) Which stage a child coordinates activities with his/her own body and five senses. For the child the reality remains subjective.
A) Primary circular reaction
B) Secondary circular reaction
C) Tertiary circular reaction
D) Object permanence
A child can seek new stimuli in the environment, can anticipate consequences of own behavior and can produce intentional behavior. Which below stages is most likely?
A) Primary circular reaction
B) Secondary circular reaction
C) Tertiary circular reaction
D) Object permanence
A child can seek new experiences and can produce novel behavior. Which below stages is most likely?
A) Primary circular reaction
B) Secondary circular reaction
C) Tertiary circular reaction
D) Object permanence
A child can use symbolic representation of events and objects. He use one toy to reach another or to get another. Which below stages is most likely according to Jean Piaget?
A) Primary circular reaction
B) Secondary circular reaction
C) Tertiary circular reaction
D) Object permanence
Among the below authors, who is the founder of Learning Theory?
A) Jean Piaget
B) John Bowlby
C) Ivan Pavlov
D) Sigmund Freud
Among the below authors, who is the founder of psychoanalytic / psychodynamic theory?
A) Jean Piaget
B) John Bowlby
C) Ivan Pavlov
D) Sigmund Freud
Among the 4 stages of cognitive development, Jean Piaget, which stage the child develop object permanence?
A) Sensory-motor stage
B) Pre-operational thought
C) Concrete operational thought
D) Formal operational thought
When a child passed ability to use symbolic thought successfully and could use words to represent objects, which stage of cognitive development the child is reached?
A) Sensory-motor stage
B) Pre-operational thought
C) Concrete operational thought
D) Formal operational thought
Semiotic function is:
A) New ability to which the child can think reasonably about the objects
B) New ability to which the child can represent objects with symbol or sign
C) New ability to which the child can grasp the sameness of objects
D) New ability to which the child can link events logically
Which of the below statements is most likely meant “imminent justice”?
A) Children believe that bad deed (wrong doing) is acceptable
B) Children believe that punishment for bad deeds is impossible
C) Children believe that punishment for bad deeds is unreliable
D) Children believe that punishment for bad deeds is inevitable
According to Jean Piaget, what age the child develop a sense of imminent justice?
A) Sensory-motor stage
B) Preoperational thought
C) Concrete operational thought
D) Formal operational thought
Which of below statements is most likely the meaning of “egocentric”
A) The child sees himself as the center of the universe (world)
B) The child sees the universe (world) is the center of him
C) The child sees the other brothers as the center of him
D) The child sees his role as those of others
At which stage of Jean Piaget that the child’s thinking is egocentric?
A) Sensory-motor stage
B) Preoperational thought
C) Concrete operational thought
D) Formal operational thought
At 2 – 7 years old, children think without reasoning – his ideas are always true even though there is no evidence or proof yet. Which of below terms is most likely the meaning?
A) Immanent justice thinking
B) Intuitive thinking
C) Egocentric thinking
D) Animistic thinking
At which stage of Jean Piaget that the child’s thinking is intuitive?
A) Sensory-motor stage
B) Preoperational thought
C) Concrete operational thought
D) Formal operational thought
At preoperational stage, in which events that occur together, the child thinks one cause another, eg. Thunder cause light. What type of this thought is called?
A) Egocentric thinking
B) Magical thinking
C) Animistic thinking
D) Intuitive thinking
Egocentric thinking, imminent justice, intuitive thinking, magical thinking, animistic thinking, all phenomenon are most likely to occur in which stage of Jean Piaget?
A) Sensory-motor stage
B) Preoperational thought
C) Concrete operational thought
D) Formal operational thought
Which of below statements is most likely to explain the “Semiotic function”?
A) When a child draw for playful exercise
B) When a child draws to signify something in the real world
At which stage of Jean Piaget that the child can see things from someone else’s perspective?
