Material Science

A highly detailed illustration showing various materials like ceramics, plastics, and timber, intertwined with scientific diagrams representing their properties in a laboratory setting.

Mastering Material Science

Test your knowledge on material science with our comprehensive quiz featuring 101 questions that cover various aspects in the field, from ceramics to polymers, and timber properties.

Key features:

  • Multiple choice and checkbox questions
  • Covers thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties
  • Focuses on real-world applications and concepts
101 Questions25 MinutesCreated by AnalyzingWood247
Which of the following materials is not a ceramic material?
Which of the following materials is a polymer material?
Which of the following statements correctly describes the concept of materials paradigm?
The understanding of processing-structure-properties relationship
The understanding of the structure-properties-performance
The understanding of the performance-processing-structure relationship
The understanding of the properties-performance-processing relationship
Which of the following is incorrect?
Sructural members are required to assist fire for a specific period depending on the use of the building.
Moost materials suffer a reduction in both strength and stiffness as temperature rises.
If materials are to be suitable for the use in building structures they must satisfy certain requirements when subjected to fire.
The ideal material would produce smoke fumes
Which of the folliwng set of properties belong to material's thermal properties?
Emissivity, brittleness, specific heat, reflectivity, thermal expansion.
Emissivity, flammability, specific heat, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion.
Emissivity, flammability, absorbance, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion.
Emissivity, brittleness, absorbance, reflectivity, thermal expansion.
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
The process of rolling steel will increase its ductility
Processing can change material structure
Materials processing is part of the materials cycle.
Materials structure can determine its properties
Strength and stiffness are probably the two most important properties when you are selecting a material for the use in a structure. They belong to:
Thermal properties
Electrical properties
Mechanical properties
Chemical properties
Which of these is correct? (can choose more than one)
Brittle material exhibit little or no plastic behaviour beyond their yield point and tend to fail explosively.
Brittle materials deform and shed load. Brittle materials exhibit plastic behaviour beyond their yield point.
Ductile materials deform and shed load. Ductile material exhibits plastic behaviour beyond their yield point.
Metals are usually brittle.
Which of the following set of properties belongs to material's mechanical properties?
Strength and stiffness, durability, weight, fire resistance, cost.
Strength and stiffness, durability, fatigue, brittle fracture, creep.
Strength and stiffness, durability, fatigue, fire resistance, creep.
Strength and stiffness, durability, weight, brittle fracture, cost.
A length of a wire is 2.5m and it stretched 8mm when under load. He strain of this wire is approxiamtely:
Which of the following is incorrect?
Substances with high specific heat capacities take a long time to cool down.
Substances with high specific heat capacities take a lot of heat energy to heat up.
Substances with high specific heat capacities take a short time to cool down.
Substances with high specific heat capacities take a long time to heat up.
Each metal and each material have a different rate of heating.
Which of these is correct: From a stress-strain curve, we can work out...
The yield stress of a metal.
The corresponding strain values for a given stress.
The stiffness (Young's Modulus) of a material.
All of the above.
Which of the following is correct? (can choose more than one)
The better the conductor, the more slowly the heat with transfer.
The better the conductor, the more rapidly heat will transfer.
The better the resistance, the more slowly the heat will transfer.
The better the resistance, the more rapidly the heat will transfer.
Which of the following is incorrect?
Thermal mass will help to short down heating up period in winter.
Thermal mass will slow down heat gain in summer.
Thermal mass will store heat in winter.
Thermal mass of a building can be used to provide ‘inertia’ against temperature fluctuations.
Thermal mass of a building can be used to store heat.
How do you work out the density of the concrete in a lab?
Weight of concrete sample/volume of concrete sample.
Weight of concrete sample.
Volume of concrete sample/weight of concrete sample.
Volume of concrete sample.
The straight portion at the start of a stress-strain curve is called:
Stress-hardening zone.
Plastic zone.
Strain hardening zone.
Elastic zone.
Which of the following is correct? (choose more than one)
We expect most materials to expand when they are heated.
We expect most materials to expand when they are cooled.
We expect most materials to contract when they are heated.
We expect most materials to contract when they are cooled.
