Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Tue, 22 Feb 22
[2202.09401] Jean-David Moisset, Charles-Émile Fecteau, Paul A. Johnson: Density Matrices of Seniority-Zero Geminal Wavefunctions
[2202.09410] Óskar B. Helgason, Marcello Girardi, Zhichao Ye et al.: Power-efficient soliton microcombs
[2202.09413] Gordon A. Shaw: Milligram mass metrology for quantitative deposition of liquid samples
[2202.09414] Tae-Hoon Kim, Guangying Ma, Taeyoon Son et al.: Functional Optical Coherence Tomography for Intrinsic Signal Optoretinography: Recent Developments and Deployment Challenges
[2202.09417] Jonggyu Lee, Youngjoon Suh, Max Kuciej et al.: Deep Vision-Inspired Bubble Dynamics on Hybrid Nanowires with Dual Wettability
[2202.09421] E. L. Gaggioli, O. P. Bruno: Parallel inverse-problem solver for time-domain optical tomography with perfect parallel scaling
[2202.09426] Adel H. Alameh: Curved wave rays in a ripple tank
[2202.09435] Roberto Camassa, Lingyun Ding, Richard M. McLaughlin et al.: Critical density triplets for the arrestment of a sphere falling in a sharply stratified fluid
[2202.09455] Houjun Qian, Mikhail Krasilnikov, Zakaria Aboulbanine et al.: Analysis of photoinjector transverse phase space in action and phase coordinates
[2202.09460] Yao Yang, Jihan Zhou, Zipeng Zhao et al.: Atomic-scale identification of the active sites of nanocatalysts
[2202.09466] Elisa Borowski, Jason Soria, Joseph Schofer et al.: Does ridesourcing respond to unplanned rail disruptions? A natural experiment analysis of mobility resilience and disparity
[2202.09490] Alexander D. White, Logan Su, Daniel I. Shahar et al.: Gradient-Based Optimization of Optical Vortex Beam Emitters
[2202.09494] Allen H Boozer: Local analysis of fast magnetic reconnection
[2202.09513] Yashraj Bhosale, Tejaswin Parthasarathy, Mattia Gazzola: Soft streaming -- flow rectification via elastic boundaries
[2202.09520] Wenguang Nan, Wei Pin Goh, Mohammad Tarequr Rahman: Elasto-plastic and adhesive contact: an improved linear model and its application
[2202.09521] E. Vassakis, L. Spachis, I. Orfanos et al.: On the tunability of energetic highly-elliptical higher harmonics generated by intense two-color counter rotating laser fields
[2202.09530] Jincheng Wanga, Hengli Fenga, Jingyu Zhanga et al.: Plasmonic Band-stop MIM Waveguide Filter Based on Bilateral Asymmetric Equilateral Triangular Ring
[2202.09539] Xin An, Anton Artemyev, Vassilis Angelopoulos et al.: Configuration of magnetotail current sheet prior to magnetic reconnection onset
[2202.09544] LongLong Wang: Joint inversion of receiver function and surface wave dispersion based on Innocent unscented Kalman Methodology
[2202.09566] Holger Theisel, Anke Friederici, Tobias Günther: Objective Flow Measures Based on Few Trajectories
[2202.09572] Adam M. Boyce, Emilio Martínez-Pañeda, Aaron Wade et al.: Cracking predictions of lithium-ion battery electrodes by X-ray computed tomography and modelling
[2202.09577] Saurabh Kumar Singh, Avinash Kumar, Pranav R. Shirhatti: A simple and low-cost setup for part per billion level frequency stabilization and characterization of red He-Ne laser
[2202.09592] Deepak Ojha, Andrés Henao, Frederik Zysk et al.: Nuclear quantum effects on the vibrational dynamics of the water-air interface
[2202.09598] Karthik Sasihithlu, Sreerag Sundaram, Bhrigu Rishi Mishra et al.: Achieving passive daytime radiative cooling via TiO$_2$/PDMS coating
[2202.09607] L. Völgyesi, Gy. Tóth, Gy. Szondy et al.: Eötvös balance and earthquake detection
[2202.09614] Daniil Ryabov, Olesiya Pashina, George Zograf et al.: Nonlinear optical heating of all-dielectric super-cavity: efficient light-to-heat conversion through giant thermorefractive bistability
[2202.09620] Johannes Hillbrand, Mathieu Bertrand, Valentin Wittwer et al.: Synchronization of frequency combs by optical injection
[2202.09622] Alexandre Chopin, Inès Ghorbel, Sylvain Combrié et al.: Time-correlated Photons from a In$_{0.5}$Ga$_{0.5}$P Photonic Crystal Cavity on a Silicon Chip
[2202.09632] Ajaz Mir, Sanat Tiwari, Abhijit Sen: Bispectral analysis of nonlinear mixing in a periodically driven Korteweg-de Vries system