A) Sensory-motor stage
B) Preoperational thought
C) Concrete operational thought
D) Formal operational thought
When children can deal with a wide array of information outside themselves, e.g. Can see things from other’s perspective, the quality of their thinking is defined as:
A) The children’s thinking is magical
B) The children’s thinking is operational
C) The children’s thinking egocentric
D) The children’s thinking animistic
Thinking is defined as operational when:
A) Conclusion is formed from his own thought without involvement of any events
B) Conclusion is formed from his own thought with involvement of more events
C) Conclusion is formed from his/her own environment
D) Conclusion is formed from his/her own phenomenality
A ball of clay is rolled into a long, thin sausage shape. When asked, the child declares that there is more clay in the sausage shaped piece because it is longer. What age is most likely the child?
A) 0 – 2 years
B) 2 – 7 years
C) 7 – 11 years
D) 11 – Adolescence
Children are able to reason and follow rules and regulations. So they can attain a healthy respect for rule and understand that there are legitimate exceptions to rules. Which cognitive developmental stage is defined for these characteristics?
A) Sensory-motor stage
B) Preoperational thought
C) Concrete operational thought
D) Formal operational thought
Even though the shape of objects may change, the child can recognize that the objects still maintain other characteristics and recognize them as the same. This child’s ability is called:
A) Conservation ability
B) Reversibility ability
The capacity to understand the reaction between things in order to realize that one thing can turn into another and back again. This ability is called:
A) Conservation ability
B) Reversibility ability
When a child has not achieved conservation or reversibility, s/he would not understand the concept of quantity. Which mental age is most likely the child?
A) 0 – 2 years
B) 2 – 7 years
C) 7 – 11 years
D) 11 – Adolescence
When a child recognizes the concept of quantity. The child can organize and can order the occurrences in the real world. Which mental age is most likely the child?
A) 0 – 2 years
B) 2 – 7 years
C) 7 – 11 years
D) 11 – Adolescence
Children can think abstractly, can reason deductively and can define concepts. Which mental age is most likely the child?
A) 0 – 2 years
B) 2 – 7 years
C) 7 – 11 years
D) 11 – Adolescence
Which of below explains the highest organization of cognition?
A) Capacity to make a hypothesis or proposition and to test it against reality
B) Capacity to make deductive reasoning
C) Capacity to make inductive reasoning
D) Capacity to make conceptualization
A type of psychotherapies that focused primarily on instincts, drives and affects is called:
A) Classic psychodynamic psychotherapy
B) Cognitive therapy
C) Behavioral therapy
D) Cognitive and behavioral therapy
Which type of below therapies that focusses on automatic assumptions, beliefs, plans and intentions in causing or maintaining psychopathology?
A) Classic psychodynamic psychotherapy
B) Psychoanalytic psychotherapy
C) Cognitive therapy
D) Cognitive-behavioral therapy
What does developmentally based psychotherapy mean?
A) Advanced therapeutic method /approach in understanding cognitive, affective and drive function of the patient.
B) Advanced therapeutic method that integrate cognitive, drives, affects, approaches with understanding of human development stages
C) Advanced therapeutic method that involve psychosocial development
D) Advanced therapeutic method that involve with social behavior approaches in the human development
Jean Piaget theory underemphasized an area that plays an important role in human cognitive development a part from individual constructed. Which of bellows is a missing one.
A) Acquisition of intellectual development
B) Acquisition of brain development
C) Acquisition of social knowledge
D) Acquisition of brain structure
Which below statements is true?
A) Attachment constitute a natural force between mother and infant at the early age
B) Attachment constitute a motivational force between mother and infant at the early age
Which of below statements is most likely to best facilitate the attachment process?
A) Amount of times together with infant
B) Amount of activities between the two
C) Amount of presenting face to the infant
D) Amount of contacts with the infant
When an infant seeks and clings to the mother or care giving persons, which of below statements is most likely true?
A) The infant is bonding to the mother
B) The infant is attaching to the mother
C) The infant is attached by the mother
D) The infant is bonded by the mother
Skin-to-skin contact is seen by many researchers as important for the process of:
A) Bonding
B) Attachment
John Bowlby divided attachment process into 4 phases – which of below phases that infant cries and shows signs of distress when separated from the mother, and the infant stops crying and clings to the mother when she returns.
