Cooking Terms Trivia

When a chef juliennes a fruit or vegetable, the results look like which of the following?
When apples or potatoes are peeled and sliced, the bits will turn brown if not used immediately. To prevent this, they may be soaked in water mixed with lemon juice or white vinegar. What is this preventative measure is called?
Slightly underripe fruits can be improved for service by maceration. What does macerate mean?
To soften by soaking or steeping in a liquid such as alcohol or with sugar
To leave on a sunny windowsill for several days
To chew
To warm briefly in a microwave oven
Most kitchens are equipped with at least one paring knife. What does "pare" mean?
To divide in half by cutting into two pieces
To remove the peeling or outer skin of a fruit or vegetables with a knife
To slice into thin strips
To remove the bones from meat or fish
Especially in a hectic kitchen, cooks must not display their temper. On the other hand, tempering an egg is a desirable process. What does tempering mean, in the latter sense?
To whip vigorously to incorporate air into eggs
To crack the eggs angrily
To slowly add a bit of a hot liquid to beaten eggs
To bake a whole egg in a moderate oven
When a recipe directs a cook to pulse food, what should the cook do?
Mix the food by lifting and turning it until well combined
When cooking live food such as lobster, see if its heart is still beating
Turn the blender or food processor on and off rapidly
Whip the food, pausing between each circular stroke
The chef hands you a bunch of basil and asks you to prepare a chiffonade. What should you do with it?
Deep-fry them until they are like thin crisp pieces of paper.
Puree them and then beat them with a whisk into a light foam.
Stack and then roll the leaves. Cut them into the thinnest possible strips.
Finely chop them. Mix them with water and sugar to produce a refreshing drink.
When meat is browned in a pan, bits of caramelized juices (called fond) remain in the pan. These may be dissolved in a liquid (such as wine, water, stock or vinegar) to form the basis for a sauce. What is this process called?
Blanche, as a woman's name, means white or pure. What does blanch mean as a culinary term?
To coat food with white breadcrumbs before frying or baking
To restore a dehydrated food by soaking it in water or other liquid
To partially cook food in steam or boiling water and then plunge it in ice water
To quickly fry food in a bit of fat in an open pan over high heat
When vinegar or citrus juice is whisked into oil to form a thickened liquid, what is the resulting combination of ingredients called?
A cream
A glaze
A puree
An emulsion
{"name":"Cooking Terms Trivia", "url":"","txt":"When a chef juliennes a fruit or vegetable, the results look like which of the following?, When apples or potatoes are peeled and sliced, the bits will turn brown if not used immediately. To prevent this, they may be soaked in water mixed with lemon juice or white vinegar. What is this preventative measure is called?, Slightly underripe fruits can be improved for service by maceration. What does macerate mean?","img":""}
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