ½ The use of censuses
σ½ The use of prevalence
σ½ Using poorly paid student helpers
σ½ Stopping people in the street
σ¾ The use of samples
2. The specific statistical methods that can be used to summarize or to describe a collection of data is called?
σ½ Analytical statistics
σ½ Experimental study
σ½ Inferential statistics
σ¾ Descriptive statistics
σ½ All of the above
3. Non-sampling errors are introduced due to technically faulty observations or during the………………of data?
σ¾ Processing
σ½ Sequencing
σ½ Interview
σ½ Collection
σ½ Analysis
4. Data is simply the numerical results of any scientific……………?
σ½ Observation
σ½ Collection
σ½ Analysis
σ½ Researches
σ¾ Measurement
5. The……………….process would be required to ensure that the data is complete and as required?
σ¾ Editing
σ½ Tabulating
σ½ Analysis
σ½ Ordering
σ½ All of the above
6. A sample is a portion of the………..population that is considered for study and analysis?
σ½ Fixed
σ¾ Random
σ½ Selected
σ½ Total
σ½ Distribution
7. Both the sampling as well as the non-sampling errors must be reduced to a minimum in order to get representative a sample of the………as possible?
σ¾ Population
σ½ Group
σ½ Universe
σ½ Region
σ½ Ethics
8. A variable is any characteristic which can assume…………value?
σ½ Fixed
σ¾ Different
σ½ Assumed
σ½ Similar
σ½ Good
9. The basic objective of a sample is to draw………….about the population from which such sample is drawn?
σ½ Parameters
σ½ Conclusion
σ¾ Inferences
σ½ Characteristics
σ½ Introduction
10. What is the defining characteristic of experimental research?
σ½ Resistance to manipulation
σ¾ Manipulation of the independent variable
σ½ The use of open-ended questions
σ½ Focuses only on local problems
σ½ All are not correct
11. Which of the following includes examples of quantitative variables?
σ½ Age, temperature, income, height
σ½ Grade point average, anxiety level
σ½ Gender, religion, ethnic group
σ¾ d. Age, temperature, income, height, Grade point average, anxiety level
12. Which of the following can best be described as a categorical variable?
σ½ Age
σ½ Grade point average
σ½ Annual income
σ¾ Religion
σ½ Nationality
13. What is the opposite of a variable?
σ¾ A constant
σ½ An extraneous variable
σ½ A dependent variable
σ½ A data set
σ½ All are correct
14. The strongest evidence for causality comes from which of the following research methods?
σ½ Ethnography
σ¾ Experimental
σ½ Causal-comparative
σ½ Correlational
σ½ All are correct
15. A numerical value used as a summary measure for a sample, such as sample mean, is known as a ?
σ½ population parameter
σ½ sample parameter
σ¾ sample statistic
σ½ population mean
σ½ None of the above answers is correct.
16. Since the population size is always larger than the sample size, then the sample statistic?
σ½ can never be larger than the population parameter
σ½ can never be equal to the population parameter
σ½ c. Can never be zero
σ½ can never be smaller than the population parameter
σ¾ All are not correct
17. The mean of a sample is?
σ½ always equal to the mean of the population
σ½ always smaller than the mean of the population
σ½ computed by summing the data values and dividing the sum by (n - 1)
σ¾ computed by summing all the data values and dividing the sum by the number of items
σ½ All are not correct
18. The sum of the percent frequencies for all classes will always equal?
σ½ One
σ½ the number of classes
σ½ the number of items in the study
σ¾ 100
σ½ None of the answers is correct.
19. In a five number summary, which of the following is not used for data summarization?
σ½ the smallest value
σ½ the largest value
σ½ the median
σ¾ the 25th percentile
σ½ the mean
20. Since the mode is the most frequently occurring data value, it ?
σ½ can never be larger than the mean
σ½ is always larger than the median
σ½ is always larger than the mean
σ½ must have a value of at least two
σ¾ All are not correct.