The conduction of heat transfer is:
The transfer of heat between two substances that are in direct contact with each other.
The transfer of heat caused by the up and down movement of gases and liquids.
The transfer of heat by the electromagnetic waves travel through space.
All of the above.
A wire made of a particular material is loaded with a force of 500N. The diameter of the wire is 1.0MM. The stress of this wire is around:
637 MPa
337 MPa
437 MPa
F7 in timber grading indicates that the timber's working stress in bending is approximately 7 MPA (Mega pascals).
Which of the following statements is correct? (choose more than one)
Timber is weak when load is applied with the grain
Timber is weak when load is applied across the grain
Timber is strong when load is applied along longitudinal axis
Timber is strong when load is applied perpendicular to the longitudinal axis
Which of the following abbreviations is incorrect for the timber industry?
MSG = Mechanical Stress Grading
MGP = Machine Graded Pine
FSC = Forest Stewardship Certification
PEFC = Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification
MPA = Megapascals
At Fibre Saturation Point (FSP), all free (liquid) water are removed but cell walls are still saturated. Below the FSP, variations in moisture content will cause considerable changes to properties such as shrinkage. Which of the followings will be affected most?
Lengthwise shrinkage
Radial shrinkage
Tangential shrinkage
A higher moisture content (MC) makes timber...
Some types of timber have evolved natural resistance to the attacks from fungi and insets.
Which of the followings most precisely describes the sources of hardwoods?
Endogenous trees
Exogenous trees
Deciduous trees
Conifers trees
Timber defects can be caused by various factors. Dry rot is caused by
Natural forces (e.g. wind)
Timber drying
Manufacturing or use
Which of the following statements is correct?
Timber is one of the most environmentally friendly building materials, and can be used in both low-rise buildings and skyscrapers.
Timber is a natural material, and only contains small defects
Timber is an ancient building material, and can only be used in low-rise buildings.
Timber does not require large material safety factors to ensure their reliability.
Timber often contains significant defects, therefore, their qualities are similar.
Normal timber doors can prevent spread of fire for about 30 minutes.
Heartwood provides mechanical rigidity to trees. It has: (choose more than one)
Higher permeability
Lower moisture content
Higher moisture content
Lower permeability
The terms 'softwood' and 'hardwood' indicate softness or hardness of particular timbers.
Steel can be protection from corrosion by coating it. We can either (1) the steel or we can use a properly applied (2), or other coating systems. (choose more than one)
1 - Galvanise
1 - Anode
2 - Cathode
2 - Paint
A metal bar is clamped tightly at each of its ends and cooled to -5 degrees. It will experience:
Tensile stress
Compressive stress
No stress
Shear stress
An axial force is applied to a bar that tapers (narrows) in cross section from one end to the other. The maximum stress will occur at:
The smallest end of the bar
The largest end of the bar
The middle of the bar
Evenly throughout the bar
Which of these is correct: from a tensile test and the resulting stress/strain plot, we can work out... a) The yield stress of a metal b) The corresponding strain values for a given stress c) The stiffness (Young's modulus) of a material d) All of the above?
Metals at the top of the galvanic chart usually become the (1) (sacrificial) and metals near the bottom of the chart usually become the (2) (protected) when in contact under salt water or other ionic solution. (choose more than one)
1 - Anode
1 - Cathode
2 - Anode
2 - Cathode
Which of these is correct? a) Brittle materials exhibit little or no plastic behaviour beyond their yield point and tend to fail explosively. b) Brittle materials deform and shed load. Brittle materials exhibit plastic behaviour beyond their yield point c) Ductile materials deform and shed load. Ductile materials exhibit plastic behaviour beyond their yield point d) Metals are usually brittle
A and C
C and D
A and D
A and B
What is a typical Young's Modulus (E) range for hot rolled mild steel?
Approx 200 MPa to 210 MPa
Approx 200,000 MPa to 210,000 MPa
Approx 2000 MPa to 2100 MPa
Approx 20,000 MPa to 21,000 MPa
Rust forms on the surface of the metal in the presence of oxygen and moisture. Usually it is the metal at the positive (cathodic) end of the galvanic series which corrodes.
