Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in gr-qc on Thu, 17 Jun 21
[2106.08342] Béatrice Bonga, Huan Yang: Mimicking Kerr's multipole moments
[2106.08344] Mario Herrero-Valea: The shape of Scalar Gauss-Bonnet Gravity
[2106.08350] Adrian del Rio: Chiral anomalies induced by gravitational waves
[2106.08384] Hina Azmat, M. Zubair: An anisotropic version of Tolman VII solution in $f(R,T)$ gravity via Gravitational Decoupling MGD Approach
[2106.08464] Md Sabir Ali, Shagun Kaushal: Gravitational lensing for stationary axisymmetric black holes in EiBI gravity
[2106.08572] Heba Sami, Amare Abebe: Cosmic hierarchy in $f(R)$ gravity
[2106.08653] Duo Li, Bin Wu, Zhen-Ming Xu et al.: A shell of Bosons in Spherically Symmetric spacetimes
[2106.08679] Antonio C. Gutiérrez-Piñeres, Hernando Quevedo: Darmois matching and $C^3$ matching
[2106.08695] László B. Szabados: An odd feature of the `most classical' states of $SU(2)$ invariant quantum mechanical systems
[2106.08730] Gregory Ashton, Colm Talbot: Bilby-MCMC: An MCMC sampler for gravitational-wave inference
[2106.08739] Yaser Tavakoli: Cosmological particle production in quantum gravity
[2106.08836] Takuya Takahashi, Takahiro Tanaka: Axion clouds may survive the perturbative tidal interaction over the early inspiral phase of black hole binaries
[2106.08925] Kanchan Soni, Bhooshan Uday Gadre, Sanjit Mitra et al.: Hierarchical search for compact binary coalescences in the Advanced LIGO's first two observing runs
[2106.08951] Steen H. Hansen: A force proportional to velocity squared derived from spacetime algebra
[2106.08954] G.E. Volovik: Type-II Weyl semimetal vs gravastar
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in gr-qc on Thu, 17 Jun 21","img":""}
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