21. Mu is an example of a?
σ½ population parameter
σ½ sample statistic
σ½ population variance
σ½ mode
σ¾ All are not correct
22. The mean of a sample is?
σ½ always equal to the mean of the population
σ½ always smaller than the mean of the population
σ½ computed by summing the data values and dividing the sum by (n - 1)
σ¾ computed by summing all the data values and dividing the sum by the number of items
σ½ All are not correct
23. The difference between the largest and the smallest data values is the?
σ½ Variance
σ½ interquartile range
σ¾ range
σ½ coefficient of variation
σ½ All are not correct
24. Which of the following is not a measure of central location?
σ½ Mean
σ½ Median
σ¾ Variance
σ½ Mode
σ½ All are not correct.
25. If a data set has an even number of observations, the median?
σ½ cannot be determined
σ½ is the average value of the two middle items
σ½ must be equal to the mean
σ¾ is the average value of the two middle items when all items are arranged in ascending order
σ½ All are not correct.
26. The sum of deviations of the individual data elements from their mean is?
σ½ always greater than zero
σ½ always less than zero
σ½ sometimes greater than and sometimes less than zero, depending on the data elements
σ¾ always equal to zero
σ½ All are not correct.
27. The value that has half of the observations above it and half the observations below it is called the?
σ½ Range
σ½ Median
σ¾ Mean
σ½ Mode
σ½ All are not correct.
28. The most frequently occurring value of a data set is called the?
σ½ Range
σ¾ Mode
σ½ Mean
σ½ Median
σ½ All are not correct.
29. A tabular summary of a set of data showing the fraction of the total number of items in several classes is a?
σ¾ frequency distribution
σ½ relative frequency distribution
σ½ frequency
σ½ cumulative frequency distribution
σ½ All are not correct.
30. The standard deviation of a sample of 100 observations equals 64. The variance of the sample equals?
σ½ 8
σ½ 10
σ½ 6,400
σ¾ 4,096
σ½ All are not correct.
31. The variance of a sample of 81 observations equals 64. The standard deviation of the sample equals?
σ½ 0
σ½ 4096
σ¾ 8
σ½ 6,561
σ½ All are not correct.
32. Refer to Exhibit 3-2. The median is?
σ½ 5
σ¾ 6
σ½ 7
σ½ 8
σ½ All are not correct.
33. Refer to Exhibit 3-2. The mode is?
σ¾ 5
σ½ 6
σ½ 7
σ½ 8
σ½ All are not correct.
34. Refer to Exhibit 3-2. The mean is?
σ½ 5
σ½ 6
σ¾ 7
σ½ 8
σ½ All are not correct
35. Refer to Exhibit 3-3. The range is?
σ½ 1
σ¾ 2
σ½ 10
σ½ 12
σ½ All are not correct
36. Refer to Exhibit 3-4. The mean is?
σ½ 35
σ½ 670
σ½ 10
σ¾ 67
37. Which of the following is not a measure of dispersion?
σ½ the range
σ½ the variance
σ½ the standard deviation
σ¾ a +b + c
σ½ All are not correct
38. The measure of dispersion that is influenced most by extreme values is?
σ½ the variance
σ½ the standard deviation
σ¾ the range
σ½ the interquartile range
σ½ All are not correct.
39. When should measures of location and dispersion be computed from grouped data rather than from individual data values?
σ½ as much as possible since computations are easier
σ¾ only when individual data values are unavailable
σ½ whenever computer packages for descriptive statistics are unavailable
σ½ only when the data are from a population
σ½ All are not correct.
40. The descriptive measure of dispersion that is based on the concept of a deviation about the mean is?
σ½ the range
σ½ both a and b
σ¾ the standard deviation
σ½ All are not correct.
σ½ the interquartile range
41. On matters of academics (knowledge) a researcher should consider himself as?
σ½ Entirely dependent on the teacher
σ¾ Open minded and radical
σ½ Fairly knowledgeable
σ½ A status quo maintainer
σ½ All are not correct
42. Given the N values in a series, the geometric mean is ?
σ½ The third root of the product of N values.