A steel bar of 5 mm is heated from 15° C to 40° C and it is free to expand. The bar will experience
No stress
Shear stress
Compressive stress
Tensile stress
Which of the followings has the highest constituent in the concrete production?
Workability of concrrete is tested by...
The cylinder test
The flexural test
The creep test
The slump test
In Australia, what shape of samples are used in testing the compression strength of concrete?
Reinforced concrete is a combination of steel and concrete that is designed to utilise the compressive and fire resisting capacity of concrete together with the tensile strength of steel.
How long does it normally take to mix a truck of concrete?
1-2 hours
3-4 minutes
1-2 minutes
3-4 hours
Under the same conditions, the concrete using Rapid Hardening Cement (RHC) has generally a higher strength than the concrete using Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC).
Which of the followings is likely to be the compressive strength range of concrete to be used for structural members in a large commercial building...?
5MPa to 15MPa
100kPa to 150kPa
20MPa to 50MPa
150MPa to 250MPa
Which of the following is correct?
Based on the effect of duration of damp curing on the strength of concrete, the concrete “in air entire time” will have the highest strength.
None of them
Based on the effect of temperature during curing on the strength of concrete, the higher the temperature, the higher the strength of concrete. There is no limit on temperature.
Based on the effect of “water-cement ratio” on the average strength of concrete, the higher this ratio, the higher the strength of concrete.
Based on the relationship between compressive strength and degree of compaction of concrete, it is found that the higher the percentage of voids, the higher the compression strength of the concrete.
How do you work out the density of the concrete in a lab?
Weight of concrete sample/volume of concrete sample
Volume of concrete sample
Weight of concrete sample
Volume of concrete sample/weight of concrete sample
The addition of water to a concrete mix... (can choose more than one)
... Reduces strength
... Has no effect
... Improves workability
... Increases strength
Bricks are generally...
Good under compression, good under tension
Weak under compression, weak under tension
Good under compression, weak under tension
Weak under compression, good under tension
Mortar should always be weaker than bricks to avoid cracking under small movements.
The compressive strength of building bricks in Australia varies from about 20 MPa to 80 MPa. Use of steel reinforcing rods or wire in bed joints can greatly enhance the tensile strength of brickwork.
Which of the following descriptions matches best to the shaping process of “Dry process”?
Material forced by auger through die into continuous column then cut into individual bricks
Bricks set on cars or packs for ease of movement prior to firing
Mud bricks formed by placing material in mould and then releasing
Material dropped into mould and shaped under pressure then released
Standard masonry construction is a good choice in earthquake-prone areas.
For low water absorption, high strength and good durability, choose:
Engineering bricks
All of them
None of them
Common bricks
Facing bricks
In use, concrete blocks shrink and swell as a result of heat and moisture variations. Therefore, there is no need to make allowances for this
Which of the followings describes brick manufacturing processes in order?
Firing, Packaging, Raw Material Processing, Shaping & Drying
Raw Material Processing, Shaping, Drying, Firing & Packaging
Drying, Raw Material Processing, Firing, Shaping & Packaging
Packaging, Raw Material Processing, Firing, Shaping & Drying
Shaping, Packaging, Raw Material Processing, Firing & Drying
When bricks are laid with the smallest end exposed to the weather, they are:
Herringbone bond
English bond
Header bond
Flemish bond
Despite the hardness and strength of many building stones, all are subject to decay, some more rapidly than others.
The igneous rocks come from the molten magma of the earth's core which solidified when it approached or reached the crust of the earth. Which of the followings is one type of igneous rocks?
The crushing strength of a stone is a criterion of its quality or durability, because crushing strength would not be affected by factors such moisture content and/or pressure.
For ashlar stone wall, which of the following statements is incorrect:
Stone blocks are cut to size
Stone blocks are accurately positioned
Where seen joints are precise
The cheapest type of wall
None of them
Differential thermal movements between stone veneers and backing materials can be dangerous. Comparing to the clay bricks, which of the following stones has relatively low coefficients of thermal expansion? (can choose more than one)
Unglazed earthenware products are usually absorbent and their properties are easily impacted by the atmospheric chemical attack
Which of the following is not a property that ceramics will exhibit?
