Review of Ms Scapin

Create an image of a vibrant classroom scene with a teacher engaging with students, showcasing learning activities and a supportive environment.

Feedback on Ms. Scapin's Teaching

This quiz is designed to gather valuable feedback on Ms. Scapin’s teaching methods and classroom environment. Your input will help us understand how well she engages with students, supports their learning, and creates a positive atmosphere.

  • Share your thoughts on classroom safety and organization.
  • Reflect on your overall learning experience.
  • Provide feedback on activities you enjoyed or did not enjoy.
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by InspiringTeacher42
I found Ms Scapin was engaging throughout her teaching.
I feel that Ms Scapin cares about me as an individual and my well-being.
I feel safe from bullying in Ms Scapin's classroom.
I feel that Ms Scapin was organised and prepared for class.
I feel that Ms Scapin tailored her teaching to the needs of the class.
I feel that Ms Scapin challenged me academically.
I felt prepared for the Learning Tasks in Cycle 1.
I feel that Ms Scapin is a passionate Teacher.
I feel comfortable approaching Ms Scapin outside of class time for help.
I looked forward to Ms Scapin's classes.
I feel I have learnt a lot and improved academically during my time with Ms Scapin.
A lesson or activity I enjoyed most that Ms Scapin included in class/classes is....
A lesson or activity I did not enjoy in Ms Scapin's class/classes is...
General comment for Ms Scapin: How to improve or general feedback
{"name":"Review of Ms Scapin", "url":"","txt":"This quiz is designed to gather valuable feedback on Ms. Scapin’s teaching methods and classroom environment. Your input will help us understand how well she engages with students, supports their learning, and creates a positive atmosphere.Share your thoughts on classroom safety and organization.Reflect on your overall learning experience.Provide feedback on activities you enjoyed or did not enjoy.","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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