Score de Glasgow

Vous êtes en face d’un patient confus qui a une ouverture des yeux et une flexion anormale des membres supérieurs en réponse à la stimulation douloureuse. Evaluez la profondeur du coma de ce patient en utilisant le score de Glasgow (E-M-V)?
GCS: 10/15 (E3 M3 V4)
GCS: 10/15 (E2 M4 V4)
GCS: 9/15 (E2 M3 V4)
GCS: 9/15 (E2 M4 V3)
GCS: 11/15 (E3 M4 V4)
Un homme de 62 ans est victime d’un accident de la voie publique avec traumatisme crânien. PA 120/70 mmHg, FC 100/min, T 36°C. Vous évaluez son score de Glasgow: il ouvre les yeux sur ordre, sa réponse verbale est confuse, sa réponse motrice localise et chasse la douleur. Quel est le score de Glasgow de ce patient?
Glasgow 10 (Y3 V3 M4)
Glasgow 11 (Y3 V3 M5)
Glasgow 11 (Y3 V4 M4)
Glasgow 12 (Y3 V4 M5)
Glasgow 12 (Y2 V5 M5)
A patient is admitted to the emergency department with a reduced level of consciousness, smelling of alcohol. A boggy haematoma is noted on the posterior aspect of his skull. The patient's eyes open to voice, but he makes no attempt to vocalize. A sternal rub causes the patient to open his eyes, moan and extend his arms and legs. His Glasgow Coma Scale score is?
A patient is admitted into the emergency department following a head injury at work. He is resuscitated and stabilized, but a computed tomography scan shows significant brain contusion. He is intubated and cared for on the intensive care unit. You attempt to evaluate his Glasgow Coma Scale score; there is no response to voice, but pressing a pen into his fmgernail causes the patient to open his eyes and attempt to withdraw his hand from you. His Glasgow Coma Scale score is therefore?
What is the least number of factors that must be present from the modified Glasgow criteria for acute pancreatitis to be classified as severe within 48 hours of admission?
A 28-year-old male motorcyclist is brought into the emergency department where you, as the doctor on call, are asked to assess his consciousness as part of the primary survey. He is unresponsive when you speak to him, but, on rubbing his sternum, opens his eyes and tries to push your hand away. During your assessment he also mutters something that you are unable to understand. His Glasgow Coma Scale score is?
A 21-year-old female student presents to the emergency department following a fall from a ledge approximately 1.5 m high while walking home. She has been drinking heavily and her friends report that she is now drowsier following her fall. She opens her eyes when her name is mentioned and is talking about her studies tomorrow. She also winces when you press her nail bed. Her score according to the Glasgow Coma Scale will be?
Vous ramassez Jimmy, 17 ans, sur le bord de la route après un AVP Scooter contre Arbre. L'examen clinique retrouve une fracture des 3 cotes gauche, une rhinoliquorhée, une fracture de fémur droite non ouverte, il produit des sons à la demande, n'ouvre pas les yeux lors de la friction sternale, présente un mouvement de retrait du bras gauche à la douleur. Quel est le score de Glasgow initial?
Un homme de 32 ans chauffeur de moto est amené aux urgences après un accident de la voie publique avec traumatisme crânien. PA 120/70 mmHg, FC 100/min, T 36°C. Vous évaluez son score de Glasgow : il ouvre les yeux à la douleur, sa réponse verbale est inappropriée, sa réponse motrice est orientée à la douleur. Quel est le score de Glasgow de ce patient ?
Glasgow 4 (Y1 V2 M2)
Glasgow 6 (Y1 V2 M3)
Glasgow 8 (Y2 V2M4)
Glasgow 10 (Y2 V3 M5)
Glasgow 12 (Y3 V4 M5)
Un patient de 45 ans avec des antécédents dépressifs est admis aux urgences pour obnubilation, céphalées importantes et vomissements. Tenant un discours inapproprié, l'interrogatoire est di􀀀cile. Il présente des troubles de comportement et ne sait ni la date, ni le lieu où il se trouve. Vous le voyez regarder autour de lui, perdu. Sa femme vous dit qu'il boit « beaucoup trop de bière et que ça ne l'étonne pas qu'il soit maintenant dans cet état ». Vous apprenez aussi qu'il présente depuis quelques jours une gastro-entérite qui lui donne d'importantes diarrhées liquidiennes. Il a perdu 5 kg en 3 jours et présente à l'entrée une fébricule à 37,9°C. La tension artérielle est de 110/64 mmHg. À l'examen neurologique, on ne note pas de syndrome neuro-méningé, ni d'anomalie pupillaire. Vous ne retrouvez une réponse motrice qu'à la douleur. Quel est le score de Glasgow du patient ?
A 57-year-old man with a history of alcohol abuse presents with a 12-hour history of severe central epigastric pain radiating through to the back. Blood tests reveal a normal white cell count, amylase 2250 U/ml, LDH 530 IU/L, calcium 2.2 mmol/L, albumin 38 g/dl, urea 12 mmol/L and blood glucose 14 mmol/L. An arterial blood gas reading demonstrates a p02 of 4010.2 kPa on room air. What is his Glasgow score?
A 54-year-old man is brought to the emergency department 1 0 minutes after being involved in a motor vehicle collision. On arrival, he is breathing spontaneously, is non-cyanotic and has no signs of external injury. His temperature is 37C (98.6F), blood pressure is 104/50 mm Hg, pulse is 122/min and respirations are 16/min. Examination shows bilateral round and reactive pupils of 4 mm. He is making some incomprehensible sounds. He responds to his name by opening his eyes and on applying supraorbital pressure he extends his left extremity and grasps your hand with his right hand. What is the Glasgow coma scale (GCS) in this patient?
A severely traumatized woman is seen in the emergency room (ER) with decreased mental status. Prior to intubation, she does not open her eyes, withdraws with all of her extremities, and makes incomprehensible sounds. What is her Glasgow coma scale score?
A 19-year-old woman collapses at a concert and is witnessed to have a tonic-clonic seizure lasting 2 minutes. When the paramedics arrive and ask her questions, she mumbles but no-one can understand what she is saying. Only when the paramedic applies pressure to her nailbed does she open her eyes and reach out with her other hand to rub her nail and then push him away. What is her Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)?
1. A 19-year-old man is brought into the trauma room by EMS after a head-on cycling accident. The patient was not wearing a helmet. Upon presentation his BP is 125/75 mmHg, HR is 105 beats per minute, RR is 19 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 100% on mask. His eyes are closed but open to command. He can move his arms and legs on command. When you ask him questions, he is disoriented but able to converse. What is this patient’s GCS score?
{"name":"Score de Glasgow", "url":"","txt":"Vous êtes en face d’un patient confus qui a une ouverture des yeux et une 􀀀exion anormale des membres supérieurs en réponse à la stimulation douloureuse. Evaluez la profondeur du coma de ce patient en utilisant le score de Glasgow (E-M-V)?, Un homme de 62 ans est victime d’un accident de la voie publique avec traumatisme crânien. PA 120\/70 mmHg, FC 100\/min, T 36°C. Vous évaluez son score de Glasgow: il ouvre les yeux sur ordre, sa réponse verbale est confuse, sa réponse motrice localise et chasse la douleur. Quel est le score de Glasgow de ce patient?, A patient is admitted to the emergency department with a reduced level of consciousness, smelling of alcohol. A boggy haematoma is noted on the posterior aspect of his skull. The patient's eyes open to voice, but he makes no attempt to vocalize. A sternal rub causes the patient to open his eyes, moan and extend his arms and legs. His Glasgow Coma Scale score is?","img":""}
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