[2202.09678] Ryan D. Dill, Kori E. Smyser, Niels H. Damrauer et al.: Entangled, Spin-polarized Excitons from Singlet Fission in a Rigid Dimer
[2202.09682] Dhawal Buaria, Katepalli R. Sreenivasan: Scaling of acceleration statistics in high Reynolds number turbulence
[2202.09692] Arsham Ghavasieh, Giulia Bertagnolli, Manlio De Domenico: Dismantling the information flow in complex interconnected systems
[2202.09707] Gabriel Gonzalez: Lie symmetries, Jacobi last multipliers and new non-standard Lagrangians for dissipative dynamical systems
[2202.09709] Liyang Qiu, Lingjing Ji, Yizun He et al.: Delay-line based adiabatic spin-dependent kicks on a hyperfine manifold
[2202.09711] Yue Ma, Jianfei Hua, Dexiang Liu et al.: Compact polarized X-ray source based on all-optical inverse Compton scattering
[2202.09725] Yucheng Lai, Zhaona Wang: Generalized nanoscale electromagnetic boundary conditions and interfacial photonics
[2202.09731] Mingkang Wang, Feng Zhou, Andrew McClung et al.: Slow light with fractional optical angular momentum in a photonic crystal ring
[2202.09732] Fuyang Tay, Andrey Baydin, Fumiya Katsutani et al.: Magneto-optical Spectroscopy with RAMBO: A Table-Top 30 T Magnet
[2202.09736] Sanaz Panahandeh, Siyu Li, Bogdan Dragnea et al.: Virus Assembly Pathways inside a Host Cell
[2202.09743] M. Fan, C. A. Holliman, A. Contractor et al.: Measurement of the Ra$^+$ $7p$ $^{2}P_{3/2}$ state lifetime
[2202.09760] Gero Friesecke, Augusto Gerolin, Paola Gori-Giorgi: The strong-interaction limit of density functional theory
[2202.09786] Haizhong Weng, Adnan Ali Afridi, Jing Li et al.: Dual-mode microresonators as straightforward access to octave-spanning dissipative Kerr solitons
[2202.09814] Javier Jimenez: Streak-less wall-bounded turbulence
[2202.09815] Yuze Wang, Yong Wang, Kenichi Soga et al.: Micro-scale investigations of temperature-dependent Microbial-Induced Carbonate Precipitation (MICP) in the temperature range 4-50 °C
[2202.09823] Arnaud Courvoisier, Amruta Gadge, Nir Davidson: Direct reconstruction of the band structure of a 1D optical lattice with thermal atoms
[2202.09825] Ricardo H. Deucher, Louis J. Durlofsky: A new flow-kinematics-based model for time-dependent effective dispersion in mixing-limited reactions
[2202.09843] Yifan Sun, Mario Zitelli, Mario Ferraro et al.: Multimode soliton collisions in graded-index optical fibers
[2202.09862] Mohammad Mehdi Sadeghi, Hayrettin Odabasi: Optical Null Medium Experimental Verification of Super Scatterer in Broadband Continues Frequencies
[2202.09881] R. Hong, T. L. Rhodes, P. H. Diamond et al.: Observation of Long-Radial-Range-Correlation in Turbulence in High-Collisionality High-Confinement Fusion Plasmas
[2202.09905] Daniel B. Cooney, Dylan H. Morris, Simon A. Levin et al.: Social dilemmas of sociality due to beneficial and costly contagion
[2202.09941] M. J. A. Smith, I. D. Abrahams: Two-dimensional Helmholtz resonator arrays. Part I. Matched asymptotic expansions for thick- and thin-walled resonators
[2202.09943] M. J. A. Smith, I. D. Abrahams: Two-dimensional Helmholtz resonator arrays. Part II. Matched asymptotic expansions for specially-scaled resonators
[2202.09949] Chenghao Zhang, Peter G. Wolynes, Martin Gruebele: Quantum Information Scrambling in Molecules
[2202.09967] John Taylor, Ming Feng: A Deep Learning Model for Forecasting Global Monthly Mean Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies
[2202.09980] Kwan Kit Lee, Christos Gagatsos, Saikat Guha et al.: Quantum Multi-Parameter Adaptive Bayesian Estimation and Application to Super-Resolution Imaging
[2202.10011] Adnan Sufian, Tilman Bittner, Thierry Bore et al.: Physical observations of the transient evolution of the porosity distribution during internal erosion using spatial time domain reflectometry
[2202.10023] Xavier X. Chia, George F. R. Chen, Yanmei Cao et al.: Optical characterization of deuterated silicon-rich nitride waveguides
[2202.10050] C. E. Montanari, A. Bazzani, M. Giovannozzi: Probing the diffusive behaviour of beam-halo dynamics in circular accelerators
[2202.10082] Shota Yamamoto, Takaaki Shimazaki, Andrés Franco-Gómez et al.: Contactless pressure measurement of an underwater shock wave in a microtube using a high-resolution background-oriented schlieren ...