A) Pre-attachment (0 – 3 months)
B) Attachment in making (3 – 6 months)
C) Clear-cut attachment (6 – 24 months)
D) Complex relationship (25 months +)
When faced with a threat, a child tends not to get close contact with people and just lingers near the care givers rather than approaches them directly. This behavior reflects which attachment styles that the child adopted?
A) Secure attachment
B) Insecure avoidant attachment
C) Insecure ambivalent attachment
D) Insecure disorganize attachment
Even in the absence of danger, a child clings to his parents (usually inconsistent parent). As a result, the child finds difficult to play or explore the world. Which attachment styles the child adopted?
A) Secure attachment
B) Insecure avoidant attachment
C) Insecure ambivalent attachment
D) Insecure disorganize attachment
A child tend to behave in bizarre manners when threatened – as a result of parenting by parents who are emotionally absent – which attachment styles the child adopted?
E) Secure attachment
F) Insecure avoidant attachment
G) Insecure ambivalent attachment
H) Insecure disorganize attachment
Objet Permanent (OP) is described by Jean Piaget, whereas Object Consistency (OC) is described by John Bowlby – which one occurred first?
A) Object permanent occurred before Object Consistency
B) Object permanent occurred after Object Consistency
C) Object permanent occurred the same time as Object Consistency
D) Object permanent occurred as a result of Object Consistency
Children can separate from the mother successfully without distress when they achieved:
A) Object consistency
B) Object permanent
C) Object transition
D) Object relation
A child searches for an object when it is disappeared from his/her sight. This is a sign that the child achieved:
A) Object consistency
B) Object permanent
C) Object transition
D) Object relation
Which of below statements is most likely true?
A) Attachment serve to produce anxiety in children
B) Attachment serve to reduce anxiety in children
C) Attachment serve to prevent children from separation
D) Attachment serve to disturb children in separation
At the 4th phase of attachment, children can move away from mother to explore the environment. What reason they can do that?
A) Because children gain sense of object permanent
B) Because children gain sense of secure attachment
C) Because children gain sense of insecure attachment
D) Because children gain sense of transitional object
Mary Ainsworth observed that children often bring inanimate object, such as teddy bear or a blanket, along with them when they investigate the world. Why such children do that?
A) Because the inanimate object is permanent object
B) Because the inanimate object is transitional object
C) Because the inanimate object provide secure-base effect
D) Because the inanimate object produce intentional effect
How long the attachment period takes place in children?
A) 0 – 3 months
B) 3 – 6 months
C) 6 – 24 months
D) 0 – 3 years
Which of below statements most likely makes sense?
A) Interaction between mother and baby produces baby anxiety
B) Interaction between mother and baby reduces baby anxiety
C) Interaction between mother and baby influences baby behaviors
D) Interaction between mother and baby foster dependency in baby
During attachment period, what should mother best do to facilitate her baby’s healthy development?
A) Ignore baby’s signals
B) Not to respond all baby’s signals
C) Sensitively respond to all baby’s signals
D) Delay response to some baby’s signals
Persons who tend to be obsessed with romantic partners and suffer from jealousy are understood as adopting:
A) Insecure ambivalent attachment style
B) Insecure avoidant attachment style
C) Insecure disorganize attachment style
D) Secure attachment style
Persons, who are relatively not invested in close relationship, even though they feel lonely, are understood as adopting:
A) Insecure ambivalent attachment style
B) Insecure avoidant attachment style
C) Insecure disorganize attachment style
D) Secure attachment style
Persons, who are highly invested in close relationship, behave without much possessiveness or fear of rejection, are understood as adopting:
A) Insecure ambivalent attachment style
B) Insecure avoidant attachment style
C) Insecure disorganize attachment style
D) Secure attachment style
Infant with normal attachment development, when suddenly separated from the mother for a varying times, become withdrawn, not responsive and hopeless – but recover when the mother returns or be available. It is called:
A) Analogic depression
B) Analytic depression
C) Anaclitic depression
D) Animistic depression
In classic conditioning, neutral stimulus is:
A) The stimulus that is unconditioned
B) The stimulus that evoke a response
C) The stimulus that is independent from response
D) The stimulus that is related to response
In classic conditioning, unconditioned stimulus is:
A) The stimulus that is independent from response
B) The stimulus that naturally evoke response
C) The stimulus that is not related with response
D) The stimulus that is used by experimenter to get response
Pairing the conditioned stimulus (CS) with unconditioned stimulus (UCS) to get conditioned response (CR) at the end, is the experiment of:
A) B.F. Skinner
B) E.L. Thorn dike
C) J.B. Watson
D) Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
Which of below is the result, in the classic conditioning experiment?