σ½ The square root of the product of N values
σ½ The fourth root of the product of N values
σ¾ The Nth root of the product of N values
σ½ All are not correct
43. Which of the measures given here are based on every item of the series?
σ½ Range
σ¾ Standard deviation
σ½ Quartile deviation
σ½ Mean
σ½ All of them
44. A researcher selects a probability sample of 100 out of the total population. It is ?
σ½ A cluster sample
σ¾ A random sample
σ½ A systematic sample
σ½ A stratified sample
σ½ A multistage sampling
45. If x is 4 and the distribution is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, the sum of squared deviations from the x will be?
σ½ 8
σ¾ 10
σ½ 6
σ½ 12
46. Generalized conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known as ?
σ¾ Statistical inference of external validity of the research
σ½ Parameter inference
σ½ Data analysis and interpretation
σ½ All are correct
47. A statistical measure based upon the entire population is called parameter while measure based upon a sample is known as ?
σ½ Sample parameter
σ½ Inference
σ½ Standard deviation
σ¾ Statistic
σ½ All are correct
48. If x is 48, Median is 47, Mode value will be ?
σ½ 44
σ½ 50
σ¾ 45
σ½ 49
σ½ 60
49. Since the population size is always larger than the sample size, then the sample statistic?
σ½ can never be larger than the population parameter
σ½ can never be equal to the population parameter
σ½ can never be zero
σ½ can never be smaller than the population parameter
σ¾ All are correct
50.  is an example of a?
σ¾ population parameter
σ½ sample statistic
σ½ population variance
σ½ mode
σ½ All are not correct
51. The stages of a malignant disease (cancer) is recorded using the symbols 0, I, II, III, IV. We say that the scale used is ?
σ½ Alphanumeric
σ½ Numerical
σ¾ Ordinal
σ½ Nominal
σ½ Category
52. The fundamental statistical indicators are ?
σ¾ Mean and D. Standard deviation
σ½ Median
σ½ Variance
σ½ Mode
σ½ Range
53. If the average of a series of values is 10 and their variance is 4, then the coefficient of variation (= the ratio standard deviation / average) is?
σ½ 40%
σ¾ 20%
σ½ 80%
σ½ 10%
σ½ 90%
54. The median of a series of numerical values is?
σ½ Equal to the average
σ½ A graph or hart
σ¾ A number
σ½ A frequency table
σ½ A distribution table
55. The median of a series of numerical values is?
σ¾ A value for which half of the values are higher and half of the values are lower
σ½ The value located exactly midway between the minimum and maximum of the series
σ½ The most commonly encountered values among the series
σ½ A measure of the eccentricity of the series
σ½ A measure of central tendency
56. Relative risk?
σ¾ Shows the relationship between a factor assumed to influence the occurrence of disease, and the disease
σ½ is the ratio of the risk of disease for those exposed and those not exposed to that risk factor
σ½ Cannot be greater than 1
σ½ is expressed as a percentage
σ½ is proportion
57. If on a group of 457 patients, for a risk factor we calculated a Relative Risk RR= 12.74, the possibility of developing the disease being investigated is?
σ¾ very high when exposed to the factor
σ½ very small when exposed to the factor
σ½ the same in the case of exposure in the case of non-exposure
σ½ lower in the exposed than in the unexposed, RR being less than 100
σ½ Equal in the exposed
58. The result of a statistical test, denoted p, shall be interpreted as follows?
σ¾ the null hypothesis H0 is rejected if p <0.05
σ½ the null hypothesis H0 is rejected if p> 0.05
σ½ the alternate hypothesis H1 is rejected if p> 0.05
σ½ the null hypothesis H0 is accepted if p <0.05
σ½ None of the above answers is correct.
