What wolf 359 character are you?

A whimsical and colorful illustration of various characters inspired by a sci-fi series, set in a quirky space station, with a mix of cartoon and surreal elements.

Which Wolf 359 Character Are You?

Ever wondered which character from the acclaimed Wolf 359 series best matches your personality? Take this fun quiz to find out! Dive into a series of questions that explore your tastes, fears, and quirks.

  • Discover your character's traits.
  • Share your results with friends!
  • Engage with fellow fans of the series.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CuriousCat27
What is your favorite cookie?
Oatmeal raisin. I enjoy being god's mistake
Chocolate chip but only the dough that I know will kill me
Chocolate chip but as intended
Girl scout cookies I felt pressured to buy outside of a walmart
I hate cookies
What's your least favorite quality in other people?
Needless doubt
A small mind
A cold exterior
What was your childhood interest/special interest?
Pokemon! Gotta catch em all its y
History channel. I am a nerd baby
Music or theater
Bugs, be it collecting and researching them or smashing them to a neat pulp with a rock
Robots or other tech related media
My little pony
Not a goddamn one of these
YA novels
I am neurotypical (ew)
Science experiments/space
Pick a musician!
Fiona apple
Electric light orchestra
Panic!at the disco
Susanne sundfor
Pink floyd
Hatsune goddamn miku
Pick a TMA entity
What is a TMA
The vast
The stranger
The corruption
The eye
The slaughter
The web
The desolation
The lonely
What's a trait of yours others take issue with?
Your determination , mistaken for stubborness
Your strong sense of self, mistaken for arrogance
Your assurance in others, mistaken for blind faith
Your cynicism, mistaken as a lack of humanity
Your sense of humor, mistaken for crudity
Your goal-oriented mindset, mistaken as underhandedness
Pick a superpower!
Mind control
Time travel
Infinite knowledge
Infinite strength
What's your greatest fear?
Being denied the chance to make wrongs right
All control in your life being stripped away
Your life's purpose somehow disappearing
Your heros being the exact people you were fighting against
Your worth ultimately amounting to nothing
Idk, I was gonna say the kool aid man
Pineapple on pizza?
Hell yes!
Not my thing
What is wrong with you
Words cannot describe the haunting and overwhelming desire to shove my trembling fist through the screen with velecity so strong I phase through the delicate fabric of space/time and choke you, the humble quizmaker, out in real time for even beginning to SUGGEST I soil my pizza in such a manner. You disgust me. I'm debating on closing my tab out immediately and burning some ants on the ground as an outlet for my infinite fucking coils of rage swirling inside the pit of my stomach. Your existence alone disproves the concept of a benevolent power keeping a watchful eye over humanity. Fuck you.
Someone's harassing on your on twitter. What's your response?
Block and carry on.
Spam their mentions with nonsensical memes or otherwise unrelated replies until they give up out of frustration
Attempt to act mature and ask where the hate's coming from, but get defensive and insult them at the same time.
Quote tweet their messages with a snappy oneliner and go viral
Absolutely blow up and enter a full-on war
Utilize many slurs
Reply to every message with "lmao" as not to give them the satisfaction of a response
Post a kpop fancam and call it a night
Block them but end up crying on your private
What's your stance on your past?
Not the best, but, hey, it made you who you were today, right? All's well that ends well!
Kind of awful. You'd rather not think about it, ever.
Could've been worse. You catch yourself reminiscing sometimes, but you ultimately feel detatched
Kind of nice, actually.
You'd deny you think about it to your grave, but it's typically the topic of late night daydreaming.
You... Don't remember it, and think it's best that way
Pick an aesthetic!
80's nostalgia
Health goth
Haute coutore
What's a phrase you catch yourself saying often?
"i'll try my best!"
"you can always talk to me"
"that's what she said!"
"i'll be right back."
"will you settle down?"
"i got this."
"funny story! ...."
"don't care, didn't ask, plus, you're white."
"this isn't ideal!"
"well, THAT'S not supposed to happen."
How do you wind down after a stressful day?
Ice cream straight from the carton and a feels jam
Dance party!
Working out!
Fixing/tampering with something that's been bothering you for a while
Listening to some sweet tunes!
Your favorite drink and a good book
Nap time. No questions asked
Working on hobbies/personal projects
I don't have time for that, the grind never stops!
Uh. I dunno. Bath bomb?
If you were suddenly teleported to the hephaestus station, where would you go first?
I'd stay where I am and chat with hera!
The observation deck!!
The comms room to scan for alien life!
Armory! mmm, weapons.
Greenhouse to pay a visit to specimen 34!
The store room to poke around!
The lab! Who knows what hilbert's cookin' up in there.
The airlocks. You want out, please!
{"name":"What wolf 359 character are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Ever wondered which character from the acclaimed Wolf 359 series best matches your personality? Take this fun quiz to find out! Dive into a series of questions that explore your tastes, fears, and quirks.Discover your character's traits.Share your results with friends!Engage with fellow fans of the series.","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/104-5107109/img-qdhhs8t0lmnqzjlpfub4i7p3.jpg"}
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