A) Food  Salivation
B) Bell  Salivation
C) Food + Bell  Salivation
D) Food – Bell  Salivation
In Pavlov experiment, which one is Unconditioned Stimulus?
A) Food
B) Bell
C) Salivation
D) Food and Bell
In Pavlov experiment, which one is Conditioned Stimulus?
A) Food
B) Bell
C) Salivation
D) Food and Bell
In classic conditioning experiment of Pavlov, un-conditioning stimulus is:
A) The stimulus that is independent from response
B) The stimulus that naturally evoke response
C) The stimulus that is not related with response
D) The stimulus that is used by experimenter to get response
In classic conditioning experiment, which salivation is belong to conditioning response?
A) Salivation  without Food
B) Salivation  presence of Food
C) Salivation  presence of Bell
D) Salivation  presence of both Bell and Food
Learning theory will be applied in:
A) Psychoanalytic psychotherapy
B) Cognitive therapy
C) Behavioral therapy
D) Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Phobia in childhood is considered as:
A) Unconditioned response
B) Unconscious response
C) Conscious response
D) Learning response
In Pavlov experiment, which of below schema explains that extinction occurs?
A) Food + Bell  no salivation
B) Food  no salivation
C) Bell  no salivation
D) No Bell  no salivation
When conditioned response (CR) is transferred from one stimulus to another similar stimulus, Pavlov called this as:
A) The process of extinction
B) The process of generalization
C) The process of discrimination
D) The process of learning
In classic conditioning, when animal can learn to respond to one stimulus but to the other, Pavlov called this process as:
A) The process of extinction
B) The process of generalization
C) The process of discrimination
D) The process of learning
A person or animal attempt to solve a problem by trying different types of actions until one proves successful, is called “Trial-and-error learning”. This type of learning relates with:
A) The classic conditioning learning
B) The Operant conditioning learning
C) The Social learning
D) The psychosocial learning
Which of the below statement is most likely correct?
A) Social learning theory is separated from classic and Operant model of learning
B) Social learning theory incorporates both classic and operant model of learning
Which of below statements define LEARNING?
A) A change that results from a person’s ability
B) A change that results from repeated practice
C) A change that results from environment stimulus
D) A change that results from native endowment
Which of below statements is correct?
A) Learning is the result of performance
B) Performance is the result of learning
Between Learning and Performance, which one happened first?
A) Learning
B) Performance
After smoking ice regularly for about 3 months, a boy becomes dependent on them. Why the boy become addicted?
A) Because the boy like the substance
B) Because the boy learns the substance
C) Because the boy engages in the substance
D) Because the boy manipulates the substance
After being raped, a lady feels that she is never been attractive anymore; she will never be engaged and married in her life. Which of the below sentence most significantly explain her feeling?
A) She is having sense of mistrust any intimate relationship
B) She is having sense of helplessness
C) She is having sense of injust world
D) She is having sense of being permanently damaged
After crime, victims feel unsafe, lack of confidence in their judgment and their competence to deal with the world – What below senses victims are having?
A) The victims are having sense of being damaged
B) The victims are having sense of helplessness
C) The victims are having sense of being victimized
D) The victims are having sense of preoccupation with another crime
Following a crime, victims concern permanently and excessively. What is most likely the reason?
A) They are unable to trust the other and the world
B) They are having persistent preoccupation with the crime
C) They are having persistent helplessness
D) They are having persistent belief that the world is unsafe
A man was shot to severe injuries for a political reason. The authority could not discover the truth for a long time. Therefore, the victim become unfaithful in institutions, such as the court system and the police. What below feeling the victim is experiencing?