59. If, after performing a Student test for comparison of means, we obtain p = 0.0256, then?
σ¾ We reject H0 and accept H1
σ½ We accept H0
σ½ We reject H1
σ½ We cannot decide
σ½ We can decide
60. Which of the following are goals of vaccination?
σ½ Prevent infection
σ½ Prevent disease
σ½ Prevent transmission
σ¾ All are correct
σ½ a. And c. above
61. A “benefit” of research may accrue?
σ½ To the participant
σ½ To his/her family
σ½ To society
σ¾ All are correct
σ½ a. And b. above
62. The most important element of ethical research on human subjects is?
σ½ Beneficence
σ½ Justice
σ½ A methodologically sound study design
σ¾ Informed consent
63. Surveillance data must be?
σ½ Rapidly collected
σ½ Use simple case definitions
σ½ Provide very precise estimates
σ½ All are correct
σ¾ a. And b. above
64. The requirements for an effective surveillance system include?
σ½ A diagnostic algorithm
σ½ Staff members
σ½ A sampling frame
σ¾ All are correct
65. A good surveillance system should provide information about?
σ½ Who is being infected
σ½ Where the infected individuals are
σ½ How rapidly infection is spreading
σ¾ All are correct
σ½ a. And c. above
66. Most surveillance systems use which of the following study designs?
σ½ Cohort
σ¾ Serial cross-sectional
σ½ Mortality
σ½ Syndromic
σ½ a. And c. above
67. Results of surveillance should be distributed to?
σ½ Decision makers
σ½ The public
σ½ The data collectors
σ¾ All are correct
σ½ a. And b. above
68. The most important goal of a behavioral intervention is?
σ½ Change in behavior
σ½ Comprehensive coverage
σ½ Effective use of behavioral theory
σ¾ Sustained behavior change
σ½ Change in belief
69. The stages of a malignant (cancer) is recorded using the symbols 0, I, II, III, IV. We say that the scale used is:
σ½ Alphanumeric
σ½ Numerical
σ¾ Ordinal
σ½ Nominal
70. The fundamental statistical indicators are:
σ½ Mode and Median
σ½ Variance
σ¾ Mean and standard deviation
σ½ Range
71. The average of series of numerical values is:
σ¾ The Sum of the values divided by their number
σ½ Lower than the minimum value in the series
σ½ Lower than the average value in the series
σ½ An indicator of measurement of the values of the series
72. Standard deviation:
σ½ Is measured using the unit of sample
σ½ Is measured using the squared unit of the variable
σ½ Is values generally comparable with mode value
σ¾ Is the square root of variance
73. The median of a series of numerical values is:
σ½ Equal to the average
σ¾ A number
σ½ A graph or chart
σ½ A frequency table
74. The median of a series of numerical values is:
σ½ A measure of centricity
σ¾ Half of the values are higher and half of the values are lower
σ½ The most commonly encountered values among the series
σ½ The value located exactly between minimum and maximum of series
75. The result of a statistical test, denoted p , shall be interpreted as follows:
σ½ The null hypothesis H0 is rejected if p > 0.05
σ½ The null hypothesis H0is accepted if p < 0.05
σ½ The alternate hypothesis H1 is rejected p > 0.05
σ¾ The null hypothesis H0 is rejected if p < 0.05
76. If, after performing a student test for comparison of means, we obtain p=0.0250, then:
σ¾ We reject Ho and accept H1
σ½ We accept H0
σ½ We reject H1
σ½ We cannot decide
77. A study was Conducted in Cambodia to find out the proportion of blacks and white Cambodian in Cambodia. This variable chosen is:
σ½ Nominal
σ½ Ordinal
σ½ Continuous
σ½ Discreet numerical
σ¾ Dichotomous
78. The median of the following data, is: 1,2,4,6,8,10,11,13:
σ½ 6
σ½ 8
σ¾ 7
σ½ 10
σ½ 9
79. A household survey of two families was conducted by students of 4th year DDs. In her collected data, the ages of heads of families were: 32,34,35,36,36,42,44,46,48 and 52. The mean age of heads of families is:
σ½ 36
σ½ 38.5
σ½ 40
σ¾ 40.5
σ½ 42
80. For a survey, a village is divided into 5 lanes, each lane is sampled randomly. It is an example of:
σ½ Simple random Sampling
σ½ Standard random Sampling
σ½ Systematic random Sampling
σ¾ Cluster random Sampling
σ½ Quasi random sampling
81. Tools of measurement in Epidemiology are:
σ½ Rates and Ratios
σ¾ Rates, Ratios and proportions
σ½ Rates and proportions
σ½ Ratios and proportion
82. If there had been 3,000 new cases of dental caries in population of 30,000 in a year, then the incidence rate would be:
σ½ 50 per 1,000 per year
σ½ 100 per 1,000
σ¾ 100 per 1,000 per year
σ½ 50 per 1,000
83. Observing the distribution of disease or health _ related characteristics in human population with respect to time, place and person is known as:
σ½ Analytical epidemiology
σ¾ Descriptive epidemiology
σ½ Experimental epidemiology
σ½ Intervention studies
84. Cross _ sectional study is also known as:
σ½ Longitudinal study
σ½ Incidence study
σ¾ Prevalence study
σ½ Follow _ up study
85. The epidemiology method which provide background data for planning, organizing and evaluating preventive and curative services is:
σ½ Analytical epidemiology
σ½ Experimental epidemiology
σ¾ Descriptive epidemiology
σ½ Ecological studies
86. Case control studies are often called as:
σ½ Prospective studies
σ¾ Retrospective studies
σ½ Follow _ up studies
σ½ Ecological studies
87. Which one of the following is correct about case control method?
σ½ The study is expensive
σ½ Long follow _ up period is often needed
σ½ Yields incidence rates and attributable risk
σ¾ It uses a control or comparison group
88. The process by which the controls are selected in such a way the they are similar to case with regard to certain pertinent selected variables is known as:
σ½ Randomization
σ¾ Matching
σ½ Blinding
σ½ Fixing
89. The components of epidemiology are:
σ½ Disease frequency
σ½ Distribution of disease
σ½ Determinants of disease
σ¾ Frequency, distribution and determinants of disease
90. Cohort study is also known as:
σ¾ Longitudinal study
σ½ Prospective study
σ½ Incidence study
σ½ Prevalence study
91. Which one of the following is correct about cohort study?
σ¾ Identified prior to the appearance of disease under investigation
σ½ The study proceeds backwards form effect to cause
σ½ It uses a control or comparison group
σ½ Both exposure and outcome have occurred prior to the study
92. The basic approach in cohort studies is to work from:
σ½ Causes to effect
σ½ Effect to cause
σ¾ Cause to effect and effect to cause are correct
σ½ Exposed to non-exposed
93. Which one of the following is correct about cohort study:
σ½ Starts with the disease
σ½ Involves fewer number of subjects
σ¾ Yields incidence rate
σ½ Relatively in expensive
94. Pilot study is done to:
σ½ Find the feasibility in conducting study
σ½ Determine the sample size
σ½ Find the unknown effect
σ¾ Find the all of those
95. The “unusual” occurrence of disease in a community clearly in excess of “Expected occurrence” is known as:
σ½ Endemic
σ½ Pandemic
σ½ Exotic
σ¾ Epidemic
96. The level of resistance of a community or group of people to a particular disease is known as:
σ½ Active immunity
σ½ Passive immunity
σ½ Herd immunity
σ¾ Combination of Active and passive
97. Experimental studies are:
σ½ Cohort and case _ control studies
σ½ Prevalence and incidence studies
σ¾ Randomized controlled Trials and Non-Randomized Trials
σ½ Cohort and prevalence studies
98. Matching is done to:
σ¾ Eliminate bias in sampling
σ½ Eliminate confounding factors
σ½ Stratified sampling
σ½ Quota sampling
99. Picking every 5th or 10th unit at regular intervals is:
σ½ Random sampling
σ¾ Systemic sampling
σ½ Stratified Sampling
σ½ Quota Sampling
100. Hypothesis is:
σ½ a theory
σ½ an Experiment
σ½ a report
σ¾ a supposition from an observation
101. Risk factors related to dental caries are:
σ¾ Bacteria, host susceptibility, food and time
σ½ Bacteria, periodontal disease, food
σ½ Host, time and gingival disease
σ½ Environment and oral hygiene
102. Mean and standard deviation come be worked out only if data is on?
σ¾ Interval or Ratio scale
σ½ Dichotomous scale
σ½ Nominal scale
σ½ Ordinal scale
103. If we reject Null Hypothesis, when actually it is true, it is known as?
σ¾ Type I error
σ½ Type II Error
σ½ Power
σ½ Specificity
104. Find the mode in the following data set (11,12,13,14,14)
σ½ 11
σ½ 12.8
σ½ 13
σ¾ 14
105. Which of the following is not a measure of central tendency?
σ½ Mean
σ½ Mode
σ¾ Range
σ½ Median
106. Standard deviation is the square of:
σ½ Mode
σ½ Standard error
σ¾ Variance
σ½ Regression
107. A circle divided into sector proportional to the frequency of items shown is called:
σ½ Bar chart
σ¾ Pie chart
σ½ Histogram
σ½ Frequency polygon
108. Correlation coefficient is a number between:
σ½ +1 and +2
σ½ 0 and +1
σ½ -1 and 0
σ¾ -1 and +1
