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New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 22 Feb 22
[2202.09369] Hadiseh Alaeian, Berislav Buča: Exact bistability and time pseudo-crystallization of driven-dissipative fermionic lattices
[2202.09372] Sepehr Ebadi, Alexander Keesling, Madelyn Cain et al.: Quantum Optimization of Maximum Independent Set using Rydberg Atom Arrays
[2202.09406] Ugo Zanforlin, Cosmo Lupo, Peter W. R. Connolly et al.: Optical quantum super-resolution imaging and hypothesis testing
[2202.09408] Charles Moussa, Hao Wang, Thomas Bäck et al.: Unsupervised strategies for identifying optimal parameters in Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
[2202.09425] Charles T. Sebens: The Fundamentality of Fields
[2202.09479] Alessandro Carbone, Davide Emilio Galli, Mario Motta et al.: Quantum circuits for the preparation of spin eigenfunctions on quantum computers
[2202.09506] Yehui Tang, Junchi Yan, Hancock Edwin: From Quantum Graph Computing to Quantum Graph Learning: A Survey
[2202.09562] Lucas Bremer, Carlos Jimenez, Simon Thiele et al.: Numerical optimization of single-mode fiber-coupled single-photon sources based on semiconductor quantum dots
[2202.09582] Jan Mareš, Jaroslav Novotný, Martin Štefaňák et al.: Key graph properties affecting transport efficiency of flip-flop Grover percolated quantum walks
[2202.09624] Rong Zhang, Ran Yang, Jian Guo et al.: Maximal coin-walker entanglement in a ballistic quantum walk
[2202.09630] Rong Zhang, Ran Yang, Jian Guo et al.: Arbitrary coherent distributions in a programmable quantum walk
[2202.09639] Marian Kupczynski: A comment on Bell's Theorem Logical Consistency
[2202.09647] Boyan T. Torosov, Nikolay V. Vitanov: Experimental demonstration of composite pulses on IBM's quantum computer
[2202.09655] Andrei Afanasev, Carl E. Carlson, Asmita Mukherjee: Superkicks and the photon angular and linear momentum density
[2202.09659] Cecilia N. Isonguyo, Ituen B. Okon, Akaninyene D. Antia et al.: Eigensolutions and Thermodynamic Properties of Kratzer plus generalized Morse Potential
[2202.09697] Matthew Moore, Grace Young: A Quantum Polynomial-Time Solution to The Dihedral Hidden Subgroup Problem
[2202.09737] Tianfeng Feng, Vlatko Vedral: Amplification of Gravitationally Induced Entanglement
[2202.09746] Chongqi Zhou, Yang Xu, Xiaonan Zhang et al.: Ultrasensitive Refractive index detection with rotatory biased weak measurement
[2202.09751] Yibo Liu, Lijun Mao, Yunbo Zhang: Floquet analysis of extended Rabi models based on high-frequency expansion
[2202.09849] Chandan Kumar, Rishabh, Shikhar Arora: Realistic non-Gaussian operations scheme in parity detection based Mach-Zehnder quantum interferometry
[2202.09898] Gabriela Barreto Lemos, Mayukh Lahiri, Sven Ramelow et al.: Quantum imaging and metrology with undetected photons: a tutorial
[2202.09906] Amy Joseph, Tristen White, Viti Chandra et al.: Quantum Computing of Schwarzschild-de Sitter Black Holes and Kantowski-Sachs Cosmology
[2202.09923] T. J. Volkoff, Yiğit Subaşı: Ancilla-free continuous-variable SWAP test
[2202.09925] Kai T. Liu, Feng-feng Song, Peng Zhang et al.: Tuning the entanglement growth in matrix-product-state evolution of quantum systems by nonunitary similarity transformations
[2202.10003] Yuyan Wei, Siying Wang, Yajing Zhu et al.: Sender-controlled measurement-device-independent multiparty quantum communication
[2202.10059] Hong-Wei Li, Rui-Qiang Wang, Chun-Mei Zhang et al.: Twin-field quantum key distribution can tolerate arbitrary loss-independent misalignment error
[2202.10095] F. Javier García de Abajo, Eduardo J. C. Dias, Valerio Di Giulio: Complete Excitation of Discrete Quantum Systems by Single Free Electrons
[2202.10126] Denis Bokhan, Aleksey S. Boev, Aleksey K. Fedorov et al.: Improving the performance of fermionic neural networks with the Slater exponential Ansatz
[2202.10130] Manpreet Singh Jattana, Fengping Jin, Hans De Raedt et al.: Improved variational quantum eigensolver via quasi-dynamical evolution
[2202.10138] Alexander N. Poddubny: Driven anti-Bragg subradiant states in waveguide quantum electrodynamics
[2202.10150] Miguel A. Porras, Nilo Mata, Isabel Gonzalo: Enhanced quantum tunneling in quantum Zeno dynamics freezing momentum direction
[2202.10214] Luca Apadula, Alessandro Bisio, Paolo Perinotti: No-signalling constrains quantum computation with indefinite causal structure
[2202.10235] Giuseppe Di Molfetta, Victor Deng: Geodesic Quantum Walks
[2202.10263] Yu-Chen Shen, Li Gao, Hao-Chung Cheng: Strong Converse for Privacy Amplification against Quantum Side Information
[2202.10303] J. Verjauw, R. Acharya, J. Van Damme et al.: Path toward manufacturable superconducting qubits with relaxation times exceeding 0.1 ms
[2202.10316] Nayana Das, Goutam Paul: Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Secure Direct Communication with User Authentication
[2202.10355] Giacomo Sorelli, Manuel Gessner, Mattia Walschaers et al.: Gaussian quantum metrology for mode-encoded parameters: general theory and imaging applications
[2202.10393] M. Schlinger, A. Jadczyk: Time of arrival operator in the momentum space
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 22 Feb 22","img":""}
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