A) He feels helpless
B) He feels distrust
C) He feels anticipated
D) He feels depressed
Recent researches reveal that many victims of violent crime are at high risk for psychiatric problems – which psychiatric disorder is at high prevalent risk?
A) Psychosomatic disorder
B) Obsessive compulsive disorder
C) Depressive disorder and Phobia
D) Delusional disorder
Mechanism of violence has to do with 2 elements, impulse and control – which of below conditions is most likely to outburst the violence?
A) High impulse + High control
B) High impulse + Low control
C) Low impulse + High control
D) Low impulse + Low control
According to mechanism of violence, there are four factors that contribute to increase impulse and decrease control. Those include, conflict aroused by interpersonal environment, organic or neurological impairment, chemical dis-inhibition and intra-psychic fragility. Which below states that are necessary to increase impulse?
A) Conflict aroused by interpersonal environment + chemical dis-inhibition
B) Intra-psychic fragility + chemical dis-inhibition
C) Conflict aroused by interpersonal environment + neurological impairment
D) Neurological impairment + intra-psychic fragility
According to mechanism of violence, there are four factors that contribute to increase impulse and decrease control. Those include, conflict aroused by interpersonal environment, organic or neurological impairment, chemical dis-inhibition and intra-psychic fragility. Which below states that are necessary to decrease control?
A) Conflict aroused by interpersonal environment + chemical dis-inhibition
B) Intra-psychic fragility + chemical dis-inhibition
C) Conflict aroused by interpersonal environment + neurological impairment
D) Neurological impairment + intra-psychic fragility
According to mechanism of violence, there are four factors that contribute to increase impulse and decrease control. Those include, conflict aroused by interpersonal environment, organic or neurological impairment, chemical dis-inhibition and intra-psychic fragility. Which below states are external necessary to violence outburst?
A) Conflict aroused by interpersonal environment + chemical dis-inhibition
B) Intra-psychic fragility + chemical dis-inhibition
C) Conflict aroused by interpersonal environment + neurological impairment
D) Neurological impairment + intra-psychic fragility
According to mechanism of violence, there are four factors that contribute to increase impulse and decrease control. Those include, conflict aroused by interpersonal environment, organic or neurological impairment, chemical dis-inhibition and intra-psychic fragility. Which below states are internal sufficient to violence outburst?
A) Conflict aroused by interpersonal environment + chemical dis-inhibition
B) Intra-psychic fragility + chemical dis-inhibition
C) Conflict aroused by interpersonal environment + neurological impairment
D) Neurological impairment + intra-psychic fragility
Which of below behaviors is the intent to harm or otherwise injure another person?
A) Soothing behavior
B) Aggressive behavior
C) Dominant behavior
D) Inflicted behavior
Which of below indicates physical aggression?
A) Coercion
B) Intimidation
C) Scolding
D) Punching
Which of below psychiatric disorders is the least likely to association with aggression?
A) Schizophrenia
B) Depression
C) Dementia
D) Substance abuse
In which below conditions that the violent thought become violent act?
A) High aggressive impulses + increased control
B) High aggressive impulses + diminished control
C) Low aggressive impulses + increased control
D) Low aggressive impulses + diminished control
The study of human behavior based on the transmission and modification of genetically influenced behavior trait – Which of the terms fits to the above definition?
A) Developmental psychology
B) Evolutionary psychology
C) Ethological psychology
D) Social psychology
A study of animal behavior that lies in the natural science of biology, in particular, in zoology Which of the terms fits to the above definition?
A) Developmental studies
B) Evolutionary studies
C) Ethological studies
D) Social studies
Behaviors that promote survival of the species and that ensure the maintenance of resources – Which of the terms fits to the above definition?
A) Competition
B) Evolution
C) Reproduction
D) Altruism
Behaviors that reduces the personal reproductive success of the initiator while increasing that of recipients. Its characteristic is unselfish, concern for other’s happiness and welfare – Which of the terms fits to the description?
