Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 7 Dec 21
[2112.02105] P. Ramos, T. Antoja, Z. Yuan et al.: The Sagittarius stream in Gaia eDR3 and the origin of the bifurcations
[2112.02109] Dongwon Han, Neelima Sehgal: Mitigating Foreground Bias to the CMB Lensing Power Spectrum for a CMB-HD Survey
[2112.02110] Chris Harrison, James Trayford, Leigh Harrison et al.: Audio Universe Tour of the Solar System: using sound to make the Universe more accessible
[2112.02111] Somayeh Sheikhnezami, Christian Fendt: The physics of the MHD disk-jet transition in binary systems: jetted spiral walls launched from disk spiral arms
[2112.02115] Graziano Ucci, Pratika Dayal, Anne Hutter et al.: Astraeus V: The emergence and evolution of metallicity scaling relations during the Epoch of Reionization
[2112.02117] Sian G. Phillips, Ricardo P. Schiavon, J. Ted Mackereth et al.: APOGEE Detection of N-rich stars in the tidal tails of Palomar 5
[2112.02135] Alec S. Hirschauer, John J. Salzer, Nathalie Haurberg et al.: Hα Dots: Direct-Method Metal Abundances of Low-Luminosity Star-Forming Systems
[2112.02150] William H. Ashfield IV, Dana W. Longcope, Chunming Zhu et al.: Connecting Chromospheric Condensation Signatures to Reconnection Driven Heating Rates in an Observed Flare
[2112.02153] Philip F. Hopkins, Jonathan Squire, Iryna S. Butsky et al.: Standard Self-Confinement and Extrinsic Turbulence Models for Cosmic Ray Transport are Fundamentally Incompatible with Observations
[2112.02160] Jeffrey S. Hazboun, Jack Crump, Andrea N. Lommen et al.: A Detection of Red Noise in PSR J1824$-$2452A and Projections for PSR B1937+21 using NICER X-ray Timing Data
[2112.02167] Julio I. B. Camargo, Carlos H. Veiga, Roberto Vieira-Martins et al.: The five largest satellites of Uranus: astrometric observations spread over 29 years at the Pico dos Dias Observatory
[2112.02168] Kevin Wagner, Daniel Apai, Markus Kasper et al.: The Scorpion Planet Survey: Wide-Orbit Giant Planets Around Young A-type Stars
[2112.02176] Michelle Kunimoto, Tansu Daylan, Natalia Guerrero et al.: The TESS Faint Star Search: 1,617 TOIs from the TESS Primary Mission
[2112.02196] J. V. Sales-Silva, S. Daflon, K. Cunha et al.: Exploring the s-process history in the Galactic disk: Cerium abundances and gradients in Open Clusters from the OCCAM/APOGEE sample
[2112.02202] X. Zhang, W. Yu, S. E. Motta et al.: MeerKAT radio detection of the Galactic black hole candidate Swift J1842.5-1124 during its 2020 outburst
[2112.02224] V. Greco, A. Sordini, G. Cauzzi et al.: A prototype of a large tunable Fabry-Perot interferometer for solar spectroscopy
[2112.02233] Nayab Gohar, Chris Flynn: Detecting Fast Radio Bursts in the Milky Way
[2112.02286] T. Dafni, J. Galan: Digging into Axion Physics with (Baby)IAXO
[2112.02295] Zhi Chang, Shu Zhang, Yu-Peng Chen et al.: Fermi-LAT Observation of PSR B1259-63 during Its 2021 Periastron Passage
[2112.02357] Leon Ofman, Scott A Boardsen, Lan K Jian et al.: Modeling ion beams, kinetic instabilities, and waves observed by the Parker Solar Probe near perihelia
[2112.02387] Yun Wang, Lee Armus, Andrew Benson et al.: Illuminating Galaxy Evolution at Cosmic Noon with ISCEA: the Infrared Satellite for Cosmic Evolution Astrophysics
[2112.02396] Fernando Tinaut-Ruano, Julia de Leon, Eri Tatsumi et al.: Spectroscopic study of Ceres' collisional family candidates
[2112.02411] Ka Ho Yuen, Avi Chen, Ka Wai Ho et al.: Is the recently discovered large scale filamentary feature Cattail in the cold or unstable phase?
