The thanh quiz (Cntd)

The first one is simple : how crazy is thanh?
Not at all
Just a lil bit
Pretty crazy
so crazy she couldnt stop laughing at the dumbest joke ever and then peed herself
The next one is a little harder: what was thanh like as a child?
A peeta obsessed crazy person
All of the above
Why did thanh befriend me (isabella) at first?
She didnt ; she secretly hated me but had no other friends and didnt wanna look like a loner :)
Bc im so nice and sweet and understanding
Bc im funny duh
What is thanh thinking right now?
I love school and AP classes and library aides
Im gonna kill isabella
Im gonna fail math
Haha this quiz is so funny
What are some of thanhs special skills
Lol what skills
Scaring people by threatening them violently
Eating erasers
Not texting back
Last one : what does thanh want for her bday?
A life
BONUS : why is thanh so jealous of me (isabella)?
Bc im so beautiful and amazing and she knows shell never achieve that level of greatness
Bc im smart
Bc im not failing math
Bc I dont have field hockey practice
{"name":"The thanh quiz (Cntd)", "url":"","txt":"the first one is simple : how crazy is thanh?, the next one is a little harder: what was thanh like as a child?, why did thanh befriend me (isabella) at first?","img":""}
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