109. In biostatistics, group of individuals taken for study is called as:
σ½ Block
σ¾ Population
σ½ Group
σ½ Flock
110. Variables whose values can be expressed numerically are called:
σ¾ Quantitative variable
σ½ Qualitative variable
σ½ Absolute variable
σ½ Continuous variable
111. Flower color is a:
σ½ Quantitative variable
σ¾ Qualitative variable
σ½ Absolute variable
σ½ Continuous variable
112. Quantitative Variables that has only fixed or finite values are called:
σ½ Quantitative variable
σ¾ Discrete variable
σ½ Absolute variable
σ½ Continuous variable
113. Height of students in a class is a:
σ½ Qualitative variable
σ½ Discrete variable
σ½ Absolute variable
σ¾ Continuous variable
114. In inferential statistics, we study:
σ¾ The method to make decisions about population based on sample results
σ½ How to make decisions about mean, Median or mode
σ½ How a sample is obtained from a population
σ½ How to make decisions about range and standard deviations
115. In descriptive statistics, we study:
σ½ The description of decision making process
σ¾ The methods for organizing, displaying and describing data
σ½ How to describe the probability distribution
σ½ How to describe the non-probability distribution
116. When data are collected in a statistical study only a portion or subset of all elements of interest we are using:
σ¾ A Sample
σ½ A Parameter
σ½ A Population
σ½ A Parameter and A population
117. In Statistic, a sample means:
σ½ A portion of the sample
σ¾ A portion of the population
σ½ all the items under investigation
σ½ all the items under analysis
118. The height of a student is 1.65m. This is example of…….:
σ½ Qualitative data
σ½ Categorical data
σ¾ Continuous data
σ½ Discrete data
119. Data in the population Census Report is:
σ½ Grouped data
σ½ Ungrouped data
σ½ Secondary data
σ¾ Primary data
120. Statistics is a numerical quantify, which is calculated from:
σ½ Population
σ¾ Sample
σ½ Data
σ½ Observations
121. Which one of the following measurement dose not divide a set of observations into equal parts?
σ½ Quartiles
σ¾ Standard Deviations
σ½ Percentiles
σ½ Deciles
122. You ask five of your classmates about their height, on the basis of this information, you stated that the average height of all students in your faculty is 1.65m. This is example of:
σ½ Descriptive statistics
σ¾ Inferential statistics
σ½ Parameter
σ½ Population
123. In statistics, a population consists of:
σ½ All people living in a country
σ½ All people living in the area under study
σ¾ All subjects or objects whose characteristics are being studied
σ½ All people are investigated
124. Which one is the not measure of dispersion:
σ½ The range
σ¾ 50th Percentile
σ½ Inter – quartile Range
σ½ Variance
125. Mu is an example of a:
σ½ population parameter
σ½ Sample Statistic
σ½ Population variance
σ¾ Standard population
126. The difference between the largest and the smallest data values is the:
σ½ Variance
σ½ Interquartile range
σ½ Coefficient of variation
σ¾ Range
127. The Sum of the percent frequencies for all classes will always equal:
σ½ One
σ½ The number of classes
σ½ The number of items in the study
σ¾ 100
128. In a five-number summary, which of the following is not used for data summarization?
σ½ The Smallest value
σ½ The largest value
σ½ The median
σ¾ The 25th Percentile
{"name":"Dental Research 2 6DDB part 2 (prof. Vorn Vutha)", "url":"","txt":"1. In order to save time and money, psychologists collect their data by?, 2. The specific statistical methods that can be used to summarize or to describe a collection of data is called?, 3. Non-sampling errors are introduced due to technically faulty observations or during the………………of data?","img":""}
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