[2202.10091] Tom Burkart, Manon C. Wigbers, Laeschkir Würthner et al.: Control of protein-based pattern formation via guiding cues
[2202.10092] Pascal Marquet: A summary of several meteorological properties of the moist-air entropy variables $θ_s$ and $PV(θ_s)$
[2202.10111] P. Belli, R. Bernabei, Yu.A. Borovlev et al.: Optical, luminescence, and scintillation properties of advanced ZnWO$_4$ crystal scintillators
[2202.10112] Florian Azendorf, Annika Dochhan, Michael H. Eiselt: Accurate Single-Ended Measurement of Propagation Delay in Fiber Using Correlation Optical Time Domain Reflectometry
[2202.10129] Afshin Davarpanah, Simon Cox: Effect of Contact Angle on Capillary Pressure and Liquid Recovery from Angular Pore Channels
[2202.10140] Sanjoy Patra, Vivek Tiwari: Vibronic Resonance Along Effective Modes Mediates Selective Energy Transfer in Excitonically Coupled Aggregates
[2202.10149] Pierre Dussarrat, Bertrand Theodore, Dorothee Coppens et al.: Correction of calibration ringing in the context of the MTG-S IRS instruments
[2202.10172] Steve C. Wang: In search of Einstein's brain
[2202.10173] Dominik D. Bühler, Matthias Weiß, Antonio Crespo-Poveda et al.: On-chip piezo-optomechanical dynamic single photon routing and rotation of a photonic qubit
[2202.10193] Renchao Jin, Lin Deng, Lili Tang et al.: Decoupled phase modulation for circularly polarized lights via chiral metasurface
[2202.10194] Mark Kelly, Harry Dunne, Gilles Bourque et al.: Low-Dimensional High-Fidelity Kinetic Models for NOX Formation by a Compute Intensification Method
[2202.10208] Bingxin Tian, Bernhard Rauer, Antoine Boniface et al.: Non-invasive chemically selective energy delivery and focusing inside a scattering medium guided by Raman scattering
[2202.10223] Christian Gorges, Fabien Evrard, Berend van Wachem et al.: Reducing volume and shape errors in front tracking by divergence-preserving velocity interpolation and parabolic fit vertex positioning
[2202.10224] Sören Schenke, Fabian Sewerin, Berend van Wachem et al.: Explicit Predictor-Corrector Method for Nonlinear Acoustic Waves Excited by a Moving Wave Emitting Boundary
[2202.10225] Avik Bhattacharya, Subhadip Dey, Alejandro C. Frery: Dual Approaches to Express the Generalized Degree of Polarimetric Purity
[2202.10239] Delong Yang, Shaohui Zhang, Chuanjian Zheng et al.: Fourier ptychography multi-parameter neural network with composite physical priori optimization
[2202.10242] Hao Chen, Wei E. I. Sha, Xi Dai et al.: On The Low Speed Limits of Lorentz's Transformation
[2202.10271] Andreas Løkken Heggelund, Simon Huiberts, Ole Dorholt et al.: Radiation Hard 3D Silicon Pixel Sensors for use in the ATLAS Detector at the HL-LHC
[2202.10274] Jiri Smetana, Rebecca Walters, Sophie Bauchinger et al.: Compact Michelson interferometers with subpicometer sensitivity
[2202.10275] Tian Long, Jinsheng Cai, Shucheng Pan: A conservative level-set method based on a posterior mass correction preserving distance property for incompressible multiphase flows simulations
[2202.10279] Adnan Ghribi, Muhammad Aburas, Abdallah Alhaffar et al.: Cryogenic thermo-acoustics in the SPIRAL2 LINAC
[2202.10305] K. Pepitone, G. Kirby, R. Ruber et al.: Design of a Canted-cosine-theta orbit corrector for the High Luminosity LHC
[2202.10307] Alexander Makarchenko, Vyacheslav Kuzmin, Kajum Safiullin et al.: Temperature-related effects in PAMP process as a promising feature towards high $^3$He nuclear polarization
[2202.10319] Guillaume Lavigne, Toshiro Kodera, Christophe Caloz: Metasurface Magnetless Specular Isolator
[2202.10330] O. Travnikova, T. Piteša, A. Ponzi et al.: The photochemical ring-opening reaction of 1,3-cyclohexadiene: complex dynamical evolution of the reactive state
[2202.10368] Saddam Gafsi, Farhan Bin Tarik, Cody T. Nelson et al.: Optically resonant all-dielectric diabolo nanodisks
[2202.10385] D. Doria, P. Martin, H. Ahmed et al.: Calibration of BAS-TR image plate response to GeV gold ions
[2202.10386] Gérald Grenier: Recent developments of the SDHCAL prototype
[2202.10392] Sergei Gladyshev, Artem Shalev, Kristina Frizyuk et al.: Bound States in the Continuum in Multipolar Lattices
[2202.10417] F. Le Roux, A. Mischok, D. D. C. Bradley et al.: Efficient anisotropic polariton lasing using molecular conformation and orientation in organic microcavities
[2202.10442] Carlos Tejero Prieto: Astronomy at the University of Salamanca at the end of the 15th century. What "El Cielo de Salamanca" tells us
[2202.10443] Werner Dobrautz, Aron J. Cohen, Ali Alavi et al.: Performance of a one-parameter correlation factor for transcorrelation: the Li-Ne total energies and ionization potentials
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Tue, 22 Feb 22","img":""}
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