[2112.02414] Hanyue Wang, Weicheng Zang, Wei Zhu et al.: Systematic KMTNet Planetary Anomaly Search, Paper III: One Wide-Orbit Planet And Two Stellar Binaries
[2112.02415] Cainã de Oliveira, Vitor de Souza: Magnetically Induced Anisotropies in the Arrival Directions of Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Rays from Nearby Radio Galaxies
[2112.02460] Chul Min Kim, Sang Pyo Kim: Magnetars as Laboratories for Strong Field QED
[2112.02479] C. Jacobs, K. Glazebrook, A. K. Qin et al.: Exploring the interpretability of deep neural networks used for gravitational lens finding with a sensitivity probe
[2112.02482] Yubo Su, Dong Lai: Non-Trivial Oblique Spin Equilibria of Super-Earths in Multi-planetary Systems
[2112.02486] V.L.Afanasiev, V.R.Amirkhanyan, R.I.Uklein et al.: Universal focal reducer for small telescopes
[2112.02517] Lluís Galbany, Mat Smith, Salvador Duarte Puertas et al.: Aperture-corrected spectroscopic type Ia supernova host galaxy properties
[2112.02534] V. De Luca, G. Franciolini, A. Kehagias et al.: Primordial Black Holes in Matter-Dominated Eras: the Role of Accretion
[2112.02546] Kiyoe Kawauchi, Norio Narita, Bun'ei Sato et al.: Investigation of the upper atmosphere in ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76 b with high-resolution spectroscopy
[2112.02594] Guido Cupani, Giorgio Calderone, Pierluigi Selvelli et al.: Near-infrared spectroscopy of extreme BAL QSOs from the QUBRICS bright quasar survey
[2112.02605] Jin-Ping Zhu, Shichao Wu, Ying Qin et al.: Population Properties of Gravitational-Wave Neutron Star--Black Hole Mergers
[2112.02631] Derck Massa, Karl D. Gordon, E. L. Fitzpatrick: Relations between mid-IR dust emission and UV extinction
[2112.02632] Paola Marziani, Marco Berton, Swayamtrupta Panda et al.: Optical singly-ionized iron emission in radio-quiet and relativistically jetted active galactic nuclei
[2112.02643] L. Kolesniková, A. Belloche, J. Koucký et al.: Laboratory rotational spectroscopy of acrylamide and search for acrylamide and propionamide toward Sgr B2(N) with ALMA
[2112.02648] Sudharshan Saranathan, Michiel van Noort, Sami K. Solanki: Correction of atmospheric stray-light in restored slit-spectra
[2112.02649] Rory O. Bentley, Tuan Do, Wolfgang Kerzendorf et al.: Measuring the alpha-abundance of subsolar-metallicity stars in the Milky Way's central half-parsec: testing globular cluster and dwarf galaxy I...
[2112.02687] Mario Sucerquia, Jaime A. Alvarado-Montes, Amelia Bayo et al.: Cronomoons: origin, dynamics, and light-curve features of ringed exomoons
[2112.02702] Xiaohong Li, Rony Keppens, Yuhao Zhou: Coronal rain in randomly heated arcades
[2112.02745] Noah Tuchow, Jason Wright: Potential Habitability as a Stellar Property: Effects of Model Uncertainties and Measurement Precision
[2112.02759] Wenbin Shen, Pengfei Zhang, Ziyu Shen et al.: Testing gravitational redshift base on microwave frequency links onboard China Space Station
[2112.02794] Ye Feng, Xueshan Zhao, Yufeng Li et al.: The Spin of New Black Hole Candidate: MAXI J1803-298 Observed by NuSTAR and NICER
[2112.02800] Poojan Agrawal, Dorottya Szécsi, Simon Stevenson et al.: Explaining the differences in massive star models from various simulations
[2112.02801] Poojan Agrawal, Simon Stevenson, Dorottya Szécsi et al.: A systematic study of super-Eddington envelopes in massive stars
[2112.02818] Seyed Sajad Tabasi, Javad T. Firouzjaee: New constraint on the Hawking evaporation of primordial black holes in the radiation-dominated era
[2112.02821] Minghao Yue, Xiaohui Fan, Jinyi Yang et al.: Revisiting the Lensed Fraction of High-Redshift Quasars
[2112.02831] Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Thomas J. Haworth, Keri Hoadley et al.: Determining dispersal mechanisms of protoplanetary disks using accretion and wind mass loss rates
[2112.02837] Xiangyun Long, Hua Feng, Hong Li et al.: A significant detection of X-ray Polarization in Sco X-1 with PolarLight and constraints on the corona geometry
