Handout 1.3.2

I try to understand how other people feel and think.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
I try to understand what people go through.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always:4
If my friends make fun of someone, I try to get them to stop.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
If a student gets teased a lot, I go out of my way to be nice to him/her in front of others.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
I get along with people from backgrounds different from mine.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
I understand my moods and feelings.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
I understand why I do what I do.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
I feel good about my skills and talents.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
When someone bothers me, I talk about it with someone who can help.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
I feel I make good decisions.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
When I feel stressed, I do something healthy (like exercise or rest) to reduce the tension.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
I turn in my schoolwork on time.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
When I get angry, I can cool down in a few minutes.
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
I do the best I can in school.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
When I have a big assignment, I spread the work out over time.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
I feel bad when someone gets their feelings hurt.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
If someone disagrees with me, I try to understand how he/she feels.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
I get along well with other people. 18
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
I listen carefully when other people talk.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
My friends see me as some one they can rely on.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
If a freind if mine was doing something dangerous and I couldn't get him/her to stop, I would get help.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
I don't break rules.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
I can work out my problems.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
If I'm not good at a project I work harder.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
If I broke something I would admit it even if nobody saw me broke it.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Usually: 3
Almost Always: 4
{"name":"Handout 1.3.2", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"i try to understand how other people feel and think., I try to understand what people go through., If my friends make fun of someone, I try to get them to stop.","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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