A) Competition
B) Evolution
C) Reproduction
D) Altruism
Konrad Lorenz found that during a certain short period of development, a young animal is highly sensitive to a certain stimuli that provoke a specific behavior – He defines this phenomenon as:
A) Stimulating behavior
B) Coping behavior
C) Imprinting behavior
D) Developing behavior
Nicolas Tinbergen found that in certain conflict situation, especially when the needs for fight or flight are of equal strength, animal as well as human may display behavior that are irrelevant to the situation. Nicolas names this as:
A) Irrelevant activities
B) Displacement activities
C) Escaping activities
D) Withdrawing activities
Which ethologist studies on the senses of color in fishes that was concluded congruent with that of human?
A) Konrad Lorenz
B) Nicolas Tinbergen
C) Karlvon Frish
D) Ivan Pavlov
As a result of experiment, primate monkey show self-orality, self-clasping and fearful when faced with peers – [unable to copulate]. Which of below experiments?
A) Separation experiment
B) Isolation experiment
As a result of experiment, primate monkey show, protest to changing and depressed afterward?
A) Separation experiment
B) Isolation experiment
Which of below statements is most appropriately explained the term psychosomatic medicine?
A) Psychosomatic medicine is a group of somatic symptom disorders
B) Psychosomatic medicine is a group of disorder of mind affect the body
C) Psychosomatic medicine is a group of disorder of body affect the mind
D) Psychosomatic medicine is a field of medicine evolves with how mind affect the body
The trend of psychosomatic medicine practice is:
A) To differentiate psychological illnesses from physical illnesses
B) To differentiate physical illnesses from psychological illnesses
C) To identify the causative factors of mind of body illnesses
D) To integrate the focus on mind and body as one
The practice of psychosomatic medicine has come to focus on psychiatric illnesses that occur in setting of physical care – In order to ensure the movement trend, which of below tasks is the first most appropriate to do?
A) Expanding sets of diagnostic tools
B) Expanding many somatic and psychotherapeutic interventions
C) Expanding epidemiological study of comorbidity of medicine and psychiatric illnesses
D) Expanding the understanding of the relationship between medical conditions and psychiatric disorder
A 40 years old alcoholic man had been hospitalizing for about 10 days for hip fracture due to a traffic accident. Last night he appeared disorientated and agitated, and presented sweating, tremor, palpitation. The doctor conclude the condition as delirium. Which of below types of clinical problem explains the above psychiatric symptoms?
A) Psychiatric symptoms as secondary to a medical condition
B) Psychiatric symptoms as reaction to medical treatments
C) Psychiatric symptoms as complication of medical treatments
D) Psychological symptoms precipitating medical conditions
A 55 years old man, has been treating with Interferon, becomes depressed. Which of below types of clinical problem is most likely fit to such condition?
A) Psychiatric disorder as secondary to medical condition
B) Psychiatric disorder as complication of medical treatment
C) Psychiatric disorder as reaction to medical condition
D) Psychiatric disorder as precipitating medical condition
A 58 years old woman, is indicated to chemotherapy for her breast cancer. While preparing the chemotherapy, she could not sleep and presented palpitation most of the day, tremor, sweating, feeling cold in extremities,… This condition has delayed the cancer treatment procedure – Which type of clinical problem is most likely fit to such condition?
A) Psychiatric disorder as secondary to medical condition
B) Psychiatric disorder as complication of medical treatment
C) Psychiatric disorder as reaction to medical condition
D) Psychiatric disorder as precipitating medical condition
A 30 years old man, has been diagnosed as Schizophrenia and treated with Haloperidol for his aggression and perception disturbance behaviors. For a year later, he appeared difficult to control his movement, such as tongue expulsion (rabbit mouth syndrome). Which types of problem he has?
A) Medical symptoms as secondary to psychiatric disorder condition
B) Medical symptoms as precipitating the course of psychiatric disorder
C) Medical symptoms as reaction to psychiatric disorder symptom
D) Medical symptoms as complication of psychiatric disorder treatment
Which psychiatric disorders is likely prevalent comorbid with chronic medical illnesses?
A) Schizophrenia
B) Bipolar affective disorder
C) Anxiety and depressive disorder
D) Somatic delusional disorder
In psychosomatic medicine practice, the evaluation process include a standard psychiatric assessment in addition to neurological and medical examination – which of below components is irrelevant?