[2112.02897] Giuseppe Dilillo, Nicola Zampa, Riccardo Campana et al.: Space applications of GAGG:Ce scintillators: a study of afterglow emission by proton irradiation
[2112.02914] Tilemachos M. Athanasiadis, Nataliya K. Porayko, John Antoniadis et al.: No Pulsar Companion Around the Nearest Low Mass White Dwarf
[2112.02917] Raphaël Duque, Paz Beniamini, Frédéric Daigne et al.: Flares in gamma-ray burst X-ray afterglows as prompt emission from slightly misaligned structured jets
[2112.02942] Daniele Locci, Antonino Petralia, Giuseppina Micela et al.: Extreme ultraviolet and X-ray driven photochemistry of gaseous exoplanets
[2112.02943] Luciano Piersanti, Eduardo Bravo, Oscar Straniero et al.: Pre-explosive accretion and simmering phases of Type Ia Supernovae
[2112.02948] R.J. Bouwens, G.D. Illingworth, P.G. van Dokkum et al.: Sizes of Lensed Lower-luminosity z=4-8 Galaxies from the Hubble Frontier Field Program
[2112.02959] L. Bonavera, M.M. Cueli, J. Gonzalez-Nuevo: Cosmological and astrophysical results exploiting magnification bias with high-z sub-millimetre galaxies
[2112.02973] Elliot M. Lynch, Joshua B. Lovell: Eccentric debris disc morphologies I: exploring the origin of apocentre and pericentre glows in face-on debris discs
[2112.02977] Dan P. Clemens, Thushara G. S. Pillai, Anneliese M. Rilinger et al.: Near-Infrared Polarization from Unresolved Disks Around Brown Dwarfs and Young Stellar Objects
[2112.02978] Manel Perucho, José María Martí, Vicent Quilis: Long-term FRII jet evolution in dense environments
[2112.02993] Eleonora Di Valentino, Alessandro Melchiorri: Neutrino Mass Bounds in the era of Tension Cosmology
[2112.03063] Romain Cerubini, Antoine Pommerol, Zuriñe Yoldi et al.: Near-Infrared reflectance spectroscopy of sublimating salty ice analogues. Implications for icy moons
[2112.03090] Jarita Holbrook: Introducing ASTROMOVES
[2112.03106] A. Canin, O. Berné, The PDRs4All ERS team: PDRs4all: Simulation and data reduction of JWST NIRCam imaging of an extended bright source, the Orion Bar
[2112.03122] P. J. Pessi, E. Y. Hsiao, G. Folatelli et al.: Carnegie Supernova Project: kinky $i$-band light-curves of Type Ia supernovae
[2112.03130] Hannes Thiersen, Michael Zacharias, Markus Böttcher: Simulations of Stochastic Long-Term Variability in Leptonic Models for External-Compton and Synchrotron Self-Compton Dominated Blazars
[2112.03133] Yali Shao, Jeff Wagg, Ran Wang et al.: The radio spectral turnover of radio-loud quasars at $z>5$
[2112.03142] Keir L. Birchall, M. G. Watson, J. Aird et al.: The Incidence of X-ray selected AGN in Nearby Galaxies
[2112.03148] Martin Kilbinger, Emille E. O. Ishida, Jessi Cisewski-Kehe: Sidestepping the inversion of the weak-lensing covariance matrix with Approximate Bayesian Computation
[2112.03189] Evan B. Bauer, Vedant Chandra, Ken J. Shen et al.: Masses of White Dwarf Binary Companions to Type Ia Supernovae Measured from Runaway Velocities
[2112.03194] Woodrow Gilbertson, Bret Lehmer, Keith Doore et al.: The Stellar Age Dependence of X-ray Emission from Normal Star-Forming Galaxies in the GOODS Fields
[2112.03225] Oliver Shah, Ravit Helled, Yann Alibert et al.: Possible Chemical Composition And Interior Structure Models For Venus Inferred From Numerical Modelling
[2112.03234] T. Spohn, T.L. Hudson, L. Witte et al.: The InSight HP^3 mole on Mars: Lessons learned from attempts to penetrate to depth in the Martian soil
[2112.03246] J. Rolla, A. Machtay, A. Patton et al.: Using Evolutionary Algorithms to Design Antennas with Greater Sensitivity to Ultra High Energy Neutrinos
[2112.03247] J. L. Campbell, S. E. Clark, B. M. Gaensler et al.: A Comparison of Multi-Phase Magnetic Field Tracers in a High-Galactic Latitude Region of the Filamentary Interstellar Medium
[2112.03248] Ricardo Moraes, Gabriel Borderes-Motta, Othon Cabo Winter et al.: On the Stability of Additional Moons Orbiting Kepler-1625 b
[2112.03253] Alexandre Barreira: The local PNG bias of neutral Hydrogen, ${\rm H_I}$
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 7 Dec 21","img":""}
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