Thermal insulations
Electrical insulators
High compressive strength
For stones, which of the following statements is incorrect?
Many of the great historic monuments of the past are constructed largely of stone
Nowadays, stones are usually used as veneers to achieve decorative finishes, as well as solid structural members
Being naturally produced materials, stones cannot be guaranteed to meet the same established performance standards as factory-made products.
The qualities of stones vary, depending on their geological origins.
None of them
The long history and usefulness of ceramics derive from many factors. Which of following factor is not true:
The conversion of clay into an almost indestructible material by firing at high temperatures,
The ability to apply permanent colour and pattern to the products by glazing.
The widespread availability of clays as raw materials;
The plasticity of clay when wet;
The ductile property
No two pieces of stone are identical. Even large samples can give only a general indication of colour, veining and texture.
Glass production involves two main methods of float glass process and glassblowing. Float Glass Process is now the most popular and efficient process available for producing bottles and other containers.
Glass sheet sizes vary with regard to manufacturers, thicknesses and types, and are now limited principally by furnace sizes and site handling difficulties.
The raw materials for glass manufacture are plentiful and fairly readily obtained by surface mining operations. Which of the followings is generally the major constituent (e.g. The highest chemical makeup) in soda-lime glass?
Glass is the dominating material in modern day architecture which places optical emphases and provides for numerous technical functions, including heat, solar and/or sound protection. However, glass would not be able to play an important role in saving energy in buildings.
Glass is fairly inert (doesn't react to most substances), but is highly susceptible to attack by....
Alkaline substances (such as run-off from concrete, or cleaning products such as bleach)
Weak acidic substances (such as rust removers, or vinegars or citrus)
All chemicals
Which of these is true about glass (can choose more than one)
Glass has a stiffness (Young's modulus) similar to aluminium (~70,000 MPa)
Glass is perfectly elastic
Glass is perfectly plastic
Glass is brittle
Glass is ductile
Glass has a stiffness (Young's modulus) similar to steel (~200,000 MPa)
Which of the followings correctly describe the properties of glasses?
Glass has poor compressive strength
Glass has high tensile strength
Glass is ductile
Glass is brittle
Glass is an absorbent
Which of the followings incorrectly describe the impact of temperature on the glass?
Cracks propagate faster with increasing temperature
Thermal gradients can induce cracking
De-lamination can occur on cold days
Ductility is reduced at or below 0°C
Glass usually cracks in fires, because of temperature contrast
Safety glass is a glass with additional safety features that make it less likely to break, or less likely to pose a threat when broken. Which of the followings is a type of safety glasses?
Clear glass
Tinted glass
Laminated glass
Reflective glass
Low-e glass
Glass itself is not affected by ultraviolet radiation, and glass colours are usually permanent, but glass influences the passage of ultra-violet and other light waves through it.
Structural glass facades are most easily categorized by the structure types that support them. Which of the followings is not a structural glass system?
Cable Truss
Grid Shells
Grid Truss
Cable Net
Glass Fins
Organic pigments have the best performance in respect of resistance to solvents, colour fastness and heat resistance. In comparison, inorganic pigments tend to produce the brightest, cleanest colours.
Which of the followings is largely responsible for the gloss and mechanical properties of the final coating?
For a protection to be effective, paint must be applied to a surface that is firm, clean and does not react chemically.
Drying out or film formation of painting is affected by humidity. Which of the following statements is incorrect? (can choose more than one)
Too low humidity may increase chemical reaction
Any dampness trapped beneath paint film soon will cause blisters when sun warms it.
Excessive humidity will prevent evaporation of water
Too low humidity may prevent chemical reaction
Excessive humidity may increase paints adhesive properties
Primers and undercoats tend to have low proportions of pigment to produce opacity, while finish coats have large proportions of pigment to produce a gloss.
Most finishing coats are gloss finish and these tend to have the best resistance to dirt since they provide very smooth surfaces. For top coat, which of the followings is incorrect?