A) Psychiatric history, family history and developmental history
B) History of previous and current treatment
C) Mental status examination
D) Deoxyribonucleic acid examination
Which of below interventions in psychosomatic medicine is irrelevant?
A) Psychological intervention
B) Psychopharmacological intervention
C) Psychosocial intervention
D) Socioeconomic intervention
According to DSM-IV-TR, which below key statement belongs to CONVERSION DISORDER?
A) Pain in one or more sites that is not fully accounted for by a non-psychiatric medical or neurological condition.
B) Believe that a part of their body is ugly or grossly abnormal, although others see nothing wrong.
C) Multiplicity of physical complaints, such as a combination of pain, sexual, gastrointestinal and pseudo-neurological symptoms without known medical basis.
D) Unrealistic or inaccurate interpretation of physical symptoms or sensations, but no medical causes – Preoccupation with fear or belief of having a serious disease
E) Unexplained neurological symptom affecting awareness, perception, sensation or movement – No apparent physical cause or out of proportion to the cause
According to DSM-IV-TR, which below key statement belongs to HYPOCHONDRIASIS?
A) Pain in one or more sites that is not fully accounted for by a non-psychiatric medical or neurological condition.
B) Believe that a part of their body is ugly or grossly abnormal, although others see nothing wrong.
C) Multiplicity of physical complaints, such as a combination of pain, sexual, gastrointestinal and pseudo-neurological symptoms without known medical basis.
D) Unrealistic or inaccurate interpretation of physical symptoms or sensations, but no medical causes – Preoccupation with fear or belief of having a serious disease
E) Unexplained neurological symptom affecting awareness, perception, sensation or movement – No apparent physical cause or out of proportion to the cause.
According to DSM-IV-TR, which below key statement belongs to SOMATIZATION DISORDER?
A) Pain in one or more sites that is not fully accounted for by a non-psychiatric medical or neurological condition.
B) Believe that a part of their body is ugly or grossly abnormal, although others see nothing wrong.
C) Multiplicity of physical complaints, such as a combination of pain, sexual, gastrointestinal and pseudo-neurological symptoms without known medical basis
D) Unrealistic or inaccurate interpretation of physical symptoms or sensations, but no medical causes – Preoccupation with fear or belief of having a serious disease
E) Unexplained neurological symptom affecting awareness, perception, sensation or movement – No apparent physical cause or out of proportion to the cause.
According to DSM-IV-TR, which below key statement belongs to BODY DYSMORPHIC DISORDER?
A) Pain in one or more sites that is not fully accounted for by a non-psychiatric medical or neurological condition.
B) Believe that a part of their body is ugly or grossly abnormal, although others see nothing wrong
C) Multiplicity of physical complaints, such as a combination of pain, sexual, gastrointestinal and pseudo-neurological symptoms without known medical basis.
D) Unrealistic or inaccurate interpretation of physical symptoms or sensations, but no medical causes – Preoccupation with fear or belief of having a serious disease
E) Unexplained neurological symptom affecting awareness, perception, sensation or movement – No apparent physical cause or out of proportion to the cause.
According to DSM-IV-TR, which below key statement belongs to PAIN DISORDER?
A) Pain in one or more sites that is not fully accounted for by a non-psychiatric medical or neurological condition
B) Believe that a part of their body is ugly or grossly abnormal, although others see nothing wrong.
C) Multiplicity of physical complaints, such as a combination of pain, sexual, gastrointestinal and pseudo-neurological symptoms without known medical basis.
D) Unrealistic or inaccurate interpretation of physical symptoms or sensations, but no medical causes – Preoccupation with fear or belief of having a serious disease
E) Unexplained neurological symptom affecting awareness, perception, sensation or movement – No apparent physical cause or out of proportion to the cause.
{"name":"DES Y1 SEMESTER 2 prof: MONY SOTHARA", "url":"","txt":") Which stage a child coordinates activities with his\/her own body and five senses. For the child the reality remains subjective., A child can seek new stimuli in the environment, can anticipate consequences of own behavior and can produce intentional behavior. Which below stages is most likely?, A child can seek new experiences and can produce novel behavior. Which below stages is most likely?","img":""}
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