Energy Assessment

Enter your first name:
I feel safe and at ease in my life.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I feel nurtured and taken care of.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I have access to basic needs such as shelter, food, and clean water.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I worry a lot about the future and what *could* happen.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
My family is safe and secure.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I make time for the people who are important to me.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
My home/car/office is cluttered or disorganized.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
My life is organized; I follow a schedule and keep track of appointments, commitments, etc.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I feel comfortable in my body.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I struggle with money.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I KNOW what type of work calls to me, or I am passionate about.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I express my creativity openly.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I express my sexuality freely and without shame.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I set goals for myself, and work to accomplish them.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
My work/job feels draining; it depletes my energy levels.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
Change makes me feel anxious or uncomfortable.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I feel uncomfortable when someone chooses to live a lifestyle very different from mine, or if they express an opinion very different from mine.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I am treated with respect by my parents/family/partner/boss/coworkers.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I allow others to take advantage of me.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I am able to have personal space when I want to spend time alone.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I allow people to look at me or touch me in ways that make me uncomfortable because I don't feel like I can stick up for myself.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I allow others to have personal space; I respect others' personal boundaries.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I have low self-esteem; I use negative self-talk or have a low opinion of myself.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I worry about other peoples' opinion of me; I need other peoples' approval to feel good about myself.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I feel like I don't deserve happiness or abundance; or, I feel guilty for having joy or abundance.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I feel powerful and in control of my life.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I tend to be controlling and/or possessive.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I feel motivated to work toward my dreams or goals ((NOTE: No one feels motivated all the time! Answer this question regarding your AVERAGE level of motivation. )
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I love and accept myself the way I am.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I find it difficult to forgive people.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I allow myself to make mistakes
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I give AND receive love freely when I am in a relationship.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I have good things/people in my life that I express gratitude for.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I know what I stand for or believe in; I have a Personal Truth.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I am honest and trustworthy.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I talk about myself in a negative way.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I engage in gossip or talking about others behind their back.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I express my authentic self; the things I say and do accurately reflect the way I want people to see me.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I say hurtful things, or yell/scream, during arguments or conflict; often I regret the things I say.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
My breath feels tight, rigid, or uncomfortable.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I use my breath to get calm and centered.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I speak up for myself; I feel comfortable expressing my ideas or opinions.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I keep my emotions, thoughts, or opinions to myself; I don't speak up for myself.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I feel connected to something beyond my Self (Higher Self, Spirit, God, Goddess, the Universe, Source, or whatever YOU call it).
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I feel connected to other people (even strangers); I believe that we are all on the same journey through life.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I trust my intuition ("gut", instincts, 6th sense).
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
When faced with an obstacle, I find it difficult to see the "silver lining".
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I feel isolated or separate from other people in general.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
I still feel bitter or angry about negative experiences from my past.
Not at all (0)
Not really (3)
Neutral (5)
Most of the time (7)
Definitely (10)
{"name":"Energy Assessment", "url":"","txt":"I feel safe and at ease in my life., I feel nurtured and taken care of., I have access to basic needs such as shelter, food, and clean water.","img":""}
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