Adheres to substrate
Provides required colour
Provides required texture
Provides required protection
Paints can be used to provide protection for building materials from:
Chemical attack
All of the above
Galvanised steel is often painted, and frequently the paint film peels off:
Within 12 months
Witrhin 12-18 months
From 3-5 years
20 or more years
The combination of substrate preparation and successive coats of paint provide the required protection. In a painting system, it usually includes four stages of:
Substrate, primer, undercoat and top coat.
Clean, primer, undercoat and top coat.
Substrate, firm, undercoat and top coat.
Clean, firm, undercoat and top coat.
For painting, drying out or film formation is affected by temperature. When the temperature is less than 4°C, reaction is slow and can impair film formation. When air temperature is greater than 35°C, water-based paints may lose their water before solids have had a chance to coalesce and film may never form.
Sick building syndrome (SBS) can be defined as a persistent set of symptoms occurring in greater than 20% of those exposed, with cause not recognisable, and complaints /symptoms relieved after exiting the building. Which of the followings is not a chemical factor contributing to SBS?
Formaldehyde vapours from furniture, particle boards
Vapours (VOC) from adhesives, paints and cleaners
Radon decay products from granite stone and aggregates
Electromagnetic radiation from electrical services/appliances
Ozone gas from photocopies, laser printers etc.
A thermal bridge is a portion of a structure with higher thermal conductivity than the surrounding structure, which increases heat flow and improves the overall thermal insulation of the structure.
Which of these statements is true? (Thermal resistance R = 1/U and U-value U = 1/R)
The lower the R value (thermal resistance), and lower the U value (heat conductance), the better the thermal performance of a material
The lower the R value (thermal resistance), and higher the U value (heat conductance), the better the thermal performance of a material
The higher the R value (thermal resistance), and higher the U value (heat conductance), the better the thermal performance of a material
The higher the R value (thermal resistance), and lower the U value (heat conductance), the better the thermal performance of a material
Air can also be used to provide insulation against conduction (e.g. Air gap in cavity wall or double glazing). Therefore, in comparison with a high density material, a low density material generally will have lower conduction heat transfer through the material.
Sick building syndrome (SBS) can be defined as a persistent set of symptoms occurring in greater than 20% of those exposed, with cause not recognisable, and complaints /symptoms relieved after exiting the building. Which of the followings is not a physical factor contributing to SBS?
Uncomfortable temperatures
Low humidity
Cigarette smoke
Unsuitable lighting/low daylight levels
Uncomfortable seating
Although raw materials for construction are generally cheap and plentiful, they may have huge amounts of energy and pollution associated with their manufacture. Therefore, for assessing the environmental impact of construction materials, only embodied energy of materials needs to be considered and there is no need to consider their entire lifecycle or life cycle analysis (LCA).
Climate change will have different effects. Which of followings is an incorrect statement?
Changing sea levels and increase land area overall
Increase in storms and flooding in some areas and new deserts forming in others
Changes to ocean currents, and therefore having influence on local climate changes
Changes in patterns of snow and ice sheets
In passive solar building design, windows, walls, and floors are made to collect, store, and distribute solar energy in the form of heat in the winter and reject solar heat in the summer. Which of the followings is an incorrect statement related to the passive solar design?
Orientating buildings to maintain thermal comfort condition.
Arranging glazing to increase the availability of daylight
Allowing solar-heated air to reduce natural convection
Allowing solar-heated air to minimise the need for mechanical cooling
Physical comfort of humans depends on many factors, including
Air temperatures, Air humidity, Air movement and Surface temperatures
Air temperature and air humidity
Activity, Age, Clothing and Gender
Thermal condition, Indoor air quality, Lighting environment and Acoustic environment
The standard Australian brick size is:
76 x 110 x 230 mm
76 x 110 x 230 cm
50 x 200 x 300 cm
50 x 200 x 300 mm
True or false: it is better to have higher U-value materials for thermal insulation purposes?
{"name":"Material Science", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on material science with our comprehensive quiz featuring 101 questions that cover various aspects in the field, from ceramics to polymers, and timber properties.Key features:Multiple choice and checkbox questionsCovers thermal, mechanical, and electrical propertiesFocuses on real-world applications and concepts","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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